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Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
• Terms
• Neutral Stimulus: a stimulus that does not initially
elicit a response
• Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): an event that elects a
cretin predictable response without previous
• Unconditioned Response (UCR): natural reaction to
• Conditioned Stimulus (CS): a once neutral event that
elects a given response after a period of training in
which it has been paired with an unconditioned
• Conditioned Response (CR): The learned reaction to
a conditioned stimulus.
Classical Conditioning
helps animals and humans
adapt to the environment.
• Acquisition of Classical Conditioning
– With each paring of CS and UCS the CR is
strengthened over time.
– This happens gradually over time.
– Timing with the CS and the UCS also
influences learning.
• Generalization
– Pavlov found that similar CS gave the same CR.
– Example: Used a circle as the CS, when he would
show an oval he would get the same response.
• Discrimination: The ability to respond
differently to different stimuli
• Extinction: The loss of CR to the UCS is not
present during the CS.
• Spontaneous Recovery reoccurring of CR to
the CS, but the CR is not as strong as the
first times.
• Human Uses:
– Little Albert: 11 month old infant
• Albert not scared of lab rats
• Loud bang is used when he sees them
– conditioned over time, now associates
rats with loud sound (scared)
• Other Uses
– Bed Wetting
– Taste Aversions:
– Snail example