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Invertebrate Lecture Worksheet
1. Approximately what percentage of animals are invertebrates?
2. What are invertebrates?
3. Name the phyla of invertebrates and members of each phyla.
4. __________ are in the phylum Porifera. There are about _____ different species &
most of these are _________ organisms found in oceans & seas. A few sponges are found
in __________, but these are small and not brightly colored.
5. Sponges are _____________ that trap __________ from water as it flows through
6. Sponges have no basic body arrangement and are said to be ________________.
7. Sponges live attached to one spot as adults so they are __________.
8. The skeleton of sponges is made of a flexible protein called ___________ and hard
fibers called __________ which are composed of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide.
9. Sponges are full of holes called __________ through which water flows into their
__________ bodies.
10. Sponges are the simplest animals and lack the __________ level of specialization like all
other animals. Sponges do have some specialized _________ in their bodies.
11. Special cells called choanocytes line the pores and have __________ that spin to pull in
12. __________cells at the base of choanocytes capture plankton from the water & start
digesting it.
13. _______________ are special cells that carry this food to all other parts of the
14. Wastes and excess water leave a sponge through a large opening at the top called the
15. Sponges reproduce asexually by internal or external __________ and by
_______________ whenever a piece of a sponge breaks off. This last method helps
sponges form _____________.
16. Sponges reproduce sexually also and are _______________ producing both eggs and
sperm. Sponges __________ sperm with each other and do not fertilize their own eggs.
17. Internal buds or ____________ form if the freshwater supply evaporates and are
release when the sponge __________ and become ___________ when freshwater
17. The phylum Cnidaria includes what organisms?
18. All cnidarians are _______________ organisms except for the __________ which is
found in freshwater.
19. Cnidarians all have _______________ symmetry and _____________ or arms that
have stinging cells called _______________. These stinging cells shoot out like a
_______________ and contain a __________ that can kill or paralyze their prey.
20. Cnidarians have _____ body layers; an inner _______________ and an outer
21. Cnidarians have _______ opening into their hollow bodies called the __________ so
food enters and wastes leave through this same opening. This is called a
________________ digestive system.
22. The hollow cavity the mouth opens into is called the ____________________ cavity.
23. Cnidarians have 2 body forms. ___________ forms have the mouth & tentacles located
at the top like Hydra, corals, and sea anemones. _____________forms like the jellyfish
have their tentacles and mouth located at the bottom.
24. Some cnidarians like the _______________ go through both polyp and medusa forms
in their life cycle.
25. Cnidarians have a simple nerve _________ and can reproduce both _____________
and _____________.
26. Corals build _____________ cases that make underwater ___________.
27. Flatworms are in the phylum _______________ and are flattened ______________
with __________ symmetry.
28. Flatworms are said to be _________________ because of their solid body.
29. ___________and ____________ are parasitic flatworms having only _______ body
opening called the _____________.
30. Specialized _____________ cells remove wastes.
31. The ______________ is the most common free living flatworm. It is found in
__________ or _____________ places.
32. Planarians produce both eggs and sperm and are said to be ________________;
however, they _____________ sperm with other planarians. Planarians also reproduce
asexually by _________________.
33. Flukes and tapeworms usually live in their host's ______________ tract resistant to
digestive _______________ allowing the __________ to digest their food.
34. Tapeworms are divided into sections called _________________ with complete
_________________ structures. The head is called the _______________ and has
both _________________ and ______________ to attach to the host.
35. Tapeworms are ___________________ and ______________ their own eggs which
pass out of the host's body in ripe ____________________ along with feces.
36. Humans get tapeworms from eating _______________________, while children pick
up tapeworm eggs from ________________ boxes.
37. _______________ are in the phylum Nematoda and are _________________ in
shape and ________________ at both ends.
38. Roundworms are ____________________ because their body cavity or
________________is not fully lined. The body cavity is filled with fluid giving them a
____________________ skeleton against which _______________can contract.
39. Roundworms have a complete gut with both a ______________ and an
_____________ giving them a ________________ digestive tract.
40. Roundworms have no ____________ and no ___________ but can digest food.
41. Most roundworms are _________________ with ________________ symmetry and
no _____________________. They are found in _______________________.
42. A protective __________________covers them and must be _____________.
43. Roundworms reproduce _________________.
44. The roundworm called Trichinella causes the disease _______________ and is picked
up when someone eats ________________________. This disease affects the
______________ and _______________.
45. The roundworm Ascaris parasitizes human _____________________.
__________________ and _________________ are common parasites of humans, and
the Filaria worm attacks the _________________ system causing great swelling.
