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Biology 10 Lecture Outline
Chapter 9: Plant Organization
I. Overview
A. Plant Introduction
B. Angiosperms: Monocot vs. Dicot Plants
C. Plant Tissues
D. Organization of Roots
E. Organization of Stems
F. Organization of Leaves
II. Plant Introduction
A. Plants are essential to our life on earth, as they produce the ______ we breathe and the
_______ we eat
B. Like animals, they have _________ for support, circulation of fluids, food production, and
C. Plant ___________ (nonreproductive) organs include roots, stems, and leaves
D. ___________ contain the reproductive organs of flowering plants (Angiosperms)
III. Angiosperms: Monocot vs. Dicot Plants
A. Angiosperms (“clothed seed”) are ____________ plants
B. The two major groups of ___________ are Dicots & Monocots
1. _____________ Characteristics:
a. Seed has ____ cotyledons (seed leaves)
b. Stem has vascular bundles in _______(s).
c. Leaves have veins that form _________ patterns.
d. Roots are generally deep __________ with side branches.
e. Flowers have their parts arranged in multiples of __ or __.
f. Dicot plants include most _____, shrubs, and many vegetables and ornamental
2. __________ Characteristics:
a. Seed has _____ cotyledon.
b. Stem has vascular bundles __________.
c. Leaves have veins that are ___________ to one another.
d. Roots are usually shallow ________ roots.
e. Flowers have parts arranged in multiples of ___.
f. Monocot plants include many _____ plants (corn, wheat, rice) grasses, lilies,
orchids, and palm trees
IV. Plant Tissues
A. A _______ is a collection of similar cells that perform a common function.
B. As in animals, a group of tissues form the _______ that perform specific functions in the
plant’s body
C. Three types of __________ (embryonic) tissue found in the stem and roots allows plants
to grow throughout life:
1. ____________ – outer most primary meristem gives rise to the plant’s epidermis, its
outer, protective “skin”
2. __________ meristem – produces the ground tissue inside the plant
3. __________ – becomes the vascular cambium, which produces vascular tissue that
transports water and nutrients through the plant (like our blood vessels)
D. ______________ tissue
1. The entire body of __________ (nonwoody) plants is covered with closely packed
epidermal cells
2. A waxy ______ covers the epidermal cells’ exterior to minimize water loss, and
protect against pathogens
3. In roots, some epidermal cells form ______ _______, which increase the surface area
for maximum nutrient absorption
4. In leaves, the epidermis contains specialized ________ cells that surround pores called
___________. These cells open and close to allow gas exchange (CO2 in, O2 out)
5. In ______ plants, the stem epidermis is replaced by ____, which is made up of dead
cells that protect the plant from pathogens
E. ___________ tissue – composes most of the plant, and contains parenchyma,
collenchyma, and sclerenchyma
1. ____________ cells are thin walled and metabolically diverse; found in all organs of
the plant. Some specializations are:
a. Contain ____________ and conduct photosynthesis
b. Contain colorless _______ that store photosynthesis products
c. Can _________ and give rise more specialized cells, as when stem cuttings in
water develop roots
2. ____________ cells are similar to parenchyma, but have thicker primary walls
a. Cells form ______ beneath the epidermis for flexible support
b. Celery “_______” are composed mostly of collenchyma
3. ____________ – mostly dead, hollow cells with thick secondary walls impregnated
with ______, which makes them very tough. Two types of these cells are:
a. __________ – long, slender strands that form vascular tissue (i.e., xylem) in some
b. ________ – shorter than fibers, found in seed coats, nutshells, and pears.
F. ____________ tissue – transports water and nutrients through the plant. Two types are
xylem and phloem.
1. __________ transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Xylem
contains 2 types of conducting cells:
a. __________ elements are long, hollow cells arranged end to end to form a
continuous pipeline through a plant
b. __________ are smaller, with tapered ends and pits in their end walls and side
walls through which water can move
2. __________ transports organic nutrients, usually from the leaves to the roots.
Conducting cells are sieve-tube elements with companion cells
a. ___________ elements don’t have a nucleus, but do have end walls with sieve-like
openings (sieve plate)
b. __________ cells do have a nucleus, which may control both cells, and are closely
associated with sieve tube elements.
3. Vascular tissue in roots forms a vascular _________; in stems it forms vascular
_________; in leaves it forms _______
V. Angiosperms have 3 ___________ (nonreproductive) organs: roots, stems, and leaves
A. ________ Organization & Functions
1. Located mostly below ground, roots are about equal in ______ to above ground stems
and branches.
2. Roots _____ the plant in soil, ______ water and minerals (which are transported to the
stem and leaves in xylem vessels); some also ____ sugar as starch (e.g.: carrots), and
produce hormones.
