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7th Grade Review for Benchmark on Wed Jan. 11th
Know the function of each cell organelle especially nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria,
and vacuole
Cell Theory
-All living things are made of cells (including plants)
-The mitochondria makes the energy for all cells (both animal and plants)
-Cell membrane is a boundary that separates things on the inside of the cell from the
outside of the cell. It is found in all cells. The Integumentary system (our skin) carries
out the same function in humans
Organic Chemistry
Large starch molecules get broken down into smaller sugar molecules in a chemical
reactions during digestion. Starch molecules are broken.
Levels of organization
Cell (basic unit of life)
Tissue (a group of same cells)
Organs (a bunch of
tissue that carries out a specific function) Organ systems (Organs that work together to
carry out a specific function)
Organism (made up of many organ systems working
Food Chains
Food chains show how energy is transferred and how nutrients are cycled through a
specific community. Arrows on a food chain and food web show the direction of that
energy transfer. Most often these arrows will flow upwards as energy passes from
producers to consumers.
In an Energy Pyramid the producers are at the bottom and the top level predators (tertiary
consumers) are at the top. The energy pyramid illustrates the flow of energy in an
ecosystem. You MUST have enough energy at the producer level in order so that the
consumers at the top have enough food/energy to survive.
Predator: an animal that eats other animals
Prey: an animal that is hunted by a predator
If one organism dies out or becomes diseased then the entire ecosystem could be affected.
It will have a domino effect.
Body Systems
Know the basic function of the following body systems: circulatory, respiratory,
integumentary, nervous, endocrine, excretory, digestive, skeletal and muscular systems.
Review the MAIN organs of each system listed above.
****See my teacher web page for a concept map of these systems****
All body systems work together to make the organism function within an environment.
The endocrine system in an organism is the system responsible for producing chemicals
in the body such as insulin, sex hormones and adrenaline.
Animal Adaptations
Over time, as an environment changes, organisms must change certain traits in order to
survive. These changes are called adaptations. Adaptations may take several generations
to ensure that only the best suited and most successful traits get passed down through
generations. An example of some of these includes the anglerfish using a “light” on it’s
head to light his way in deep ocean water OR a hummingbird’s long, slender beak that
can get nectar from flowers.
Plant Adaptations
Plants must adapt too. They will bend their leaves toward light and away from gravity to
get the sunlight it needs for photosynthesis. The roots will grow towards the pull of
gravity in search of water. These responses are called tropisms.