3379 Homework 3
... Choose point D on side CB so that D is the midpoint of the segment. This ensures that CD DB. Construct ray AD and choose point G on the ray so that AD DG. Thus ADC BDG and ADC BDG. ...
... Choose point D on side CB so that D is the midpoint of the segment. This ensures that CD DB. Construct ray AD and choose point G on the ray so that AD DG. Thus ADC BDG and ADC BDG. ...
... Remark. It can be shown that B is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of clopen sets in B ∗ . This is the famous Stone representation theorem. ...
... Remark. It can be shown that B is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of clopen sets in B ∗ . This is the famous Stone representation theorem. ...
Lecture Notes 2
... Let M1 and M2 be a pair of manifolds-with-boundary and suppose that ∂M1 is homeomorphic to ∂M2 . Let f : ∂M1 → ∂M2 be a homeomorphism and set X := M1 ∪ M2 . Let P be the partition of X consisting of all single sets {x} where x ∈ X − (∂M1 ∪ ∂M2 ) and all sets of the form {x, f (x)} where x ∈ ∂M1 . T ...
... Let M1 and M2 be a pair of manifolds-with-boundary and suppose that ∂M1 is homeomorphic to ∂M2 . Let f : ∂M1 → ∂M2 be a homeomorphism and set X := M1 ∪ M2 . Let P be the partition of X consisting of all single sets {x} where x ∈ X − (∂M1 ∪ ∂M2 ) and all sets of the form {x, f (x)} where x ∈ ∂M1 . T ...
geo 1.1 & 1.2 session 1
... It only takes 1 false example to show that a conjecture is not true. Example 4: Find a counterexample for these statements… All dogs have spots. All prime numbers are odd. ...
... It only takes 1 false example to show that a conjecture is not true. Example 4: Find a counterexample for these statements… All dogs have spots. All prime numbers are odd. ...
Geometer Sketchpad - Stanford University
... According to Schoenfeld (1986), most students who have had a year of high school geometry are "naive empiricists." Similarly, Fischbein and Kedem (1982) found that high school students, after finding or learning a correct proof for a statement, still maintained that surprises were possible and that ...
... According to Schoenfeld (1986), most students who have had a year of high school geometry are "naive empiricists." Similarly, Fischbein and Kedem (1982) found that high school students, after finding or learning a correct proof for a statement, still maintained that surprises were possible and that ...
2C Drawing Logica Conclusions, part B
... If GH = KL and KL = RT, then __________________________. You will use the transitive property and substitution property in showing relationships between angles or segments. Mrs. McConaughy GEOMETRY ...
... If GH = KL and KL = RT, then __________________________. You will use the transitive property and substitution property in showing relationships between angles or segments. Mrs. McConaughy GEOMETRY ...
Math 8301, Manifolds and Topology Homework 3
... then α ∗ β is homotopic to γ ∗ δ. 3. Suppose that a topological space X has a function m : X × X → X. Show that if α and β are any paths in X, the definition (α · β)(t) = m(α(t), β(t)) is homotopy invariant, in the sense that [α] ∗ [β] = [α ∗ β] is well-defined on homotopy classes of paths. 4. Show ...
... then α ∗ β is homotopic to γ ∗ δ. 3. Suppose that a topological space X has a function m : X × X → X. Show that if α and β are any paths in X, the definition (α · β)(t) = m(α(t), β(t)) is homotopy invariant, in the sense that [α] ∗ [β] = [α ∗ β] is well-defined on homotopy classes of paths. 4. Show ...
... propose to delimit this assignment to elliptic and hyperbolic plane geometry.) This assignment is of course related to the first one, as the non-Euclidean geometries considered are exactly those (two-dimensional) geometries violating the parallel postulate while retaining all the other Euclidean pos ...
PRELIM 5310 PRELIM (Topology) January 2012
... PRELIM 5310 PRELIM (Topology) January 2012 Justify all your steps rigorously. You may use any results that you know, unless the question asks you to prove essentially the same result. 1. Decide whether each of the following statements is correct. If yes, give a proof, otherwise, give a counterexampl ...
... PRELIM 5310 PRELIM (Topology) January 2012 Justify all your steps rigorously. You may use any results that you know, unless the question asks you to prove essentially the same result. 1. Decide whether each of the following statements is correct. If yes, give a proof, otherwise, give a counterexampl ...