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Magnet Biology 2011-2012 Final Review Final Review - Define and explain each of the following objectives: Unit 1: The Nature of Science Chapter 1: The Science of Biology: Explain what science is, what a hypothesis is Describe how scientist test hypotheses Explain how a scientific theory develops Describe some characteristics of living things and how life can be studied at different levels Describe the measurement system most scientists use Explain how light and electron microscopes are different and similar Describe 2 common laboratory techniques Explain why it is important to work safely in biology. Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Life Identify the 3 main subatomic particles Explain how isotopes of an element are similar and different Explain what chemical compounds are Describe the 2 main types of chemical bonds Explain why water molecules are polar Differentiate between solutions and suspensions Explain what acidic and basic solutions are. Describe the functions of each group of organic compounds Explain how chemical reactions affect bonds in compounds, and how energy changes affect chemical reactions Explain why enzymes are important to living things Unit 2: Ecology Chapter 3: The Biosphere Identify the levels of organization and the methods that ecologists use. Identify the source of energy for life processes Trace the flow of energy through living systems Evaluate the efficiency of energy transfer among organisms in an ecosystem Explain how matter cycles among living and non-living things in an ecosystem Explain why nutrients are important in living systems Describe how the availability of nutrients affects the productivity of ecosystems Chapter 4: Ecosystems and Communities Identify the causes of climate change Explain how Earth’s temperature range is maintained Identify Earth’s three main climate zones Explain how biotic/ abiotic factors influence an ecosystem Identify interactions that occur within communities Describe how ecosystems recover from disturbance Explain what microclimates are Identify the characteristics of major land biomes Identify the factors that govern aquatic ecosystems Identify the two types of freshwater ecosystems Describe the characteristics of the marine zones Chapter 5: Populations List the characteristics used to describe a population Identify factors that affect population size Differentiate between exponential and logistic growth Identify factors that limit population growth Differentiate between density-dependent and density-independent limiting factors Describe how the size of the human population has changed over time Explain why population growth rates differ in countries throughout the world Chapter 6: Humans in the Biosphere Describe human activities that can affect the biosphere Expalin how environmental resources are classified Identify the characteristics of sustainable development 1 Magnet Biology 2011-2012 Final Review - Describe how human activities affect land, air, and water resources Define biodiversity and explain its value Identify current threats to biodiversity Describe the goal of conservation biology Describe two types of global change that are of concern to biologist Unit 2: Cells and Energy Chapter 7: Cell structure and Function Explain what the cell theory is Distinguish between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Describe the function of the major cell organelles Identify the main functions of the cell membrane and the cell wall Explain the processes of diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport Describe cell specialization Identify the organization levels in multicellular organisms Chapter 8: Photosynthesis Explain where plants get the energy they need to produce food. Describe the role of ATP in cellular activities State the overall equation of photosynthesis Describe the role of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis Describe the structure and function of chloroplasts Describe what happens during the light-dependent reactions and Calvin cycle Identify factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis Chapter 9: cellular Respiration Explain what cellular respiration is Describe what happens during the process of glycolysis Name the 2 main types of fermentation Describe what happens during the Krebs Cycle Explain how high-energy electrons are used by the ETC Identify 3 pathways the body uses to release energy during exercise Compare photosynthesis and cellular respiration Chapter 10: Cell Growth and Division Explain the problems that growth causes for cells, and how cell division solves these problems Describe what happens during the main events of cell division Describe how the cell cycle is regulated and name some regulators Explain how cancer cells are different from other cells Unit 3: Genetics Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics Summarize Mendel’s conclusions about inheritance Explain the principle of dominance Describe what happens during segregation Describe how genetics use the principles of probability and Punnett squares Explain the principle of independent assortment Describe other inheritance patterns Explain how Mendel’s principles apply to other organisms Summarize the events of meiosis Contrast meiosis and mitosis Identify the structures that actually assort independently Chapter 12: DNA and RNA Summarize the relationship between genes and DNA Describe the structure of DNA Summarize the events of DNA replication Relate the DNA molecule to chromosome structure Tell how RNA differs from DNA Name the 3 main types of RNA Describe transcription and editing of RNA 2 Magnet Biology 2011-2012 Final Review Identify the genetic code Summarize translation Explain the relationship between genes and proteins Contrast gene mutations and chromosomal mutations Describe a typical gene Describe how lac genes are turned on and off Explain how must eukaryotic genes are controlled Relate gene regulation to development. Chapter 13: Genetic Engineering Explain the purpose of selective breeding Describe two techniques used in selective breeding Explain why breeders try to induce mutations Explain how scientists manipulate DNA Describe the usefulness of transgenic organisms Summarize the main steps in cloning Chapter 14: THE HUMAN GENOME: - Identify the types of human chromosomes in a karyotype. Explain how sex is determined. Explain how pedigrees are used to study human traits. Describe how natural selection is used in artificial selection. Explain how small changes in DNA cause genetic disorders. UNIT 5- EVOLUTION: Chapter 15: DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION - Describe the pattern Darwin observed among organisms of the Galapagos Islands. State how Hutton and Lyell described geological change Describe Mathu's theory of population growth Describe how natural selection is used in artificial selection. Explain how natural selection is related to species' fitness. State Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Chapter 16: EVOLUTION OF POPULATIONS - Explain what a gene pool is. Identify the main sources of inheritable variation in a population. State what determines how a phenotype is expressed. Explain how natural selection affects single-gene and polygenic traits. Describe genetic drift. List the five conditions to maintain genetic equilibrium. Identify the condition necessary for a new species to evolve. Chapter 17: The History of Life Describe the fossil record Compare relative dating and radioactive dating Describe the early Earth environment Explain what Miller and Urey's experiments showed. Identify some of the main evolutionary steps in the early evolution of life Identify important patterns of macroevolution Chapter 18: CLASSIFICATION - Explain how living things are organized. Describe binomial nomenclature. Explain how evolutionary relationships are important in classification. 