46. Rotifers are ___________________ worms found in terrestrial & aquatic habitats.
47. Rotifers have a crown of ______________ surrounding their mouth for
________________ and ______________________. Their bodies are covered with
48. Rotifers have separate _____________, but some species reproduce by
49. Describe parthenogenesis.
50. Name several organisms in the phylum Mollusca.
51.Mollusks have a durable shell made of ________________ and are found
52. List several economic importance's of this group.
53. Name the 2 largest invertebrates.
54. Mollusks have ________________ symmetry and a ___________________
containing their body organs. Mollusks also have a muscular ____________ for movement
which can be modified into arms or _________________.
55. Mollusks breathe through ________________ or________________ located below
a protective layer called the _______________. This layer can also form an external
56. The ______________ is a rough tongue for scraping food.
57. Mollusks have a ___________________ heart and an
______________________circulatory system.
58. Mollusks reproduce ___________________ and go through a free swimming larval
stage called the _______________________.
59. ____________________ mollusks have a muscular foot on their belly and include the
shelled _______________ and the unshelled ________________.
60. ___________________ mollusks have a 2 part hinged shell that is opened and closed
by _________________ muscles. They move by ___________________ or by
extending their muscular _______________, and they respire through
61. Name some bivalve mollusks.
62. _____________________ are head-foot mollusks that have a _______________
and ________________, arms or ___________________, and
____________________ to move by jet propulsion.
63. Name some cephalopod mollusks.
64. What is the only shelled cephalopod?
65. Cephalopods breathe through _______________ .
66. Cephalopods are the most ________________________ mollusks.
67. The _____________________ & ________________ can secrete an inky substance
into the water to escape predators and have an __________________ shell.
68. Annelids are ____________________ worms found in _________________.
69. External segments correspond to internal segments called _______________.
70. Give two ways that segmentation is an advantage for an organism.
71. Annelids have a tube within a tube body plan called the ___________________ where
the body _______________ are located. This tube runs from the _________________
to the _______________ and is fully _______________.
72. Annelids show ______________________ by having bilateral symmetry with an
anterior head where most sense organs are found.
73. Coelomic fluid gives annelids a ______________________ skeleton.
74. The best known member of this group is the ____________________ which moves by
external bristles called _________________ on each body segment. These bristles are
made of _________________. Earthworms respire through their
________________________ and have a ___________________ circulatory system
and _____________ pairs of hearts or aortic arches.
75. Describe how an earthworm feeds and tell how this helps the environment.
76. What are castings and where can they be found?
77. ______________ are annelids with _____________ at both the anterior and
posterior end. Anterior suckers are used to __________________________ , while
posterior suckers help to ____________________________.
78. Most leeches are _______________________ or ____________________, but
blood sucking leeches are collected for ___________________________.
79. Both leeches and earthworms produce eggs and sperm and are called
_______________________; however, leeches lack ________________ and are
flattened _________________________.
80. ___________________ are marine annelids whose setae are modified into paddle like
____________________ for movement and more area for _______________________.
81. Polychaetes live commensally with what other organisms?
82. Arthropod means _________________ appendages.
83. Give 5 characteristics of all arthropods.
84. What is ecdysis and why is it necessary?
85. What is the exoskeleton of arthropods composed of?
86. What is meant by an open circulatory system?
87. Arthropods are divided on the type of _____________________ they have.
______________________ have chelicerae or fangs and no_________________,
_______________________ have pincers called ___________________, and
_______________________ have mandibles or jaws.
88. ___________________ are extinct, marine arthropods with a_____________ and
segmented _____________________ with a pair of legs on each section.
89. ________________________ arthropods like insects, centipedes, & millipedes
breathe through hollow air tubes called _____________________; aquatic chelicerates
like the ____________________ crab have ___________________ to breathe; spiders,
ticks, and scorpions use _____________________ to get air; and crustaceans breathe
through ______________________.
90. Terrestrial mandibulates are ____________________ with one-branched appendages;
while aquatic crustaceans are _______________________ with two-branched
91. Arthropods have a nervous system with an anterior ___________________ and
sensory organs that include compound eyes or simple eyes called _______________;
______________________ membranes for hearing; and ___________________ for
smelling, feeling, or tasting.
92. ______________________ tubules filter wastes in arthropods.
93. The subphylum Chelicerarta contains the class ______________________ with the
horseshoe Crab and the class ____________________ with spiders, ticks, scorpions, &
mites. Both classes have ___________ body regions, the ___________________ and
abdomen, no ___________________, ____________________ legs, and
___________________ or fangs.
94. Appendages on the head of chelicerates called _____________________ are used
for sensing the environment and getting food into the mouth.
