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Immunity From Disease
Disease-any condition that _________________________________________________ of the body
Violation of _________________________________________________
Can be ___________________________________________
Infectious diseases are typically caused by ______________________ (disease causing agents)
Bacteria, protists, fungi, viruses, prions, worms, etc.
Non-infectious diseases are usually the result of __________________________________________
Homeostasis-ability of the body to keep ________________________________ no matter
what is happening outside of it
Cancer, heart disease, etc.
The line between the two is blurry
Viruses can alter the cell cycle and lead to cancer
Noninfectious Disease
Disease that ____________________________________________________________
Can be _________________________________________________________________________________
Sickle Cell Anemia-__________________________
Osteoporosis-________________________________________ (poor diet)
Cancer-______________________________________ and can be infections (HPV (aka genital warts)
can increase chance of cervical cancer)
Edward Jenner
Father of _________________________________
Developed the ____________________________________ in 1796
______________________ was killing millions of people
Injected ___________________, a less harmful yet related disease, into a child
Saved many lives
Then injected that child with smallpox
The child did not get infected
Others began using this method
John Snow
One of the first to study ______________________________________
Study of patterns, causes, and effects of diseases in populations
Studied __________________________ spread in London, England during 1854
Cholera is an intestinal disease that causes diarrhea, and can kill with dehydration
Killed nearly 500 people in a certain area of London in a 2-week period
Snow Was able to trace the cause to ______________________________________
Initially, people thought that only air carried disease, and that not much could be done
He convinced the city to have the pump closed stopped infections in the area
The germ theory of disease
People once thought that ___________________ caused disease
Holes were drilled in infected people’s heads in an attempt to release the evil spirits
In 1857, French scientist _______________________________ made the connection between
He hypothesized that the ________________________________________________________
Discovered that __________________________________________________________
Called ______________________________________
A food is heated to a temperature that kills most harmful bacteria
Joseph Lister
British surgeon
Noticed that about ½ of his patients died from infections, even after successful surgery
Heard about Pasteur’s theory and began doing something drastic
He also discovered that ________________________________________________
The number of infections dropped dramatically (nearly 0)
Developed the first disinfecting spray
___________________________________________ is named after him
Robert Koch
German physician
Found that he could make organisms sick by ______________________________________________
Came up with _________________________ that must be met before one can conclude that that a certain
pathogen causes a disease
Called Koch’s postulates
1. The ______________________________________________________________________
2. The pathogen must be _______________________________________________________
3. Healthy organisms infected with the culture must _________________________________
4. The pathogen must be isolated from the second organism and found to be
Infectious diseases
Any disease caused by the ________________________________________
Can be ________________________________________________________
____________________-Disease that spreads from one organism to another through close proximity
Does not even require contact
__________________________-disease that can spread from person to person, but not usually
spread through everyday contact
Example: ______________________________
Spread of infectious diseases
The main source of human pathogens is the ___________________________________
Some diseases can be transmitted by other species
____________________-someone who passes the illness on without being infected themselves
__________________________ diseases
Other diseases can be _____________________________________________
Dirt, water, etc.
Transmission of disease
Can be transmitted 4 ways
By ________________________________
By an _____________________________
Through the _______________________
By an _____________________________
Called a ______________________
Common Disease-Causing Organisms
Cause ringworm/athlete’s foot, and yeast infections including thrush
Cause ear infections, strep throat, pertussis, pneumonia, and many more
Cause AIDS, flu, colds, herpes (cold sores and genital)
Cause malaria (vector: mosquito), African sleeping sickness (vector: fly), toxoplasmosis (vector: cat)
_____________________________ (Infections Proteins)
Cause Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease) and its human infection, CreutzfeldtJakob Disease
First-Line Defenses of the immune System
_____________________________ prevent the pathogen from entering
Respiratory system is lined with _________________________ that can “sweep” pathogen out
Digestive system is ________________ and can kill many pathogens
Circulatory system _________________________________ to destroy them, and sends in specialized
cells to fight infection (second-line defenders)
Nervous system can raise your body temperature to kill bacteria (_________________)
Second Line Defenses of the Immune System
Necessary when pathogens get past the first line of defense
_______________________________ “eat” (phagocytize) pathogens, or release chemicals to kill them
_________________________________ occurs
Cells release a signal that they are being damaged, which causes ____________________________
Causes the redness and swelling
The bigger vessels allow more WBC to come in and fight the pathogen
Third Line Defenses Of the Immune System
Called ___________________________________________
Targets only ____________________________________________________
___________________________________ (a substance that neutralizes and kills pathogens) attach to
________________________ (substances that cause an immune response)
White blood cells, called _________________________, come in an destroy the pathogen
Once antibodies are produced, they are ___________________, and rapidly destroy the pathogen if it
tries to enter again
This is why you cannot catch the same cold or flu twice, and why you get vaccines
Allergic reactions
If your immune system ______________________________________ (such as dust or pollen), it can release
massive amounts of ______________________________
These cause the symptoms of allergic reactions
Your body can also mistake your own cells as foreign and attack your own tissues
Called an _______________________________________
Sneezing, increased mucus production, redness, swelling
Can also attack transplanted tissues
Passive and active immunity
Acquired immunity can be active or passive
Passive immunity-Introduction of antibodies _______________________________________________
Antibodies can be transferred from _________________________________________________
Injecting antibodies from other organism immune to the disease
Occurs with antivenoms
Active immunity-Your body’s production of antibodies ___________________________________
Caused by ___________________________________
Recovering from an infection
Injecting dead, weakened, or incomplete portions of pathogens to cause an immune
Staying Healthy
Do not _____________. If outside in sun, use
Cook meat to proper temperature
A bit about cancer
Cancer is uncontrolled ______________________
Cells ________________________________________
Can be hereditary (breast cancer) or due to environmental factors (lung cancer and skin cancer)
Can strike anybody, regardless of age
Treated with _____________________________________________
Getting better at treating, but not able to cure yet. Hopefully soon…
Preventing Infectious Diseases
There are precautions you can take.
____________________________________ after using the bathroom!
______________________________________ before eating
Same rules apply
Hand sanitizer is not as good, but will do if necessary
________________________________________ foods and beverages
With ___________________________, for ______ seconds (sing your ABC’s)
Even with your closest friends
Eat a ________________________________________
Vitamins in fruits and vegetables can help fight illness
Top Causes of Death in the US
____________________________________ (600,000 deaths per year)
____________________________________ (580,000 deaths per year)
____________________________________ (150,000 deaths per year)
____________________________________ (130,000 deaths per year)
____________________________________ (130,000 deaths per year)
For teens:
_____________________________________ (50% of teen deaths)
_____________________________________ (15% of all deaths)
All other causes (35% of all teen Deaths)
What can be done?
Avoid the dangers early (Now rather than later)
Heart Disease:
Eat a _________________________________ (avoid obesity)
__________________________ (30+ minutes per day)
Get regular checkups
Eat a_______________________________________________ (eat your fruits and vegetables)
__________________________! Take precautions when in the sun
Respiratory disease
______________________________________when riding in a car
Be cautions in everyday activities
For young people
______________________________________Don’t ever start. Convince others to quit. Try to limit your
exposure to secondhand smoke
Start developing ______________________________________________
If you feel depressed, talk to someone! A teacher, a parent, a counselor, anyone. Get help as soon as possible
These problems do not always go away on their own. Sometimes you need help.
_____________________________________ Treat everyone with respect. Be kind. Offer help to anyone who
needs it, even if they are not your friend.
If you know someone who needs help and will not seek it, report it to an adult immediately. It is better for them to be mad
at you for a bit than to lose them forever…