The American Journey: Modern Times
... Given the wartime situation, should Japanese Americans have been put into camps during World War II? A. Yes B. No ...
... Given the wartime situation, should Japanese Americans have been put into camps during World War II? A. Yes B. No ...
Political Neutrality in Europe during World War II
... of 1921 set in motion Ireland’s neutrality as a “political value” because it gave Ireland its independence from Great Britain. Prime Minister Eamonn De Valera made this a prime moving force in establishing an Irish state, and full sovereignty from Britain also (Jesse, 9- 10). These are two important ...
... of 1921 set in motion Ireland’s neutrality as a “political value” because it gave Ireland its independence from Great Britain. Prime Minister Eamonn De Valera made this a prime moving force in establishing an Irish state, and full sovereignty from Britain also (Jesse, 9- 10). These are two important ...
Entertainment propaganda Life on the Home Front
... U.S. Prepares for War -”Cash and Carry “ policy begins to allow warring nations to buy US arms, as long as they paid cash & transported them in their own ships ...
... U.S. Prepares for War -”Cash and Carry “ policy begins to allow warring nations to buy US arms, as long as they paid cash & transported them in their own ships ...
VE Day - The Marches School
... news that the war was over in Europe. • It was the longest campaign of the war with continuous fighting for three full years. Unlike their comrades fighting in Europe, the British Forces had no leave during which they could go home, even if it was for just a few days. They were there for the duratio ...
... news that the war was over in Europe. • It was the longest campaign of the war with continuous fighting for three full years. Unlike their comrades fighting in Europe, the British Forces had no leave during which they could go home, even if it was for just a few days. They were there for the duratio ...
Day 1 - Waverly-Shell Rock School District
... DO NOT READ THE SLIDES TO THE CLASS!!!! Use your notecard or sheet 3. Your presentation must be at least 2 min and 3 min. maximum. 4. You must take handwritten notes every day in class. **Your goal is to get one page of notes at least per topic. No downloading, no cut and paste. DO NOT COPY THIS REP ...
... DO NOT READ THE SLIDES TO THE CLASS!!!! Use your notecard or sheet 3. Your presentation must be at least 2 min and 3 min. maximum. 4. You must take handwritten notes every day in class. **Your goal is to get one page of notes at least per topic. No downloading, no cut and paste. DO NOT COPY THIS REP ...
... There were snipers firing at us from this big, old house right at the edge of the beach. There must have been half a dozen guys dead on the beach when I went in. As I ran up the beach, I was loaded up pretty heavily with my packsack, wireless set, a Sten gun, six rounds of ammunition and six hand gr ...
... There were snipers firing at us from this big, old house right at the edge of the beach. There must have been half a dozen guys dead on the beach when I went in. As I ran up the beach, I was loaded up pretty heavily with my packsack, wireless set, a Sten gun, six rounds of ammunition and six hand gr ...
PresentationExpress - Antelope Valley High School
... How did the Allies begin to push back the Axis powers? ...
... How did the Allies begin to push back the Axis powers? ...
Aggression Leads to War - Epiphany Catholic School
... Nazi party who started World War II • aggression – a warlike act by one country against another without cause • appeasement – a policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war • Winston Churchill – British prime minister during World War II Aggression Leads to War ...
... Nazi party who started World War II • aggression – a warlike act by one country against another without cause • appeasement – a policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war • Winston Churchill – British prime minister during World War II Aggression Leads to War ...
Chapter 26: World War II, 1939-1945
... were only dealing with immediate wartime arrangements. All larger questions were reserved on both sides for what we then hoped would be a peace table when the war was won. After this there was a long silence. The pencilled paper lay in the centre of the table. At length I said, “Might it not be thou ...
... were only dealing with immediate wartime arrangements. All larger questions were reserved on both sides for what we then hoped would be a peace table when the war was won. After this there was a long silence. The pencilled paper lay in the centre of the table. At length I said, “Might it not be thou ...
10.02 Notes----Turning Points of WWII
... The D-Day invasion was successful and turned the course of WWII and world history. By landing in Normandy, the Allies made an opening where they could strike at the heart of Nazi Germany. ...
... The D-Day invasion was successful and turned the course of WWII and world history. By landing in Normandy, the Allies made an opening where they could strike at the heart of Nazi Germany. ...
WW2 Reading
... was led by a man named Franco. [Note from Mr. Swiger: Franco’s Nationalists were an alliance of militant nationalists, monarchists and other traditionalist conservatives, and fascists. U.S. businesses also supported the Nationalists because the Spanish Republicans or “elected government” were sup ...
... was led by a man named Franco. [Note from Mr. Swiger: Franco’s Nationalists were an alliance of militant nationalists, monarchists and other traditionalist conservatives, and fascists. U.S. businesses also supported the Nationalists because the Spanish Republicans or “elected government” were sup ...
The History of World War II
... 4. Methodology: The two most basic questions in all wars are: What are the arguments on the causes of the war? What are the explanations for the outcome of the war? These questions are related, the causes of war influence the conduct of war, sometimes decisively. Throughout this course students shou ...
