The orientation of Titan’s dayside ionosphere and its effects
... interact with the neutrals chemically but also through collisions via their respective collisional cross sections. The ion-neutral collision process is also used to self-consistently include the Hall and Pederson conductivities into the electric field calculation. Photoionization on the dayside is t ...
... interact with the neutrals chemically but also through collisions via their respective collisional cross sections. The ion-neutral collision process is also used to self-consistently include the Hall and Pederson conductivities into the electric field calculation. Photoionization on the dayside is t ...
Chapter 3 Etching
... atoms/molecules and through a dissociative process. It can remove one electron from the atom/molecule, which gives a net of two electrons and one ion. Depending on the energy of the incoming electron, this collision can result also in other species, such as negative ions due to electron association, ...
... atoms/molecules and through a dissociative process. It can remove one electron from the atom/molecule, which gives a net of two electrons and one ion. Depending on the energy of the incoming electron, this collision can result also in other species, such as negative ions due to electron association, ...
Multinuclear NMR as a tool for studying local order and
... A complex dynamical picture has progressively emerged for MAPbX3 bulk materials, which combine highly anharmonic lattice vibrations and stochastic MA reorientations, at high temperature. These properties significantly influence the ...
... A complex dynamical picture has progressively emerged for MAPbX3 bulk materials, which combine highly anharmonic lattice vibrations and stochastic MA reorientations, at high temperature. These properties significantly influence the ...
Magnetic and structural properties of isolated and assembled clusters
... materials require the deposition on surfaces or into matrices, which often changes the properties of free clusters by the particle–support interaction (e.g. hybridization, changes in the geometry upon deposition, diffusion, alloy formation) and, in the case of high coverages, by particle–particle in ...
... materials require the deposition on surfaces or into matrices, which often changes the properties of free clusters by the particle–support interaction (e.g. hybridization, changes in the geometry upon deposition, diffusion, alloy formation) and, in the case of high coverages, by particle–particle in ...
entropy and superfluid critical parameters of a strongly interacting
... ultracold degenerate 6 Li Fermi gas, interactions between the atoms in the two lowest hyperfine states can be widely tuned by a magnetic-field-dependent collisional resonance. At the resonance, the strongly interacting Fermi gas has an infinite s-wave scattering length and a negligible potential ran ...
... ultracold degenerate 6 Li Fermi gas, interactions between the atoms in the two lowest hyperfine states can be widely tuned by a magnetic-field-dependent collisional resonance. At the resonance, the strongly interacting Fermi gas has an infinite s-wave scattering length and a negligible potential ran ...
Microwave Conductivity of Magnetic Field Induced Insulating Phase of Bilayer Hole Systems
... This thesis presents studies of the magnetic field induced insulating phase of bilayer hole systems. This insulating phase terminates the quantum Hall state series at sufficiently small total Landau filling factor ν, and is understood as bilayer Wigner crystal (BWC), for samples of sufficiently low ...
... This thesis presents studies of the magnetic field induced insulating phase of bilayer hole systems. This insulating phase terminates the quantum Hall state series at sufficiently small total Landau filling factor ν, and is understood as bilayer Wigner crystal (BWC), for samples of sufficiently low ...
low temperature plasma etching control through ion energy angular
... Fig. 1.5. a) IEDs from Tsui[64] for different values of a i ( rf /ion ) 2 . The unexpected disappearance of the low-energy peak at higher a1 is due to Tsui's assumption of constant sheath width.[23] b) PDP1 Modeled results from Kawamura et al.[23] showing IEDs of He+ at bias frequencies from 1 MH ...
... Fig. 1.5. a) IEDs from Tsui[64] for different values of a i ( rf /ion ) 2 . The unexpected disappearance of the low-energy peak at higher a1 is due to Tsui's assumption of constant sheath width.[23] b) PDP1 Modeled results from Kawamura et al.[23] showing IEDs of He+ at bias frequencies from 1 MH ...
Rydberg Atoms for Quantum Information - Deep Blue
... It is interesting how graduate school seems to go so slowly in the beginning, then about two thirds of the way through you seem to hit your stride because maybe things finally “click” for you, and then in the last year it is speeding by so fast you don’t know how you’ll ever finish everything you want ...
... It is interesting how graduate school seems to go so slowly in the beginning, then about two thirds of the way through you seem to hit your stride because maybe things finally “click” for you, and then in the last year it is speeding by so fast you don’t know how you’ll ever finish everything you want ...
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... in hydrogen storage.63 Under ambient conditions, it crystallized into a rutile structure (space group P42/mnm, Fig. 1c, 4), known as a-MgH2.64 At high pressures, MgH2 exhibits rich polymorphs. In 1999, Bortz et al. reported the formation of g-MgH2 by heating a-MgH2 in a multianvil press at a pressur ...
... in hydrogen storage.63 Under ambient conditions, it crystallized into a rutile structure (space group P42/mnm, Fig. 1c, 4), known as a-MgH2.64 At high pressures, MgH2 exhibits rich polymorphs. In 1999, Bortz et al. reported the formation of g-MgH2 by heating a-MgH2 in a multianvil press at a pressur ...
