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Drug Abuse
Illegal drugs-substances that are against the law
for people of any age to manufacture, possess,
buy or sell.
Drug abuse-use of a drug for non-medical
Marijuana-drug made from the hemp plant.
Known as the “gateway” drug because it is normally
the first illegal drug a teen uses.
Effects of marijuana
Immediate effects
Inability to think or speak clearly.
 Difficulty paying attention.
 Loss of short-term memory.
Lack of coordination, slowed reaction time.
 Increased heart rate and appetite.
 Unusual sensitivity to sights and sounds.
 Sadness and fear.
Long-term effects
Problems with normal body development in young
 Damage to lung tissues and the immune cells that
fight cancer.
 Feelings of anxiety and panic.
 Possible psychological dependence.
 Possible inability to have children.
Stimulants-drugs that speed up the body’s
Causes an increase in heart rate, breathing rate,
blood pressure and provides a false sense of energy
and power.
As the effects wear off the user feels exhausted and
emotionally unbalanced.
Amphetamines-strong stimulant drugs that
speed up the nervous system.
Usually called speed or uppers.
 Can be swallowed, inhaled, smoked or injected.
 Physical effects include:
Increased aggressiveness
 Mental illness
 stroke
 Heart attack
 Physical collapse
 Brain seizures
 Irregular heartbeat
 death
Cocaine And Crack
Cocaine-stimulant made from the coca plant.
Can be inhaled, smoked or injected.
 Street names include:
 Snow
 coke
User gets a brief powerful feeling and confidence.
Cocaine And Crack
When the initial effect wears off the user becomes
anxious and depressed.
 Cocaine is highly addictive.
 Dangers of use include:
Heart attack
 Damage to the nasal membranes
 Lung problems
Cocaine And Crack
Crack-a concentrated form of cocaine.
User feels more energetic and alert.
 Followed by depression and craving more.
 Crack is more addictive than cocaine.
Depressants-drugs that slow down the body’s
functions and reactions, including the heart and
breathing rates.
Tranquilizers-prescription for anxiety, muscle spasms
or sleeplessness.
 Barbiturates
 Hypnotics
 Alcohol
Depressants make the user feel relaxed and less
Can impair coordination and judgment.
 Causes sleepiness.
 Can become physically and psychologically
 May become depressed and moody.
 May cause coma or death.
Narcotics-drugs that relieve pain and dull the
 Morphine-legal but addictive.
 Codeine-legal but addictive.
All of the above damage the liver, lungs, kidneys and the
Hallucinogens-drugs that distort moods,
thoughts and senses.
Users become disoriented, less sensitive to pain and
Phencyclidine-known as PCP or angel dust
 Lysergic acid diethylamide-known as LSD or acid.
Club Drugs
Club drugs-drugs that were originally available at
nightclubs or raves.
Cause disorientation, nausea, unconsciousness and
 Often used as a date rape drug.
Ecstasy-known as X or MDMA.
 GHB-known as G or liquid ecstasy.
 Rohypnol-known as a roofie.
 Ketamine-known as special K or vitamin K
Inhalants-substances whose fumes are breathed
in to produce mind altering sensations.
Often called huffing.
Causes nausea, mental confusion and loss of motor skills.
 Poisons go directly to the brain causing permanent
damage or death.
Spray paint
The Dangers Of Drug Use
The following are the dangers of drug use:
Brain damage
 Coma
 Death
 Hepatitis
 Injury
 Pregnancy and/or STI’s