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American History 1302-8502/03
Chapter 26-28 Study Guide
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Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Great Depression
ƒ Causes
ƒ Speculators
ƒ Black Thursday
ƒ Unemployment
ƒ Dust Bowl
President Hoover
ƒ View of Direct Aid
ƒ Federal Farm Board
ƒ Reconstruction Finance Corp.
ƒ Bonus Army
President Roosevelt
ƒ Unification of Democrats
ƒ Bank Closure and Legislation
ƒ Fireside Chats
New Deal
ƒ Tennessee Valley Authority
ƒ National Recovery Administration
ƒ Agricultural Adjustment Act
ƒ Civilian Conservation Corps
ƒ Public Works Administration
ƒ Works Progress Administration
ƒ Social Security Act
ƒ Wagner Act
ƒ Fair Labor Standards Act
ƒ Rural Electrification Program
New Deal Opposition
ƒ Father Charles Coughlin
ƒ Francis Townsend
ƒ Huey Long
ƒ Liberty League
Labor Relations
ƒ John L. Lewis - CIO
ƒ Growth of Unions
Supreme Court Scheme
Roosevelt Elections: 1932 and 1936
Foreign Policy 1930s
ƒ Kellogg-Briand Pact
ƒ Allied War Debts to U.S.
ƒ League of Nations
ƒ Recognition of Soviet Union
ƒ Latin America - Good Neighbor Policy
ƒ Latin America – Collective Security
ƒ Japan – Korean Occupation 1905
ƒ Washington Disarmament Conference
ƒ Japan – Seizure of Manchuria 1931
Fascism & Totalitarianism in Europe
ƒ Italy – Benito Mussolini
ƒ Germany – Adolph Hitler
ƒ Japan – Hirohito and Tojo
ƒ Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan
German Expansion
ƒ Rhineland
ƒ Austria – Anschluss
ƒ Sudetenland
ƒ Munich Conference
o Neville Chamberlain
o Appeasement
ƒ Czechoslovakia
ƒ Poland – September 1, 1939
o Blitzkrieg
Pacifism Movement in United States
ƒ Nye Committee
ƒ Neutrality Acts
ƒ Ludlow Referendum
U.S. Movement towards War
ƒ Lend-Lease Act
ƒ Selective Service Act – Draft 1940
ƒ Arsenal of Democracy
ƒ Atlantic Charter
o Europe First Strategy
ƒ Military Spending
ƒ Roosevelt 3rd Term – 1940
ƒ Battle of the Atlantic
U.S. Entrance to War
ƒ Trade Embargo with Japan
ƒ Pearl Harbor Attack – Dec. 7, 1941
ƒ Admiral Yamamoto
ƒ Roosevelt Speech to Congress
ƒ Declaration of War
ƒ German & Italian Declaration War
ƒ Japanese Internment
Allied Nations
ƒ U.S. – Roosevelt
ƒ Great Britain – Churchill
ƒ Russia – Stalin
ƒ France – de Gaulle
War in Europe
ƒ Phony War
ƒ Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact
ƒ Invasion of France
o Maginot Line
o Dunkirk
o Vichy France
o Free French
o French Underground
o Petain and de Gaulle
ƒ Attacking Great Britain
o Battle of Britain
o The Blitz
o Winston Churchill
ƒ Attacking the Soviet Union
o Barbarossa
o June 22, 1941
ƒ D-Day – Operation Overlord
o June 6, 1944
o Dwight D. Eisenhower
o Battle of the Bulge
ƒ VE Day
o May 5, 1945
War in Africa, Sicily and Italy
ƒ Operation TORCH
ƒ General Montgomery
ƒ General Rommel
ƒ Operation HUSKEY
ƒ General Patton
Holocaust – Concentration Camps
War in the Pacific
ƒ General Doolittle
o Doolittle Raid on Japan
ƒ Admiral Nimitz
ƒ General MacArthur
ƒ Philippines
o Corregidor
o General Wainwright
o Battaan Death March
ƒ Island Hopping
ƒ Battle of Coral Sea
ƒ Battle of Midway
ƒ Iwo Jima
ƒ Kamikaze
ƒ Strategic Bombing of Japan
Manhattan Project
ƒ Roosevelt’s Death - 1944
ƒ President Truman
ƒ Atomic Bomb