The Influence of Droplets with Net Charge in Atomic Spectroscopy
... existing in the aerosol as being responsible for causing what is cornmonly referred to as the chemical matrix effect, has been investigated According to this theory, as a droplet with a net charge desolvates, it will eventually reach the Rayleigh fission Iimî,and break spart. ...
... existing in the aerosol as being responsible for causing what is cornmonly referred to as the chemical matrix effect, has been investigated According to this theory, as a droplet with a net charge desolvates, it will eventually reach the Rayleigh fission Iimî,and break spart. ...
Formation and interactions of cold and ultracold molecules
... cm−1 in Cs2 . The vibrational levels of such excited states generally decay within a few tens of nanoseconds into a pair of free ground state atoms, but they live long enough to be well characterized spectroscopically. The helium dimer formed by a metastable 23 S atom and an excited 23 P atom is an ...
... cm−1 in Cs2 . The vibrational levels of such excited states generally decay within a few tens of nanoseconds into a pair of free ground state atoms, but they live long enough to be well characterized spectroscopically. The helium dimer formed by a metastable 23 S atom and an excited 23 P atom is an ...
Decomposition of trichloroethylene in a plasma
... Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a large group of chemical compounds that strongly contribute to poor air quality. Several VOCs are very harmful to human health due to their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. Hence, different techniques have been developed to control VOC emissions such as ther ...
... Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a large group of chemical compounds that strongly contribute to poor air quality. Several VOCs are very harmful to human health due to their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. Hence, different techniques have been developed to control VOC emissions such as ther ...
View - MPG.PuRe
... the compression of the pellet core. A technical realization of a ICF power plant, is possible if several pellets per second are ignited, while the plant should be designed to withstand these frequent, powerful explosions. However, large funding for this branch of fusion research exists in USA, Franc ...
... the compression of the pellet core. A technical realization of a ICF power plant, is possible if several pellets per second are ignited, while the plant should be designed to withstand these frequent, powerful explosions. However, large funding for this branch of fusion research exists in USA, Franc ...
University of Groningen Charge disproportionation in transition
... electrons arranged around each metal site? How are they coupled between metal sites? What is the influence of temperature and pressure? What are the resulting electrical and magnetic properties? The effective atomic charge of these ions is not a direct experimental observable and form a theoretical ...
... electrons arranged around each metal site? How are they coupled between metal sites? What is the influence of temperature and pressure? What are the resulting electrical and magnetic properties? The effective atomic charge of these ions is not a direct experimental observable and form a theoretical ...
... platforms is described, providing a promising outlook on the associated ...
... platforms is described, providing a promising outlook on the associated ...
Investigation of the magnetic and electronic structure
... 2.2 Fe 2p XAS atomic multiplet calculation for Fe2+ and Fe3+ . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Fe 2p XAS and XMCD multiplet calculations for Fe3+ in Oh (left panel) and Td (right panel) symmetry with different crystal-field (CF) values. The crystal-field is changed from 0 eV to 3.6 eV with an increment of 0.3 e ...
... 2.2 Fe 2p XAS atomic multiplet calculation for Fe2+ and Fe3+ . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Fe 2p XAS and XMCD multiplet calculations for Fe3+ in Oh (left panel) and Td (right panel) symmetry with different crystal-field (CF) values. The crystal-field is changed from 0 eV to 3.6 eV with an increment of 0.3 e ...
Simulations of Magnetic Reversal Properties in Granular Recording
... With increasing demand for high density magnetic recording devices a paradigm shift is required to overcome the super-paramagnetic limit. By using a high anisotropy material, such as L10 FePt, and heat assisted magnetic recording the areal density can be taken well beyond 1 Tbit/in2 . For FePt the g ...
... With increasing demand for high density magnetic recording devices a paradigm shift is required to overcome the super-paramagnetic limit. By using a high anisotropy material, such as L10 FePt, and heat assisted magnetic recording the areal density can be taken well beyond 1 Tbit/in2 . For FePt the g ...
State of matter

In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms that matter takes on. Four states of matter are observable in everyday life: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Many other states are known, such as Bose–Einstein condensates and neutron-degenerate matter, but these only occur in extreme situations such as ultra cold or ultra dense matter. Other states, such as quark–gluon plasmas, are believed to be possible but remain theoretical for now. For a complete list of all exotic states of matter, see the list of states of matter.Historically, the distinction is made based on qualitative differences in properties. Matter in the solid state maintains a fixed volume and shape, with component particles (atoms, molecules or ions) close together and fixed into place. Matter in the liquid state maintains a fixed volume, but has a variable shape that adapts to fit its container. Its particles are still close together but move freely. Matter in the gaseous state has both variable volume and shape, adapting both to fit its container. Its particles are neither close together nor fixed in place. Matter in the plasma state has variable volume and shape, but as well as neutral atoms, it contains a significant number of ions and electrons, both of which can move around freely. Plasma is the most common form of visible matter in the universe.The term phase is sometimes used as a synonym for state of matter, but a system can contain several immiscible phases of the same state of matter (see Phase (matter) for more discussion of the difference between the two terms).