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Anatomy of Mammals Test Review
Name: ___________
Organ Systems
1. Test your knowledge about organ systems by completing the crossword puzzle.
2. The study of the functions of living organisms and their parts
3. A group of organs that have related functions
4. The study of the shape and structure of organisms and their parts
11. The system involved in the coordination and chemical regulation of body activities
12. Structures composed of different tissues specialized in carrying out certain functions
1. The system that transports nutrients, gases and wastes around the body
5. The system that enables animals to sense stimuli and coordinate response
6. Groups of cells that work together to perform specialized tasks
7. The system responsible for waste removal
8. The system involved in the physical and chemical breakdown of food
9. The system that moves the body and its parts
10. The system involved in the sexual reproduction of the species
2. Study the diagrams and arrange the following words in the correct sequence from lowest
order to highest order: organ, organ system, tissue.
Digestive System: Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following do animals use to build cells and repair body tissues?
a. fatty acids
c. acetic acids
b. amino acids
d. glycerol
2. Which vertebrate digestive structure below is not involved in physical digestion?
a. incisor
c. esophagus
b. gizzard
d. small intestine
3. Salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase are enzymes responsible for the chemical
breakdown of
a. starch
c. maltose
b. glucose
d. lactose
4. Which substance is not found in gastric juice?
a. lipase
c. HCl
b. mucus
d. pepsin
5. Fat digestion begins in the
a. mouth
b. stomach
c. small intestine
d. large intestine
6. Most products of digestion are absorbed into the capillaries. The exception is
a. protein
c. fat
b. carbohydrate
d. sugar
7. Choose the correct order of human digestive structures.
a. mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus
b. mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, anus
c. mouth, esophagus, small intestine, stomach, large intestine, anus
d. mouth, stomach, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, anus
8. What is the function of the liver in the human digestive system?
a. lowers pH to optimum levels
c. produces bile
b. breaks down and emulsifies fats d. stores bile
Respiration and Circulation: Fill in the blanks with the word list provided.
Tidal volume
Reserve volume
Vital capacity
Pulmonary artery
Air pressure
Pleural membranes
Left ventricle
Pulmonary veins
Right atrium
1. Your ___________ ___________ is the amount of gas that is exchanged during a normal
inhalation and exhalation.
2. The maximum volume of gas you can exchange is your _____________ __________.
3. Your _____________ _______________ allow your lungs to move freely without friction
in the chest (thoracic) cavity.
4. Rings of _______________ keep the trachea and bronchi from collapsing when we inhale.
5. Tiny branching tubes called ____________________ end in air sacs called _____________
that are surrounded by a network of capillaries.
6. In order to inhale, _______ ________________ inside the lungs is decreased.
7. The ___________ is the major artery carrying oxygenated blood.
8. One way ______________ prevent the backflow of blood in the heart.
9. The sino-atrial node is also known as the ___________________ of the heart.
10. The _____________ is a muscular wall that separates the left and right ventricles.
11. ______________ are the blood vessels that contain valves.
12. The __________ _____________ of the heart pumps blood to the aorta.
13. Blood enters the left atrium of the heart through the ________________ _________.
14. _______________ are the blood vessels with the smallest diameter. This is where nutrient
and gas exchange takes place.
1. Use the diagram of the heart (Figure 1) to answer the questions that follow.
Figure 1
a.) Identify the number(s) of the blood vessel(s) that return blood to the heart from the body.
b.) Identify the ventricle that contains deoxygenated blood.
c.) Identify the heart valves that produce the lubb sound when closing.
d.) Identify the blood vessel(s) that brings oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs.
e.) Label each structure indicated on the diagram
2. Name each structure and give a brief description of its function or action.
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
d. __________________________________
e. __________________________________
f. __________________________________
g. __________________________________
3. Using the diagram of the digestive system below, write the number and name of the
digestive structure or structures that match each of the following. The numbers can be used
more than once.
a. Where chemical digestion of protein begins _____________
b. Secrete enzymes to break down starch _____________
c. Manufactures bile _____________
d. Stores bile _____________
e. Peristalsis in this organ delivers food to stomach. _____________
f. Acidic pH is found here. _____________
g. Secretes bicarbonate to neutralize acid. _____________
h. Lined with villi _____________
i. Absorption of water happens here. _____________
j. Aspirin and alcohol are absorbed here. _____________
k. Absorption of nutrients occurs here. _____________
l. Mechanical digestion begins here. _____________
m. Stones form here when bile hardens. _____________
n. Where chemical digestion of starch begins _____________
o. Detoxifies harmful substances _____________
p. Egestion occurs here. _____________
q. Sphincters control food movement in and out. _____________