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Label the side of the heart that pumps deoxygenated blood to your lungs.
Label the side of the heart which pumps oxygenated blood around your
_________ Side
_________ Side
1. What does oxygenated mean?
2. Where does oxygenated blood come from?
3. When does blood become deoxygenated? _____________________________
4. Where does the oxygen go? _______________________________________
5. Why is the heart a ‘double
Circulatory System
____________appears to be a red liquid but in fact the liquid part of
the blood, the___________is straw coloured! It is mostly___________,
but it also contains dissolved nutrients and waste materials.
The red colour is due to the_____________________. These tiny cells
carry___________ around the body. Blood also
contains_______________. These help fight infection, and form part of
the body’s defences.
Blood____________ are the tubes through which the blood flows. There
are three main types of blood vessel. _____________carry blood away
from the heart. ___________carry the blood back again.
_____________ are tiny blood vessels which connect the two.
The largest arteries and veins are next to the heart. Their walls contain
muscles, with artery walls having_________ muscle than vein walls to
withstand_____ pressure. As they go away from the heart, however, the
blood vessels form branches which get narrower and narrower.
Capillaries are very________ with walls only________cell thick.
Exchange of substances such as_____________, ____________________________, ___________into and out of blood and cells occur
through capillaries.
The___________ is the body’s pump. It is a hollow organ, with thick
muscle walls. These muscles keep _____________and____________,
squeezing blood out of the heart. It has_______ chambers. The left
side of the heart receives______________ blood and the right side of
the heart receives deoxygenated blood. The heart contains__________
to control the direction of flow.
Word Box- You may need to use some of the words more than once
and some not at all.
Blood, Muscle, Heart, Plasma, Water, Oxygen, Blood vessels, White
blood cells, Vessels, ,Capillaries, More, Left, Less, Narrow, One, High,
Contracting, Relaxing, Valves, Carbon dioxide, Arteries, Oxygenated,
Glucose, Four, Veins, Wide, Red blood cells,