Download Controlling Body Processes Study Guide 1. What are the three

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Controlling Body Processes Study Guide
1. What are the three functions of the nervous system? ________________________________________________
A change or signal in the environment that can make an organism react is called a ________________________.
What is the correct order in which the three types of neurons work to respond to a stimulus? ______________
4. What part of a neuron carries nerve impulses away from the cell body? _________________________________
5. What type of neuron picks up stimuli and converts the stimuli to nerve impulses? ________________________
6. A motor neuron sends an impulse to a ___________________________________________________________.
7. A synapse is the space between ________________________________________________________________.
8. The brain and spinal cord make up the ___________________________________________________________.
9. The thick column of nerve tissue that links the brain to most of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system is
the _____________________________.
10. What three structures protect the brain from injury? ________________________________________________
11. What part of the brain controls memory and learning? _______________________________________________
12. What part of the brain controls balance? __________________________________________________________
13. What part of the brain controls involuntary actions such as breathing and heartbeat? ______________________
14. The peripheral nervous system consists of _____________________________________.
15. Which division of the nervous system controls involuntary actions such as digestion? ______________________
16. An automatic response of the body that occurs rapidly without conscious control is called a ________________.
17. Pain is an important sensation, because it can alert the body to _______________________________________.
18. What is the name of the opening through which light enters the eye? __________________________________
19. The _______________________ of the eye bends light rays and focuses them on the retina.
20. Because the lens of the eye bends light rays, the image produced by the lens is __________________________.
21. Eyes convert light into ________________________________ that travel through the optic nerves to the brain.
22. What nerve is responsible for sending nerve impulses from the eye to the brain? _________________________
23. The flavor of food is influenced by the senses of smell and __________________________________________.
24. Sound waves travel down the ear canal and strike the ______________________________________________.
25. What structure passes sound vibrations to the cochlea? _____________________________________________
26. In the inner ear called the _______________________, receptors convert sound vibrations into nerve impulses.
27. The ______________________________ is the organ associated with the sense of touch.
* There will also be an experiment question on the test. Make sure you can identify the independent variable,
dependent variable, control, and controlled variable.
27. Label the part of the neuron.
28. Label the three parts of the brain.
29. Label the four parts of the ear.