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A drug is a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating, performance enhancing or
other effects when taken or put into a human body.
Thay affect the brain functioning, causing changes in behavior, mood and consciousness.
Some drugs can cause addiction and/or habituation.
We know three differnt classes of drugs : depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens.
DEPRESSANTS = sucha s alcohol, heroin or morfine, depress the activity of the central
nervous system and resultin feelings of relaxation, apathy and deceased attention
is a drug that lowers arousal levels and reduces excitability.[1] Depressants are aknown as
"downers" For depressants are considered morphine, heroin, codeine and alcohol.
 Alcohol – is thought to affect various chemicals that regulate the functioning of the
brain . People have the feeling of being more relaxed, talkative or social after several
drinks. In moderate amounts there is presently no evidence that alcohol destroys brain
cells . BUT after prolonged ( many years ) and heavy drinking, both humans and
research animals were found to have significantly fewer brain cells.
The relative amount of alcohol in a persons blood, called the blood alcohol level or
BAL depends upon a number of factors, sucha s your weaght, amount of fat tissue, the
time since your last meal and how qiuckly you down your drinks
Stimulants are knowk as "uppers". Stimulants (also referred to as psychostimulants)
are psychoactive drugs which induce temporary improvements in either mental or physical
functions or both. For typical stimulant are rated amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine and tobacco
or nicotine .
 Cocaine – the major reason for the popularity of these drug, which is often snoeted
through the nose, is its ability to produce bursts of energy, arousal and alertness. Users
ussualy feel euphory , self-confident and certain taht they are thinking more clearly
than ever before.
 Caffeine – is far less powerful than cocaine and produces the symptoms as incerased
heart rate and a mild feelings of alertness or arousal.
 Nicotine – which is present in tobacoo, is a mild stimulant . Among its primary
psychological affect. Nicotine had been reported to improve concentration, short/term
memory and other cognitive skills.
These drugs are so named because they produce hallucinations that may be so vivid the user
belives they are real. Common hallucinogens include LSD, mescaline ( derived from peyot
cactus ), psilocybin ( found in certain mushrooms) , marihuana and PCP ( called angel dust )
 Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the United States. People who use
marijuana report getting a „high,“ which includes some of the foloowing experiences.
Users said that marijuana intensifies sensations ( making music sounds fuller and
foods taste better), change perception – so that ordinary events or things seem to be
more interesting or funnier
TOLERANCE to drug – means that the body builds up a resistence to the drug so that larger
and larger doses are needed to produce the same behavioral effects.
ADDICTION – means that the the drug is now needed for normal functioning of the body and
stopping the drug leads to withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms can by various depending upon
the drug.
Addiction is different from psychological dependency.
DEPENDENCY – refers to the strong psychological need or desire to use a drug.