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General Biology Lab (BIOL 107)
Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D.
Brief Study Guide
Key terminology and topics to be studied and rehearsed in preparation for the Final Exam
(use your returned lab reports and lab instruction as source of information)
Final Exam-covered Topics
1. Connecting Meiosis and Genetics Lab
What are chromosomes and what are they made up from?
Rehearse the major components of DNA. How many different nitrogenous bases are
found in DNA
What are gonads? Names of male and female gonads. What are gametes?
Rehearse the major phases of meiosis and know the hall mark events during each
phase, e.g. DNA and centrosome replication, sister chromatids, DNA condensation,
chromosomal alignment, crossing over, spindle apparatus, cleavage furrow, cell plate
What is the function of microtubules during meiosis?
Know the names of cells produced after meiosis. How many per round of meiosis?
Are they haploid or diploid?
2. Genetics Lab
What are alleles?
What is the role of DNA in the cells of living organisms?
Understand the Watson-Crick base pairing rule
What means true-breeding? What means dominant/recessive alleles regarding
genotypes and phenotypes in following generations?
What means homozygous, heterozygous regarding alleles?
Know how to use a Punnett square to solve simple genetic problems, e.g. inheritance of
dominant-recessive traits
Know prominent examples of dominant/recessive inheritance patterns in plants and
humans, e.g. freckles, PTC tasting, polydactyly, albinism
Rehearse the introduced examples of dominant-recessive, incomplete and X-linked
inheritance patterns in humans
Rehearse the ABO blood types and inheritance patterns. What type of inheritance is it?
How does a ABO blood test work? What is the role of antibodies in this important test?
Practice X-linked inheritance outcomes and know prominent examples, e.g. hemophilia,
red-green color blindness (X-linked traits).
General Biology Lab (BIOL 107)
Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D.
3. DNA, Gene Replication, DNA Transcription & Protein Translation Lab
What is a nucleotide? What are its components? Which nucleotides are found in DNA?
Which ones in RNA?
Be able to name the crucial steps, enzymes and events of DNA replication. Which
enzymes are involved? Where does it take place?
Be able to name the crucial steps, enzymes and events of DNA transcription. Which
enzymes are involved? Where does it take place? What is the name of the end
Know where protein translation takes place and which components are necessary.
(hint: ribosome, rRNA, tRNA, mRNA)
Rehearse the genetic code. Know that it is a triplet code and that 3 nucleotides code for
one amino acid.
Be able to read the code and to predict the amino acid sequence of a given mRNA
strand sequence.
4: Simple Animal Lab
Rehearse the animal characteristics, especially the blastula and gastrula stage of
embryonic development in animals; know the names of the three germ layers and their
later function in the adult animal = ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm.
Rehearse the different 9 animal phyla and their basic anatomical characteristics,
including body symmetry, type of digestive system, nervous system, body cavities,
What is the difference between a “true animal” and a “false animal” (= parazoa)?
The cell types of a typical sponge.
What is meant in biology with an incomplete digestive system? Who was Planaria?
Life cycle of a typical tape worm. What is a proglottid?
What is a coelom and in which animal phyla can you find one?
What is the advantage animals gained in evolving a third body cavity or coelom?
What is meant in biology with hermaphrodism? What is the evolutionary advantage of
this form of reproduction? Does a slow land snail or flatworm have both gender?
5. White Rat/Crayfish Dissection Lab
Rehearse the names and basic physiological functions of organs in the thoracic and
visceral cavity
Know the names and functions of the hormones of the pancreas
General Biology Lab (BIOL 107)
Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D.
Know the names of the individual parts of the mammalian excretory system
Know the function, chambers and major vessels of the human heart
Know the major physiological functions of the liver and its location in the visceral cavity
Know the difference between dorsal, lateral and ventral
Know the names of the different sections of the small and large intestinal tract and
know which part(s) is/are responsible for food resorption
Rehearse the names and physiological function(s) of the external and internal
structures of the human male and female reproductive system, incl. testis, seminal
vesicle, prostate gland, epididymis, vas deferens, ovary, fallopian tube, vagina, uterus,
cervix, fimbriae
Rehearse the basic characteristics of the crayfish. Body symmetry, type of skeleton,
6. Heart & Circulatory System Lab
Rehearse the names and location of the major anatomical features of the human heart,
including atria, ventricles, A/V valves, pulmonary arteries and veins, aorta, vena cava
Know which sections of the heart carry oxygen-poor, which ones oxygen-rich blood
Know the alternative names of the two A/V valves of the human heart
Risk factors for heart attack and cardiovascular disease (CVD)
Role of the tendinous cords of the human heart. Where are they found?
Rehearse the blood pressure measurement tools.
What is the normal blood pressure of a human individual? What is systole? What is
7. “Origin of Species” Video
Rehearse the key concepts of the evolutionary theory including genetic variation (random
shuffle), over production, natural selection
Who was accused in the Scope’s Monkey trial? For what?
What is speciation?
Rehearse: BMS Beagle journey, Galapagos islands, finches, common ancestor, common
descent theory.
Know which factors/processes contribute to variation in the genetic material of living
beings. Hint: crossing over/recombination/mutations/viruses/transposons
Know the names of important evolutionary biologists as mentioned in the video
General Biology Lab (BIOL 107)
Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D.
What is social Darwinism?
What do evolutionary biologists mean by “reproductive barrier”? What can it lead to over
Rehearse the concept of the Homo-Chimp split theory. When do scientists think that it has
happened and where?
8. Plants Lab
Know the shared features of green algae and green plants, e.g. cell wall, nucleus,
zygote location, storage sugar
Know the crucial stages of the plant life cycles of mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering
plants and important plant structures, e.g. gametophyte, sporophyte, archegonium,
antheridium, zygote, spores, microsporangia, macrosporangia, gametes
Know and identify the unique gametophyte and sporophyte stages for these 4 major
groups of plants, components of a spore and a seed
Know which major plant types are tracheophytes, i.e. plants which water/nutrient
conducting vessels
What is a Prothallium? What is its function in ferns?
Know the names of the reproductive structures of a typical flowering plant.
What is the role of the ovule, anthers, ovary wall, stamen of a flowering plant?
Rehearse the plant structures which are important adaptations to dry land conditions
Know which of the four plant groups evolved first … and last on planet Earth
Don’t forget to bring a Scantron card and a pencil for the Final exam