Download STUDY GUIDE Module 15 Define: Taste Aversion Spontaneous

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Module 15
Unconditioned Stimulus
Spontaneous Recovery
Taste Aversion
Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response
Unconditioned Response
1. Identify what the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR were in Ivan Pavlov’s famous experiment.
when an organism produces the same response to similar stimuli.
3. Stimulus Extinction occurs when a conditioned stimulus is no longer paired
with a_____
4. Identify what the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR in John Watson’s experiment
on Little Albert.
5. Explain how John Garcia identified the concept of taste aversion.
Module 16
Operant Conditioning
Latent Learning
Primary Reinforcers
Secondary Reinforcers
I. A mental representation like your mental image of the layout of our school is known
2. List the four partial schedules of reinforcement.
3. Explain how punishment is different than negative reinforcement.
4. What is the name of the operant chamber developed by B.F. Skinner that was used to
operantly condition rats to depress a lever to receive a food pellet?
is often used to train complicated tricks to animals. This technique
involves positively reinforcing behaviors that move closer and closer to the target
Module 17
1. What is the main difference between observational learning and operant conditioning.
murders and over
2. The average American student has witnessed about
violent acts by the end of elementary school.
3. What was learned from the Bobo the Doll experiment?
4. Cite the psychologist with their field of conditioning:
Albert Bandura, Ivan Pavlov, B.F. Skinner