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Name _________________________ Period _____
Frog Dissection Review Worksheet
The tongue is attached to the _______________ of the frog's mouth.
(Back, Front, Middle)
There are __________ internal nares openings in the frog's mouth?
(1, 2, 3)
There are more __________________ teeth in a frog's mouth.
(Maxillary, Vomerine)
The largest organ inside the frog is the____________________. (Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lung)
The heart is part of the ____________________ system. (Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Reproductive)
The testes and the oviducts are part of the ____________________ system.
(Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Reproductive)
Your frog's liver had __________ lobes. (1, 2, 3)
The gall bladder is found under the ____________________. (Heart, Kidneys, Liver, Stomach)
Frogs use fat bodies for ____________________. (Stored Energy, Floating, Swimming)
10. The organs that make urine are the _________________________.
11. The organ that stores urine is the ____________________.
12. List the organs of the digestive system in the same order that food would pass through the frog, starting with the mouth:
(large intestine, esophagus, small intestine, mouth, colaca, stomach, gullet)
13. What is the nictitating membrane, and what is its function?
14. What is the function of the Tympanum? Where is it located?
15. Where is the glottis, and what is its function?
16. The fluid stored in the gall bladder is called ________________. This fluid is made by this organ ________________. What
is the function of this liquid? _______________________________________________________________________
17. What part of the body absorbs the nutrients of food and passes the nutrients into the bloodstream?
18. What part of the body absorbs water out of food, and then turns the indigestible food into feces?
19. The _________________ is the common exit chamber of these three organ systems _____________________,
________________________________, and _____________________________.
20. Females frogs have these organs to produce eggs _______________________. Male frogs have these organs to produce