3. Dicot root tips have 3 major ______ where primary growth occurs:
a. Zone of ________________ at the tip is an apical meristem where cells are
actively dividing; this is covered by a protective root cap
b. Zone of __________ - dividing cells become longer, pushing the root through the
c. Zone of ____________ - cells become mature and differentiated; root _____ that
absorb water & minerals extend outward from this region.
4. _________ Roots
a. Have vascular tissue arranged in a central vascular ________
1. ________ tissue resembles a star within the cylinder
2. _________ tissue is found between the arms of the stars
b. The ________ surrounding the vascular cylinder is composed of parenchyma cells
that store starch granules.
c. A single layer of cells forms the ____________ between the vascular cylinder and
cortex; allows the movement of minerals from the cortex to the cylinder
5. __________ Roots
a. Have a soft pith in the center, surrounded by a vascular ____ of alternating xylem
and phloem bundles
b. Also have ______ that surrounds the ring and stores starch, as well as an
endodermis between the cortex and vascular ring
6. Root Diversity
a. Most dicots have _____ roots – a single, primary root that grows straight down and
stores food
b. Most monocots have ______ roots – a number of small roots that develop from
____________ roots that sprout from the base of the plant’s stem
B. _______ Organization & Functions
1. Include the main axis (_____) of plant and its lateral branches.
2. Stems __________ the leaves so that they can collect maximum sunlight.
3. An ______ __________ in the terminal bud at the tip of the stem produces new cells
that cause growth
4. A ______ occurs where leaves are attached to the stem; an ____________ is the region
between two successive nodes.
6. ___________ (nonwoody) stems have only primary growth and have xylem bundles
toward the outside of the stem, phloem bundles toward the inside
a. Herbaceous ________ stems have:
1) Vascular bundles arranged in a ______ between the central pith and cortex
2) Central ______ stores water and photosynthesis products
3) _______ is sometimes green and carries on photosynthesis
b. Herbaceous ___________ stems have:
1) Vascular bundles ___________ throughout the stem
2) No well-defined _______ or cortex
7. ________ Stems (in woody dicots & conifers) – have 3 regions: bark, wood, and pith
that develop from primary and secondary tissues
a. ___________ tissues are new tissues formed each year from primary meristems;
cause primary growth in plant length
b. ___________ tissues cause increase in girth after the first year’s growth from
lateral ___________: the vascular cambium and cork cambium
1) _______ cambium is located just beneath the epidermis; produces protective
cork cells on outside of stem
2) ___________ cambium is located between the bark and wood, and produces
________ toward the outside and _______ toward the inside of the stem
3) _______ contains cork, cork cambium, and phloem
4) _______ is secondary ______ that forms a new layer each year, thus the
number of tree rings indicates the ____ of a tree
8. Stem Diversity
a. ________ are above ground horizontal stems that can sprout new plants where they
touch the ground (e.g., in strawberry plants)
b. ___________ stems store water (e.g., in cacti)
c. ___________ are underground stems horizontal that can sprout new plants;
_______ (potatoes) are rhizomes that store nutrients
d. ________ are bulbous underground stems that are dormant in winter and sprout in
spring (e.g., tulip bulbs)
C. _______ Organization & Functions
1. A leaf consists of flat _____ connected to the stem by a _______
2. Leaves are composed of:
a. Upper and lower __________ covered with a waxy ________ that prevents
b. ________ cells surrounding _________ openings in the lower epidermis open to
let CO2 in, H2O and O2 out of the leaf
c. Most of the leaf is composed of _________ tissue with two regions:
1) ___________ mesophyll – elongated cells just under the upper epidermis that
contain _________ and carry on most photosynthesis
2) _________ mesophyll – loosely packed cells separated by air spaces, found
between the palisade layer and lower epidermis; increased surface area allows
gas exchange
d. A leaf has _______ composed of _______ that receive water from roots via the
stem, and _________ to transport carbohydrates to stem.
1) Dicot leaves have a ____-like pattern of veins
2) Monocot leaves have ___________ veins
e. Leaves may be ________ (one blade) or ___________ with leaflets arranged in a
1) __________ leaves emerge from opposite sides of a stem on the same level
2) __________ leaves emerge from the stem on different levels
3) __________ leaves emerge in a circular pattern around the stem
f. Leaves are ___________ to their environments
1) Shade plants have _______ flat leaves to collect sunlight
2) Desert plants have ______ leaves with sunken stomata to minimize
_____________ (loss of water through stomata)
3) ____________ leaves are thick and able to store water
4) Climbing plants have leaf ________ that attach to supports
5) __________ plants have leaves specialized to catch insects