Download Inflation was an internal weakness of Rome that occurred when

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Inflation was an internal weakness of Rome that occurred when Roman government
made more coins, making it less valuable.
Justinian I was the first Roman emperor to accept Christianity and allowed Christians to
worship freely.
Aqueducts and roads are examples of Roman art.
Citizenship is the idea of being a full member of a nation that includes rights and laws.
Invading Germanic tribes were an example of an internal weakness of Rome.
Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire east to the city of Baghdad.
Roman sculpture was special because of its lifelike appearance.
Diocletian is the Roman emperor who divided the empire into four pieces to make it
easier to rule.
The Roman Catholic Church was led by the emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
Emperor Leo III was excommunicated after ordering that all churches in the Byzantine
Empire were to be destroyed.
Rome fell when Emperor Romulus Augustus was conquered by barbarians.
Justinian’s Code was a secret code for sending messages to the Byzantine military.
The two famous chariot teams of Constantinople were the Reds and the Whites.
Domes and stadiums are examples of Roman architecture.
A strong organized military helped Rome to expand its border throughout Europe and
into Africa and Asia.
The Eastern Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire.
Spanish was the official language of Rome.