Download Shoebox Cell

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Shoebox Cell
You will work in groups of two or three. You may choose your own group. This will be
an on-going project. There will be several dates in which different pieces of the shoebox
are due. You may revise parts of your shoebox throughout, but you may not copy other
groups. You may work on this in class only when you have finished other required
activities. Any additional time needed will be out of class.
Each group will be responsible for bringing one shoebox to class to represent a cell wall
of a plant cell. Each group will also bring other items to represent the following plant
structures. Do not use food for any organelles.
Plasma membrane
Timeline: You will be notified if due dates need to be adjusted.
September 4, 2013 - Shoebox with object(s) included to represent the cell wall, plasma
membrane and chloroplasts. Introduce your idea of how to identify each organelle.
Presentation #1 of shoebox and idea to whole class.
September 10, 2013 - Include an object(s) to represent the mitochondria. Introduce an
idea of how to illustrate an explanation of the objects used for each organelle. (ex. I used
_____ to represent chloroplasts becauseā€¦..). Presentation #2 of shoebox and idea to
whole class.
September 16, 2013 - Include an object(s) to represent the vacuole. Introduce an idea of
how to identify the function of each organelle and the relationship between its structure
and function. Presentation #3 of added piece of shoebox and idea to class.
September 23, 2013 - Include an object(s) to represent the nucleus. Introduce an idea of
how to identify the cellular process associated with each organelle.
Presentation #4 of added piece of shoebox and idea to class.
October 14, 2013 - Include an object(s) to represent ribosomes. Introduce an idea of
how to identify organelles that are absent from animal cells and prokaryotic cells.
Presentation #5 of added piece of shoebox and idea to class.
October 21, 2013 - Finished product with all organelles included, an explanation of the
objects used for each organelle, the function of each organelle included, the cellular
process associated with each organelle and identification of each organelle that is absent
in animal cells and prokaryotic cells.
Project rubric
Student names _____________________________
Below standard
Approaching standard
At standard
Explanation of ideas
This project will be worth a total of 48 points.
_____(10 pts.) Box is neat and attractive.
_____(7 pts.) All structures listed are included in the box.
_____(7 pts.) The size of the objects used are representative of the structure sizes.
_____(7 pts.) The number of objects used to represent each structure is logical. Ex. A
cell may have only one nucleus, but have several ribosomes.
_____(7 pts.) The functions of the structures are accurate.
_____(10 pts.) the project is completed and turned on due date.