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Unit 6 Notes, Part 1: Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning: _______________________ responses to ______________ stimuli
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): stimulus that unconditionally--automatically and
____________________--triggers a response
Unconditioned Response (UCR): unlearned, natural response to the unconditioned stimulus
o salivation when food is in the mouth
Conditioned Stimulus (CS): after __________________ with unconditioned stimulus (UCS),
triggers a conditioned response
Conditioned Response (CR): ________________ response to a previously neutral conditioned
Ivan Pavlov
o 1849-1936
o Russian physician/ neurophysiologist
o Nobel Prize in 1904
o studied __________________ secretions
Pavlov’s Experiment
o Initial stage in classical conditioning
o associate a neutral stimulus (bell) with an unconditioned stimulus (food)
 So this neutral stimulus (bell) comes to elicit a conditioned response (salivate)
o diminishing of a CR (salivation)
o in classical conditioning, when a UCS (food) does not follow a CS(bell)
Spontaneous Recovery
o reappearance of an extinguished CR (salivation with bell)
o tendency for stimuli similar (horn) to CS (bell) to elicit similar responses (salivation)
o ability to distinguish between a CS (bell) and other stimuli that do not signal a UCS
Unit 6 Notes, Part 2: Operant Conditioning & Reinforcement
Law of Effect: Thorndike’s principle that behaviors followed by _______________
consequences become __________ likely, and behaviors followed by unfavorable
consequences become __________ likely
B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)
 elaborated Thorndike’s Law of Effect
 developed behavioral technology
Skinner Box
 ____________ with a bar or key that an animal manipulates to obtain a food or water
 contains devices to record responses
Reinforcer: any event that ___________________ the behavior it follows
Shaping: reinforcers guide behavior toward closer ________________ of a desired
Punishment: aversive (________________) event that decreases the behavior that it follows
Continuous Reinforcement
 reinforcing the desired response _________ time it occurs
Partial (Intermittent) Reinforcement
 reinforcing a response only _________ of the time
results in _________ acquisition
greater resistance to ____________
Fixed Ratio (FR)
 reinforces a response only after a specified ___________ of responses
_______ you respond the more rewards you get
very high rate of responding
like piecework pay
Variable Ratio (VR)
 reinforces a response after an ______________________ number of responses
like __________, fishing
very hard to __________ because of unpredictability
Fixed Interval (FI)
 reinforces a response only after a specified __________ has elapsed
response occurs more _____________ as the anticipated time for reward draws near
Variable Interval (VI)
 reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals
produces ______ steady responding
like pop quiz
Cognitive Map: mental representation of the ____________ of one’s environment
o Example: being about to visualize your path between classes
Latent Learning: learning that occurs, but is not apparent until there is an incentive to
______________ it
Intrinsic Motivation: Desire to perform a behavior for its own sake and to be
Extrinsic Motivation: Desire to perform a behavior due to promised ________________ or
threats of punishments
Overjustification Effect
 the effect of promising a reward for doing what one already ______________ to do
the person may now see the _________, rather than intrinsic interest, as the motivation
for performing the task