... 4. Methodology: The two most basic questions in all wars are: What are the arguments on the causes of the war? What are the explanations for the outcome of the war? These questions are related, the causes of war influence the conduct of war, sometimes decisively. Throughout this course students shou ...
World War II Newspaper
... The students will identify how major leaders influenced the WWII era. The students will differentiate between the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers. The students will evaluate the influence of propaganda during the WWII era. The students will demonstrate effective communication skills when p ...
... The students will identify how major leaders influenced the WWII era. The students will differentiate between the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers. The students will evaluate the influence of propaganda during the WWII era. The students will demonstrate effective communication skills when p ...
The United States in World War II
... wolf pack a group of German submarines that hunted Allied and U.S. ships Erwin Rommel German general who commanded Nazi forces in North Africa Dwight D. Eisenhower U.S. general who led Operation Torch and Operation Overlord Operation Torch U.S. invasion of North Africa Tuskegee Airmen first unit of ...
... wolf pack a group of German submarines that hunted Allied and U.S. ships Erwin Rommel German general who commanded Nazi forces in North Africa Dwight D. Eisenhower U.S. general who led Operation Torch and Operation Overlord Operation Torch U.S. invasion of North Africa Tuskegee Airmen first unit of ...
RetroActive WW2 Chapter
... its peace treaty with Germany) • the specific content of each cartoon by looking carefully at what you see and thinking about what each element represents. Look at the child crying behind a pillar, the man standing in front of a guillotine and the well-dressed men. Who are they? What are they doing? ...
... its peace treaty with Germany) • the specific content of each cartoon by looking carefully at what you see and thinking about what each element represents. Look at the child crying behind a pillar, the man standing in front of a guillotine and the well-dressed men. Who are they? What are they doing? ...
“Dictators and Wars” Outline I. A Bitter Peace Unravels A. When did
... III. Aggressive Leaders in Germany and Japan A. What kind of government did Germans form after WWI? (326) ...
... III. Aggressive Leaders in Germany and Japan A. What kind of government did Germans form after WWI? (326) ...
US Entry into World War II powerpoint link.
... tradition of no president serving more than two terms…it was not law (Emerson was off on this one!) This tradition went back to George Washington choosing to serve only two terms. FDR’s opponent was Wendell Willkie, whose foreign policy views were much like FDR’s. The voters stuck with FDR In late 1 ...
... tradition of no president serving more than two terms…it was not law (Emerson was off on this one!) This tradition went back to George Washington choosing to serve only two terms. FDR’s opponent was Wendell Willkie, whose foreign policy views were much like FDR’s. The voters stuck with FDR In late 1 ...
Turn over Cambridge International
... trade unions to stop industrial disputes; workers prevented from leaving towns; decreased wages; food rationing – workers and soldiers received the most; Lenin ordered Cheka to requisition food from peasants by force to feed Red Army and workers; Red Terror – use of Cheka violence and labour camps, ...
... trade unions to stop industrial disputes; workers prevented from leaving towns; decreased wages; food rationing – workers and soldiers received the most; Lenin ordered Cheka to requisition food from peasants by force to feed Red Army and workers; Red Terror – use of Cheka violence and labour camps, ...
The Strategy In The Battle For The Atlantic
... thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril... It would have been wise for the Germans to stake all on it.”20 Nevertheless, despite sporadic periods of success, the U-boat campaign was not pursued in a manner reflecting its importance in the overall war and as a result, ...
... thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril... It would have been wise for the Germans to stake all on it.”20 Nevertheless, despite sporadic periods of success, the U-boat campaign was not pursued in a manner reflecting its importance in the overall war and as a result, ...
World War II Research Project
... Make eye contact Speak, don’t read, to your audience Elaborate on slides Explain concepts SLOWLY & CLEARLY Explain images ...
... Make eye contact Speak, don’t read, to your audience Elaborate on slides Explain concepts SLOWLY & CLEARLY Explain images ...
Hitler`s Lightning War
... (MAZH•uh•NOH) Line, a system of fortifications along France’s border with Germany. There they waited for the Germans to attack—but nothing happened. With little to do, the bored Allied soldiers stared eastward toward the enemy. Equally bored, German soldiers stared back from their Siegfried Line a f ...
... (MAZH•uh•NOH) Line, a system of fortifications along France’s border with Germany. There they waited for the Germans to attack—but nothing happened. With little to do, the bored Allied soldiers stared eastward toward the enemy. Equally bored, German soldiers stared back from their Siegfried Line a f ...
Research Report
... à Many British at the time wanted peace. They would not support Czechoslovakia in case of a war in 1938. à Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of World War I, proposed respect for ‘self-‐determ ...
... à Many British at the time wanted peace. They would not support Czechoslovakia in case of a war in 1938. à Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of World War I, proposed respect for ‘self-‐determ ...
British propaganda during World War II

Britain re-created the World War I Ministry of Information for the duration of World War II to generate propaganda to influence the population towards support for the war effort. A wide range of media was employed aimed at local and overseas audiences. Traditional forms such as newspapers and posters were joined by new media including cinema (film), newsreels and radio. A wide range of themes were addressed, fostering hostility to the enemy, support for allies, and specific pro war projects such as conserving metal and growing vegetables.