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COURSE TITLE AND NUMBER – ELET 144 Electron Control Devices Theory
Semester: Spring
Instructor: Ben Bartlett
Office Number:Canyon 113B
Office Hours: Monday through
Friday 7:30 – 8 AM
Office Phone: Extension 6324
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Course Description:
Comprehensive study and practical application of semiconductors, power supplies,
amplifiers, oscillators, receiver circuits, and test equipment
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of ELET 143 or equivalent training
Required Textbooks and Supplies:
Malvino’s “Electronic Principles” text book
Scientific Calculator
Graph paper, 1” squares, linear
Compass for making circles
Protractor for measuring angles
Straight edge, such as a 12” ruler
Expected Outcomes: Student will gain knowledge and skill necessary to understand the
following concepts, and use those concepts in assembling, testing, analyzing, and/or
troubleshooting electrical circuits:
Diode circuits – clippers, clampers, peak detectors
Power supplies – half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, and bridge rectifier
DC operation of transistors
AC operation of transistors, Common Emitter Amp, Common Collector Amp, and
Common Base Amp
Multistage voltage amplifiers
Power Amplifiers
Field Effect Transistor Amplifiers
Operational amplifiers
Outcomes Assessment:
Successful completion of the course will be evidenced by the ability to use the
information gained to better understand subsequent topics, and by successfully
completing the exams and other assignments, given during the course of the program.
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Policies and Procedures:
Attendance policy
Students are expected to attend every class session and lab session. Students are expected to be in
class at the prescribed time. Attendance is determined by a combination of time cards, and instructor
observation, with the time cards being the main method of keeping attendance. However, coming in
late, and/or leaving early, as observed by the instructor, will be counted as tardy.
Hours of lecture each week – approximately 7 ½ hours
Hours of lab each week – none (lab is a separate listing)
Required assignments – Homework assignments count for 25% of grade
Late policy – Student is considered late 6 minutes after the scheduled start
of class
Plagiarism statement – Student must do his/her own work, when
composing reports, or other research projects. All research material,
whether from Internet, Library, Magazine sources, or other printed media,
must be indicated by references in the document. All references must be
complete enough to allow validation by the instructor. Any violations of
this policy (for example, copying of someone else’s material) will be
punishable, up to, and including, dismissal from the program.
Grading Practices:
Testing procedure – tests will be given on a periodic basis, generally once
a week, depending on subject matter, and will normally be ‘open notes’
type tests. Some tests , however, will require memorization of the
material, and will be ‘closed notes’, ‘closed book’ tests.
Grading Scale –
90% to 100% = A
80% to 89.9% = B
70% to 79.9% = C
60% to 69.9% = D
below 60% = F
Attendance and Punctuality – Effect on Grade
Student must maintain 60% or higher on quiz grades, to pass, no matter what the
overall average is. Instructor also may adjust the grade up or down based on
attendance and punctuality. Any student who misses more than the equivalent of 5
class sessions will begin to lose points. Each absense beyond the fifth absense will
lower the numerical grade by 2 points. Each time the student is tardy 1 point will be
deducted from the grade, after the total of 5 class sessions are missed. Therefore, 2
tardies count as 1 absence.
Example: Student misses 4 complete days (4 absenses), and has 3 tardies. Each of
the absenses count 2 points (4 x 2 = 8), and each tardy counts 1 point (3 x 1 = 3), so
total points deducted from the students grade is 11 - 10 (5 class periods free) = 1
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So, if the student has a 74.5 % , his/her adjusted grade is now 74.5 - 1 = 73.5 %
Library Use if Applicable: - none assigned
Topical Outline for the Course
Diode circuits – clippers, clampers, peak detectors
Power supplies – half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, and bridge rectifier
DC operation of transistors
AC operation of transistors, Common Emitter Amp, Common Collector Amp, and
Common Base Amp
Multistage voltage amplifiers
Power Amplifiers
Field Effect Transistor Amplifiers
Operational amplifiers
Revised 4/99