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Surgery: Aseptic surgery
The facts
The discovery of antiseptic by Joseph
Lister in 1865 marked a major
breakthrough in surgery. Infection could
now be limited by spraying carbolic acid
over a wound, but this acid did not kill
all germs. In 1878 Robert Koch
discovered that bacteria in the blood
caused septicaemia which led to greater
support for the use of antiseptic.
Koch introduced 'aseptic surgery' after
discovering that hot steam killed more
germs than carbolic acid. This discovery
ensured that all germs were removed
from the operating theatre and as a
Lister's Carbolic Spray
result, strict hygiene soon became part
of the operating theatre routine. Bandages, instruments and clothes were all sterilised to
remove dirt and germs. More ambitious operations could now be attempted the risk of
infection had lessened.
It was soon discovered that infection was also spread through surgeons' hands and nails.
The answer to the problem came from America in the form of rubber gloves. Today,
technicians ensure that all equipment including gowns and gloves are totally germ free.
Memory time...
The discovery of antiseptic was made by Joseph Lister in 1865
Koch introduced 'aseptic surgery' after discovering that hot steam killed more
germs than carbolic acid
The compulsory wearing of rubber gloves in surgery was introduced in America.