95. Spiders have posterior glands called ________________ that help make their silken
webs to get prey. Spiders detect movement whenever their prey gets caught in their
________________ and by sensory ________________ on their body. Spiders produce
_______________ to kill their prey & are beneficial because they feed mainly on
96. Spiders are unlike insects in that they have _____________ not ___________ legs,
only ___________________ eyes and not compound, and _________ body regions and not
97. Name the body regions of insects and spiders.
98. The ____________________ and ____________________ are two poisonous
spiders in our area.
99. The class Crustacea is in the subphylum _______________________ and includes
_________________, ________________, ________________,
_________________, _________________, and the terrestrial __________________
& ___________________.
100. Crustaceans have a pair of sensory __________________ and a pair of shorter
___________________ for balance. The head also contains three types of mouthparts _____________________, _____________________, and
_______________________. They also have pincers called __________________ to
help catch and eat food.
101. Aquatic crustaceans have an external shell or __________________ that must be
molted, and they are used by man for ___________________.
102. The class _____________________ contains predators called centipedes with
________________, _________________ glands, posterior_______________, &
________________ pairs of legs per body segment.
103. The class ____________________ contains millipedes which are
____________________ with _______________ pairs of legs per body segment.
104. The largest and most successful group of arthropods are the __________________.
105. Insects have _______ body regions, _________ legs, a pair of sensory
________________, and a pair of ________________ for flight.
___________________ & ___________________ are wingless insects, while flies have
their second pair of wings modified into balancing organs called ____________________.
106. Insects have 4 mouthparts which include the jaw or ________________, the
_______________, the lower lip or _________________, and the upper lip or
107. Insect mouthparts are modified according to their ___________________.
Butterflies have ___________________ mouthparts, flies have _________________
mouthparts, mosquitoes have ________________ mouthparts, and grasshoppers have
___________________ mouthparts.
108. Wings and legs are both attached to the _________________ on insects, and some
female insects have an egg laying tube or ____________________ on the end of their
109. Name 2 ways insects communicate.
110. Insects detect sound by _________________ membranes on the abdomen and
sensory _______________ that cover their body.
111. _________________ along the abdomen of insects open into their breathing tubes or
112. Insects with _________________ metamorphosis go through egg, larva, pupa, & adult
stages; while those with incomplete metamorphosis go through ________________,
___________________, and _________________ stages.
113. Give examples of insects with complete and incomplete metamorphosis.
114. __________________ control metamorphosis.
115. Give some examples of echinoderms.
116. What does echinoderm mean?
117. Why are echinoderms considered to be the most advanced invertebrates?
118. All invertebrates, except echinoderms, are considered to be________________
because their blastopore becomes their _________________.
119. Echinoderms have an __________________ made of movable or fixed calcium plates
called ___________________, ___________________ symmetry with a
______________ part body plan, no __________________ or _________________ as
adults, and extendable ________________________ for movement.
120. Echinoderms have a ___________________________ system composed of canals.
Water enters a pore called the ______________________ and goes through a short
_________________ canal to the _______________ canal. __________________
canals connect to the ring canal & determine the 5 part body plan.
121. How do starfish use their water vascular system when feeding?
122. _____________________ are used for respiration and________________.
123. Echinoderms reproduce asexually by _____________________ or sexually with
_________________ fertilization.
124. Starfish are in the class ____________________ and are active marine
_______________ With _______________ arms attached to a
_______________________. Their mouth is located on the underside or
_________________ surface. ___________________ mollusks are favorite food of
starfish. They can eject their _________________ into the clam and digest it.
125. ___________________ and ____________________ are in the class Echinoidea
and they lack distinct __________________. They do have five rows of protruding
_____________________ which they use along with external __________________ for
movement. Triangular ________________ around the mouth help them scrap or crush
their food. They graze on __________________,
____________________, & dead fish.
126. The class Crinoidea contains ______________________ &
127. Crinoids have upright, highly branching ________________ around their mouth which
they use for _________________________. Sea lilies are attached by a
_________________, while feather stars are able to ________________ and move
128. Brittle stars are in the class ________________ and have slender
_______________ that easily break off to escape predators.
129. Holothuroidea contains ___________________ that are soft, sluglike marine
creatures with ___________________ outer skin. They usually lie
________________________ and can eject part of their _____________________ to
scare away predators. They move with
_________________ or by
____________________________. Some of these are _________________________
which is unusual for echinoderms.