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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ________ Hour: ____
Quarter 1 Benchmark Study Guide: Cells and Heredity Ch. 1, 3, and 4
1. List the 3 characteristics of a cell
a. All living things are made up of cells.
b. The cell is the smallest unit of a living thing.
c. The cell is the basic unit of function in an organism.
2. Chloroplast is an organelle that uses energy from sunlight to make sugar.
3. List 2 examples of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
a. Prokaryotic: bacteria and archea
b. Eukaryotic: frog and tree
4. Plant cells and animal cells share which of the following structures? (There may be
more than one)
a. Chloroplasts
b. Mitochondria
c. Cell membrane
d. Cell wall
e. Central vacuole
f. Nucleus
5. What domain do almost all multicellular organisms on Earth belong to?
a. Eukarya
b. Bacteria
c. Archea
6. An organ is different tissues working together to perform a particular function.
7. Tissue is a group of similar cells that are organized to do a specific job.
8. Eukaryotic cells store their genetic material in the nucleus, while
Prokaryotic cells store their genetic material in the cytoplasm
9. An organelle is a structure in a cell that is enclosed by a membrane and
that performs a particular function.
10. A scientific model makes complicated processes or structures easier to understand.
11. What allowed cells to be discovered? The micropscope
12. mitochondria release stored energy from sugars.
13. The offspring produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to their
14. Cells prepare for cell division during interphase by duplicating their DNA.
15. Through asexual reproduction many offspring can be produced very quickly.
16. As you become an adult the cells in your body continue dividing.
17. A cell produces two genetically identical daughter cells when it undergoes mitosis.
18. A cutting taken from a plant grows into a new plant as the result of regeneration
19. A cell grows and carries out life functions during which stage? interphase
20. List the three stages of the cell cycle in order.
a. Interphase
b. Mitosis
c. Cytopkinesis
21. After mitosis, the number of chromosomes in a daughter cell is the same as the
number in the parent cell.
22. New cells are always the result of cell division
23. What is an inherited gene and where do you receive it from?
An inherited gene is a in your DNA and you receive it from your parents.
24. Various forms of the same gene are called alleles
25. List 3 examples of alleles eye color, fur color, plant height. (you may have
different examples)
26. A plant has an allele for white flowers but its flowers are red. The allele for white
flowers is recessive
27. What is a Punnett Square used for?
A Punnett Square is used to show the way in which a parents’ alleles might combine
in their offspring. It is an example of how alleles might combine.
28. Meiosis is the process that takes place when a sperm combines with an egg
29. How many times do cells divide during meiosis? 2
30. During sexual reproduction, a gamete from each parent combines to form a new cell.
31. How are traits passed from parents to offspring during sexual reproduction?
Cells from the mother and father join.
32. A diploid cell of a fruit fly contains 8 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are in
a gamete cell of a fruit fly? 4
33. Each box in a Punnett Square shows one possible allele from each parent.
34. A genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
35. A phenotype is the physical characteristics an organism has (what the organism
looks like)
36. A heterozygous brown fur hamster is crossed with a homozygous white fur hamster.
Draw a Punnett Square to show the possible outcomes for the offspring.
B = dominant (brown fur)
b = recessive (white fur)
Phenotype: Brown fur
Whit fur
Genotype: Bb
37. Draw and label the four stages of Mitosis, Meiosis I, and Meiosis II. Be sure to label
each stage and include the genetic material.
Examples for these are in the book or in your notes. Mitosis is chapter 3 and meiosis is
chapter 4. Here are the phases that should be listed for each.
Mitosis – prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
Meiosis I – prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I
Meiosis II – prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II