Download Body Systems Study Guide What is a cell? The basic unit of life What

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Body Systems Study Guide
What is a cell? The basic unit of life
What is a tissue? A group of similar cells that work together
What are the 4 types of tissue? Epithelial, nervous, muscle, connective
What is an organ? A collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function of the body.
What is an organ system? A collection of 2 or more organs that work together to perform a function.
What are the 3 types of muscle and where are they found? Cardiac (heart), smooth (blood vessels and digestive
tract), and skeletal (attached to bones for movement) /muscular system is made up of muscles that allow the
body to move.
What is the cardiovascular system? A collection of organs that transport blood throughout the body
What are the five main parts of the cardiovascular system and their function (explain the heart in detail)?
Blood: has the ability to transport waste away from the cells
Heart: to pump blood/the right side of your heart pumps blood that needs oxygen/helps cells get food and
oxygen by pumping blood
Arteries: blood vessel to carry blood
Capillaries: blood vessel to carry blood
Veins: blood vessel to carry blood
What are the main components of blood? Plasma, platelets, RBCs, WBCs
What are the blood types? A, B, AB, and O
What is the main function of the blood? Carries oxygen, nutrients and wastes; fight disease; and regulate
How is oxygen passed to the blood? RBCs take oxygen to the cells in your body**
What is the respiratory system? The group of organs that take in oxygen from the air and get rid of carbon
What are the main parts of the respiratory system and their function?
Nose: main passageway into and out of the respiratory system
Pharynx: passage from the mouth to the larynx and esophagus
Larynx: area of the throat that contains the vocal cords and produces vocal sounds
Trachea: tube that connects the larynx to the lungs
Bronchus: one of the 2 tubes that connect the lungs with the trachea
Lung: Passes oxygen to the blood/take in oxygen/get rid of waste
Alveoli: tiny air sacs of the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged/ the exchange between
alveoli and capillaries allows oxygen to enter the blood
Diaphragm: dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs
How does breathing occur?
When you breathe, air is sucked into or forced out of our lungs. Your lungs have no muscles of their own.
Instead, breathing is done by the diaphragm and rib muscles. When you inhale the diaphragm contracts and
moves down. The chest cavity’s volume increases. At the same time, some of your rib muscles contract and lift
your rib cage. Exhaling is the process in reverse. Respiration is a combined effort of the respiratory and the
cardiovascular system.
What is the digestive system? The organs that break down food so that it can be used by the body
What are the main parts of the digestive system and their function?
Mouth/teeth: aid in mechanical digestion
Salivary glands: produce saliva and aid in chemical digestion in the mouth
Pharynx: back of throat
Body Systems Study Guide
Esophagus: muscular contractions force food down the esophagus into the stomach
Stomach: saclike, digestive organ that is between the esophagus and small intestines and that breaks down food
by the action of muscles, enzymes, and acids
Liver: largest organ in the body; makes bile, stores and filters blood, stores excess sugars as glycogen
Gall bladder: sac-shaped organ that stores bile produced by the liver
Pancreas: organ that lies behind the stomach and that makes digestive enzymes and hormones that regulate
sugar levels
Small intestine: the organ between the stomach and the large intestine where most of the breakdown of food
happens and most of the nutrients from food are absorbed
Large intestine: the wider and short portion of the intestine that removes water from mostly digested food and
that turns the waste into semisolid feces, or stool
What is the integumentary system? Organ system that forms a protective covering on the outside of the body
What are the main parts of the integumentary system and their function?
Hair: helps protect skin from ultraviolet light; keeps particles, out of the eyes and nose; helps to regulate body
Nails: protects tips of the fingers and toes
Skin: keeps water in your body and foreign particles out of your body, contains sweat glands that help regulate
body temperature, helps get rid of certain kinds of waste chemicals
What are the parts of the skin? Epidermis the outside layer, dermis
What is the function of the skin? Protects body by keeping water in the body and foreign particles out of the
body, keeps you in touch with outside world, helps regulate body temperature, gets rid of wastes
What is the skeletal system? organ system whose primary function is to support and protect the body and allow
the body to move
What are the major parts of the skeletal system? Marrow, compact bone, spongy bone
What are the functions of the bones? Organ of bones which give shape to the body, protect internal organs,
store minerals such as calcium, allow the body to move, form blood cells in the marrow
What is the excretory/urinary system? Excretion is the process of removing waste products from the body. Take
waste out of the blood. Three systems involved: Integumentary, respiratory, and urinary. Urinary system: the
organs that make, store and eliminate urine
What are the main parts of the excretory/urinary system and their function?
Kidney: one of the pair of organs that filters water and wastes from the blood and excretes products as urine/
helps cells get rid of waste by cleaning out the bloo
Urinary bladder:
What is the immune system? Cells and tissues that recognize and attach foreign substances in the body/ It sends
signals to the brain/ Consists of cells, tissues, and organs/It destroys infected cells
What are the main parts of the immune system and their function?
Thymus: the main gland of the lymphatic system; it releases T lymphocytes
Tonsils: organs that are small, rounded masses of lymphatic tissue located in the pharynx and in the passage
from the mouth to the pharynx
Lymph vessels:
Lymph nodes: an organ that filters lymph and that is found along the lymphatic vessels
Body Systems Study Guide
Spleen: largest lymphatic organ in the body; serves as a blood reservoir, disintegrates old red blood cells; and
produces lymphocytes and plasmids
What is the nervous system? Sends and receives electrical messages. The nervous system has two parts
1)central nervous system is the brain and spinal cord; peripheral nervous system 2)all of the parts of the nervous
system except for the brain and spinal cord.
What are the main parts of the nervous system and their function?
What is a nerve (include the parts)? They carry information between the body and the central nervous system
What is the endocrine system? Sends chemical messages
What are the main parts of the endocrine system and their function?
What is the lymphatic system? Helps your body get rid of bacteria and viruses. Works with the cardiovascular
system to collect and return excess fluid to your blood.
What are the main parts of the lymphatic system and their function?
Relate your organs to a cell part.
Nucleus: Brain
Lysosome: Stomach
Endoplasmic Reticulum: Blood Vessels
Mitochondria: Lungs
Cell Membrane: Skin
Which systems interact together and how? Under the systems information
What are the six kingdoms? Briefly tell me about each one using examples.
Protists: Most protists areunicellular. It is because, unlike bacteria, protists are complex cells. Slime molds and
algae are protists. Sometimes they are called the odds and ends kingdom because its members are so different
from one another.
Plants: With over 250,000 species, the plant kingdom is the second largest kingdom. Plant species range from
the tiny green mosses to giant trees. In addition plants are autotrophs, organisms that make their own food.
Animals: The animal kingdom is the largest kingdom with over 1 million known species. All animals consist of
many complex cells. They are also heterotrophs.
Archaebacteria: found in extreme environments such as hot boiling water and thermal vents under conditions
with no oxygen or highly acid environments. Unicellular (one cell) organisms in the samples.
Eubacteria: Complex and single celled. Most bacteria are in the Eubacteria kingdom. They are the kinds found
everywhere and are the ones people are most familiar with.
Fungi: Mushrooms, mold and mildew are all examples of organisms in the kingdom fungi. Most fungi are
multicellular and consists of many complex cells.