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* Depressant
* Act out
* Reckless behavior
* Lessons our inhibitions
by turning off our frontal
* Most widely used drug, 90%
* Can lead to dependency
* Once removed,
headaches and
* Stimulant
* Speeds up the
functioning of the brain
* Derived from opium
* Natural substance
* Why they wreak havoc
* Produce drowsiness
* Insensitivity to pain
* Eliminates pain and anxiety
* Duplicating Endorphins
* From the leaves of the Coca plant
* Euphoric sense of happiness and increased
* Stimulant
* Powerful
* Prevents the terminal buttons from reabsorbing
* Works as an anesthetic
* Intensifies sensory experiences
* Attach to receptors that are related to long
term memory
* Amotivational syndrome
* Coupled with well established barriers to
learning, pot smoking can cause people to
waste a lot of time and money
* Brain development is affected
* Research shows that marijuana aids some medical conditions
* Chemotherapy problems – decreases vomiting, nausea, and
* Aids – improves appetite
* Pain and muscle spasms – decreases these plus depression
* Glaucoma – decreases pressure on eye
* Hallucinogens, similar to mushrooms
* Intensification of sensations and experiences
* Dream like state
* Mescaline, better known as peyote, is derived from
a Chihuahan cactus found in Texas and Mexico
* It has been used medicinally and sacramental for
thousands of years
* US government allows its use in Native
* American religions
* Comes from cactus buttons
* Dopamine is released
* Pleasure follows
* This nudges us into eating, drinking, and other beneficial behaviors
* Years of research has revealed that ingesting many drugs also
causes dopamine to be released
* The dopamine circuit begins in the ventral tegmental area
* synthesizes dopamine which it passes to the
* Nucleus accumbens which then connects through its axons to areas of
the frontal lobes
* Continued use of some drugs (opiates) causes neurons to
shrink or otherwise work less effectively, forcing the user to
rely on the drug for pleasure.
* Stage 1 –brain is slowing down
* Stage 2 – 4 waves slow gradually and become increasingly
rhythmic, indicating less activity, eyes still inactive
* After Stage 4, we move back through Stages 3 and then 2,
but instead of then going into Stage 1, we enter into ….
* REM sleep in which our eyes suddenly move about, as if we
were awake, and our brain waves become fast and choppy
like Stage 1
* These cycles run for about 90 minutes
* Occipital lobe
* Located in the lower back region of the head
* Contains many specialized areas relating to different aspects of
vision, especially the primary visual center
* Many links to the temporal for visual tasks
* Parietal
* Primarily devoted to the sense of touch
* Contains the primary somatosensory cortex
* Area within it is taken up by the parts of the skin
* Also tells us where we are in space relative to the objects around us
* Frontal
* Its back region contains the primary motor cortex which takes
information from the primary somatosensory cortex and then moves the
body’s muscles
* Similarly, the parts of the body with more sophisticated muscle systems
have more space in the primary motor cortex devoted to them
* Temporal
* Contains the primary auditory cortex
* Much of it is used for complex visual tasks in conjunction with the
primary visual cortex
* These include recognizing faces and perceiving motion
* Also crucial to memory
* In the left hemisphere, aids language skills
* Central Nervous System
* Autonomic Nervous System
* Sympathetic Nervous system
* Parasympathetic Nervous System
* Basic Types of Neurons
* Corpus Callosom
* Left brain equals language
* Brain Structure
* Hindbrain
* Hippocampus
* Amygdala