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Social Psych Review
Fundamental attribution error/ observers’ bias in favor of internal attributions in explaining
others’ behavior and situational attributions when judging themselves
Self serving bias / the tendency to view one’s successes as stemming from internal factors and
one’s failures as stemming from external factors
Self Fulfilling Prophecy / a belief, prediction, or expectation that makes itself come true
Cognitive dissonance / occurs when attitudes and behaviors contradict each other
Festinger / Last name of man who studied cognitive dissonance
Conformity / occurs when people yield to real or imagined social pressure
Social facilitation / tendency of people to do better when they are being watched
Social impairment / a restraint on people’s feelings and expressions in the belief that others’ may
disapprove of their behavior
Deindividuation / helps explain why law abiding citizens may commit theft during a riot
Passionate love / a complete absorption in another that includes tender sexual feelings and the
agony and ecstasy of intense emotion
Equity / a condition in which people receive from a relationship in proportion to what they give
to it
Altruism / helping behavior; helps reduce tendency toward bystander effect
Prejudice / an undeserved, usually negative, attitude toward a group of people
Just world bias / belief that world is an orderly place and people can avoid dangers
Superordinate / a goal that benefits all and necessitates the participation of all; helps reduce
Ethnocentrism / the notion that one’s own culture is superior to everyone else’s
Pluralistic ignorance / people seem to decide what constitutes appropriate behavior in a situation
by looking to others
Self disclosure / revealing intimate aspects of oneself to another
Complementarity / people are attracted to those who are similar to them
Companionate love / is warm, trusting, tolerant affection for another whose life is deeply
intertwined with one’s own
Mere exposure effect / based on the idea that we have more positive feelings about things to
which we are frequently exposed
Group think / occurs when members of a cohesive group emphasize agreement at the expense of
critical thinking in arriving at a decision
Self concept / how we see or describe ourselves
Social loafing / a reduction in effort by individuals when they work in groups as compared to
when they work by themselves
Bystander effect / people are less likely to help when they are in groups than when they are alone
Asch / Last name of man who conducted the famous study on conformity
Zimbardo / Last name of man who designed the Stanford Prison Simulation
In group bias / a preference for members of one’s own group
Individualism / involves putting personal goals ahead of group goals and defining one’s identity
in terms of personal attributes rather than group memberships
Central route / type of persuasion where people carefully ponder content and logic of message
Stereotype / a widely held belief that people have certain characteristics because of their
membership in a particular group
Darley and Latane / Last names of men who conducted study on bystander effect
Group polarization / occurs when group discussion strengthens a group’s dominant point of view
and produces a shift toward a more extreme decision in that direction
Foot in door / phenomenon where if you can convince someone to agree to a small request, then
it will be easier to convince them to agree to a larger request
Door in the face / phenomenon where a person refuses a large request, and then will be more
willing to grant a small request