o Fat Man and Little Boy
o Hiroshima & Nagasaki
ƒ VJ Day – August 15, 1945
Chapter 28
Yalta Conference
ƒ Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
Potsdam Conference
ƒ Truman, Churchill, Stalin
ƒ Division of Germany
o 4 Zones Germany
o 4 Zones Berlin
Satellite States
Iron Curtain
Containment – George Kennan
ƒ Greece
United Nations
ƒ Security Council
ƒ International Court of Justice
ƒ Formation of Israel - 1948
Baruch Plan
Marshall Plan
NATO & the Warsaw Pact
Berlin Blockade
ƒ Berlin Airlift
ƒ Berlin Wall
Election of 1948 – Truman
ƒ GI Bill
ƒ United Mine Workers Strike
ƒ Taft-Hartley Act
National Security Act
NSC-68 and Hydrogen Bomb
ƒ Chiang Kai-Shek – Nationalists
o Formosa/Taiwan
ƒ Mao Tse-Tung – Communists
o Peoples Republic of China
o U.S. Non-Recognition
o “Lost” China
Korean War
ƒ 38th Parallel
ƒ Kim Il Sung
ƒ Police Action
ƒ Pusan Perimeter
ƒ General MacArthur
ƒ Inchon Landing
ƒ Yalu River
ƒ Chosin Reservoir
ƒ Chinese Intervention
ƒ MacArthur Relieved
ƒ Panmunjom Peace Talks
ƒ 1952 – Eisenhower Election
ƒ 38th Parallel – Cease Fire - DMZ
Red Scare
ƒ Loyalty Oaths
ƒ House Un-American Activites
ƒ Alger Hiss
ƒ Klaus Fuchs
ƒ Rosenberg Trial
ƒ Senator Joseph McCarthy
ƒ Army-McCarthy Hearings
ƒ Censure
President Eisenhower
ƒ John Foster Dulles
ƒ Hydrogen Bomb
ƒ Massive Retaliation Policy
ƒ Military Spending
ƒ Ho Chi Minh
ƒ Viet Minh
ƒ Chinese Support
ƒ French Colonial Rule
ƒ Dien Bien Phu
ƒ 17th Parallel
o North Vietnam
o South Vietnam - Diem
Trouble Spots
ƒ China and Taiwan
ƒ Suez Canal Crisis
o Egypt
o Gamal Nassar
o Invasion: France, G.B., Israel
ƒ Lebanon
ƒ Iran - Shah
ƒ Guatemala
ƒ Cuba – Fidel Castro
Nikita Khrushchev
Geneva Summit
Nuclear Test Suspension
Missile Gap
Second Berlin Crisis
U-2 Affair
ƒ Over Flight of USSR
ƒ Francis Gary Powers
ƒ Cancellation of Summit
Essay Questions
Chapter 26
1. Describe the bull market of the 1920s and explain
factors that contributed to the stock market crash of
2. Compare and contrast the respective approaches of
Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt to the
issues and problems of the Great Depression.
3. In what ways did the New Deal change Americans'
attitudes toward the role of the federal government
in their daily lives?
Chapter 27
1. Assess American foreign policy in the aftermath of
World War I. What effect did the war have on
American attitudes toward the outside world?
2. How and why was Germany allowed to annex and
occupy Austria, the Sudetenland, and other regions?
Give your assessment of Britain and France’s policy
of appeasement.
3. Describe and assess the response of the United
States to the military aggression of Japan, Germany,
and Italy in the 1930s.
4. Discuss the significance of D-Day and the Battle of
the Bulge in relation to allied efforts to defeat
Chapter 28
1. What was the policy of "containment?" Explain
how this policy was implemented between during
the Truman and Eisenhower years.
2. What reforms in the United States military and
intelligence establishments were brought about in
the 1940s and 1950s due to the Cold War?
3. Explain the factors that led to the Red Scare and
McCarthyism in the late 1940s and 1950s. What
effects did these matters have upon American
politics and society?