3 Magnet Biology 2011-2012 Final Review 4 Identify the principle behind cladistic analysis. Explain how we can compare very dissimilar organisms. Name the six kingdoms of life as they are now identified. Describe the 3-domain system of classification. UNIT 6- MICROORGANISMS AND FUNGI: Chapter 19: BACTERIA AND VIRUSES - Explain how the 2 groups of Prokaryote differ. Describe the factors used to identify prokaryotes. Explain why bacteria are vital to maintaining the living world. Describe the structure of a virus. Explain how viruses cause infection. Explain how bacteria cause disease. Describe how bacterial growth can be controlled. Explain how viruses cause disease. Chapter 20: PROTISTS - Explain what a protist is. Describe the major phyla of animallike protists. Explain how animallike protists harm other living organisms. Describe the function of chlorophyll and accessory pigments in algae. Describe the major phyla of unicellular algae. Summarize the ecological role of unicellular algae. Chapter 21: FUNGI - Identify the defining characteristics of fungi. Describe the main structures of a fungus. Explain what the ecological role of fungi is. Describe the problems that parasitic fungi cause. Describe the kinds of mutualistic relationships that fungi form with other organisms. UNIT 7- PLANT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION: Chapter 22: PLANT DIVERSITY - Explain what a plant is. Describe what plants need to survive. Describe how the first plants evolved. Bryophytes: describe their adaptation, the 3 groups, how they reproduce. Seedless vascular Plants: explain how vascular tissue is important to ferns and their relatives, describe the 3 phyla, and identify the stages in the life cycle of ferns. Seed Plants: describe their reproductive adaptations, their evolution, identify the 4 groups of gymnosperms. Angiosperms: identify their characteristics, explain what monocots and dicots are, and describe the 3 different life spans of angiosperms. Chapter 23: ROOTS, STEMS, AND LEAVES - Describe the organs and tissues of vascular plants. Identify the specialized cells of vascular tissue. Contrast merismatic tissue with other plant tissues. Describe the 3 main types of roots. Magnet Biology 2011-2012 Final Review 5 Identify the tissues and structures in a mature root. Describe the different functions of roots. Describe the 3 main functions of stems. Contrast monocot and dicot stems. Explain how primary and secondary growths occur in stems. Describe how the structure of a leaf enables it to carry out photosynthesis. Describe how gas exchange takes place in a leaf. Explain how water is transported throughout a plant. Describe how the products of photosynthesis are transported throughout the plant. Chapter 24: REPRODUCTION OF SEED PLANTS Identify the reproductive structures of gymnosperms and angiosperms Explain how pollination and fertilization differ between angiosperms and gymnosperms. Describe the development of seeds and fruits. Explain how seeds are dispersed. List the factors that influence the dormancy and germination of seeds. Chapter 25: PLANT RESPONSES AND ADAPTATIONS Summarize how plants are adapted to different environments. Describe how plants obtain nutrients. Explain how plants use chemical defenses. UNIT 8- Invertebrates Chapter 26: List the characteristics that all animals share Describe the essential functions that animals carry out Identify the important trends in animal evolution Chapter 29: Describe the major trends in invertebrate evolution Describe how different invertebrate phyla carry out their essential life functions Chapter 30: Identify the characteristics that all chordates share. Explain what vertebrates are. Unit 9 - Vertebrates Chapter 33: Explain what the roots of the chordate family tree are Summarize a main trend in evolution of chordates Explain how the control of body temperature is an important aspect of vertebrate life Contrast ectotherms with endotherms Describe how the organ systems of the different groups of chordates carry out essential life functions Unit 10 The Human Body Chapters 35: Describe the structures and functions of: Nervous system Integumentary system Respiratory system Magnet Biology 2011-2012 Final Review - Skeletal system Muscular system Digestive and excretory systems Circulatory system Endocrine and reproductive systems Lymphatic and immune systems. Define Homeostasis. - Explain negative feedback. Explain positive feedback. Describe the functions of the central nervous system and the two divisions of the peripheral nervous system. Chapters 36: - Describe the structure of a typical bone and explain how bones develop - Describe the three types of muscle tissues. - Explain how muscles contract. - Explain why exercise is important. - Describe the structure of hair and nails. Chapter 37: Identify the functions and structures of the circulatory system Name the three types of blood vessels explain the functions of red and white blood cells and plasma cells describe the role of the lymphatic system describe respiration and the function of the respiratory system explain how smoking affects the respiratory system Chapter 38 explain how food provides energy identify and describe the functions of the organs of the digestive system identify the functions of the kidneys explain how blood is filtered Chapter 39 State the function of the endocrine system describe hormones and glands explain how the endocrine system maintains homeostasis identify the functions of the major endocrine glands explain the functions of the male and female reproductive systems Chapter 40 identify the causes of disease explain how infectious diseases are transmitted describe how antibiotics fight infection identify the body's nonspecific defenses against invading pathogens describe the function of the immune system explain what an autoimmune disease is describe how HIV is transmitted and affects the immune system 6