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Conquest in America
Chapter 3 Section 1
Analyze the results of the first encounters between the
Spanish and Native Americans
Explain how Cortés and Pizarro gained control of the
Aztec and Incan Empires
Understand the short and long term effects of the Spanish
on the peoples of the Americas
I. Conquistadors
What are Conquistadors?
– Spanish Explorers
– They were searching for Gold
– Advantages
• Guns vs. Arrows
• Metal Armor vs. Padding
• Horses vs. Nothing
– Disease
• Small pox
• Measles
• Influenza
– Natives had no immunities to these diseases
II. Hernando Cortés
– Lands on the coast of Mexico
– Moves to Tenochtitlan
• Aztec Capital
– Aztec Emperor
– Thought Cortés was Quetzalcoatl
• The pale skinned, bearded god from the east
Tenochtitlan Falls
– Montezuma welcomes Cortés into the city
– Montezuma is then imprisoned
• Cortés forced Montezuma to sign over his land and
treasures to the Spanish
– New conquistadors challenge Cortés
• Leads to battle
• Aztecs push out the Spanish
– Cortés returns with new Indian allies, destroys
– Mexico City is raised on its ruins
III. Pizarro and Peru
Francisco Pizarro
– Interested in the Inca Empire
– Atahualpa
Incan King
Refused to convert to Christianity
Pizarro Captured him and slaughtered thousands of Incas
Pizarro demanded a huge ransom for the Incan King
– It was paid, and Pizarro killed him anyways
– Pizarro’s conquest of the Incas led to huge land
holdings for the Spanish in South America
IV. The Effects of the Spanish
End of the World
– To some, the coming of the Spanish marked the
end of the world
– Christianity was showing to be stronger
• The Christian God was more powerful than the
Native gods
– The idea of “If you can’t beat them, join them”
• Convert and their sufferings would end