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Unit 6, Section 1: Scientific and Technological Achievements
Directions: Read Unit 6, Section 1 (pages 233-237) and answer the following questions on a
separate piece of paper.
Define / Identify:
a. germ theory
b. antibiotics
c. dynamo
d. electricity
What did Louis Pasteur discover and Robert Koch discover? How do you think these
discoveries changed the way people practiced medicine?
What did Joseph Lister discover? Why did his discovery make medical procedures safer?
What did Alexander Fleming discover? How would this discovery improve people’s lives?
What are unions? How did they improve worker’s lives?
How did improved sanitation and electricity make people’s lives better?
What are some of the new inventions of the later 1800s and early 1900s?
Why was there a population explosion in the late 1800s? What effects do you think this
Pick one of the following scientists and describe what ideas they developed: Marie Curie,
Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud.
Review Sheet: Scientific and Technological Achievements
a. germ theory: idea that many diseases are caused by the activity of microorganisms
b. antibiotics: class of drugs that attacked or weakened the bacteria that cause many diseases
c. dynamo: device enabling the generation of large amounts of electricity
Advances in medicine
a. Louis Pasteur showed the link between germs and disease and proved that killing certain germs stops the
spread of certain diseases
b. Robert Koch discovered the bacteria that caused tuberculosis (this eventually led to a cure) and along
with Pasteur, established the germ theory of disease
c. Joseph Lister insisted that doctors use antiseptics on their hands, instruments and wounds
d. Alexander Fleming discovered that penicillium killed germs (led to antibiotics)
Improved of Living
a. Labor unions became legal in many countries of Europe and pushed for better working conditions and
higher wages
b. City government paved their streets and architects began to use steel to construct stronger, taller buildings
c. Underground sewage systems made cities healthier places to live
d. Methods of producing electricity were discovered, leading to light bulbs and appliances
e. Inventions like the telephone, radio, automobile and airplane were introduced
f. As living standards improved, people lived longer and less babies died at birth leading to a general
population explosion in industrialized countries
New Scientific Theories
a. Marie and Pierre Currie experimented with radioactivity (leading to later developments in energy
production, medicine and military technology).
b. Albert Einstein announced the theory of relativity, proposing that space and time were not absolute but
determined by many factors
c. Sigmund Freud developed the ideas of the unconscious mind and psycho-analysis