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Course Descriptions:
AP European History is a challenging course designed to be the equivalent of a freshman
college Western Civilization survey class. The course begins with a brief review of Greece,
Rome, Christianity and the Middle Ages. It will then focus on the Renaissance (1450) to the
present. All areas of history are covered including: social, economic, intellectual, cultural
and art history. Emphasis will be placed on analytical writing, class discussion, the use of
primary and secondary sources, and understanding of the complexity of historical causes and
effects. The course is designed to prepare students for the Advanced Placement European
History Examination in May.
The literature from Honors English 2 will try to coincide with the time period studied in
European History. When reading literature it is important to have some prior kn owledge of
the time period the novel is set in to fully appreciate and analyze the reading. By teaching
these classes together, history will help in understanding the literature and the literature will
provide extra details about history. Like in AP European History, emphasis will be placed on
analytical writing, class discussion and a lot of reading.
English 2H:
Mrs. Klock:
Assigned Reading:
1. The Epic of Gilgamesh
2. Antigone – Sophocles
3. All Quiet on the Western Front – Erich Maria Remarque
Be prepared for a test on each of the Reading assignments!
Writing Assignment:
Choose one of the above literature pieces and write a 2-3 page literary analysis discussing a theme.
This is a formal essay, so be sure to follow the format of Introduction, Body, Conclusion. Remember,
you should have a clear and argumentative thesis within your Introduction. Your essay should be
typed and follow the stylistic standards below:
Heading with: Name, Title, Date
Font –Times New Roman
12 point only
Double Space
Margins: 1” all around
Indent – no extra space between paragraphs
Be sure to look at the rubric to see what is needed for an “A” essay. (See Essay Rubric in
European History website at
[email protected] )
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Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
AP European History
Part 1: Map of Europe. Find a current map of Europe and identify and study all the
countries, capitals and major bodies of water in the continent.
Part 2: Answer all the discussion questions below. Typed, single spaced assignments are
preferred. Separately print each chapter.
Unit 1: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation
Read chapters 12, 13 and 14 from McKay’s Western Society and answer the review
questions below.
1. What were the underlying and precipitating causes of the Hundred Years’ War? What
advantages did each side have? Why were the French finally able to drive the English
almost entirely out of France?
2. What were the causes of the Black Death, and why did it spread so quickly throughout
Western Europe? Where was it most virulent? What were its effects on European society.
How important do you think disease is in changing the course of history?
3. What were the social and psychological effects of repeated attacks of plague and disease?
4. What economic difficulties did Europe experience?
5. Some scholars maintain that war is often the catalyst for political, economic, and social
change. Does the theory have validity for the fourteenth century?
6. What provoked schism in the church, and what impact did it have on the lives of ordinary
7. How did new national literatures reflect political and social developments?
8. How and why did the laws of settlers in frontier regions reveal a strong racial or ethnic
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Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
9. Read Individuals and Society (p.397) and Listening to the Past (p. 410 to 411) answer the
questions for analysis # 1 to 2 at the end of each section.
10. Completely define the Key Terms on page 408.
1. Discuss the meanings of the term renaissance.
2. Explain the economic context for the Renaissance.
3. Describe the new status of the artist in Renaissance Italy. Who were some of the famous
literary and artistic figures of the Italian Renaissance? What did they have in common
that might be described as the “spirit of the Renaissance”?
4. Analyze the meanings of the terms humanism, secularism, and individualism as applied
by scholars to the Renaissance.
5. Explain how the Italian Renaissance affected politics, the economy, and society. How did
the actions of Niccolo Machiavelli signify a new era in Italian civilization?
6. Elaborate on the evolution of medieval kingdoms into early modern nation-states, and the
spread of Renaissance humanism northward.
7. How did the Renaissance in the north differ from the Italian Renaissance? In what ways
was Erasmus the embodiment of the Northern Renaissance?
8. Read Individuals and Society (p.427) and Listening to the Past (p. 450 to 451) answer the
ALL the questions for analysis at end of each section.
9. Completely define the Key Terms on page 447.
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Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
1. Discuss a historical context for the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. What
were the main problems of the church that contributed to the Protestant Reformation?
Why was the church unable to suppress dissent as it had earlier?
2. Explain Protestantism’s impact on Western society.
3. Why did the reformation begin in Germany? What political factors contributed to the
success of the Reformation there?
4. List and analyze the contributions of major Protestant reformers.
5. Why did Henry VIII finally break with the Catholic Church? Was the “new” religion he
established really Protestant?
6. Explain how the Catholic Church withstood the onslaught of Protestantism. What was the
Catholic Reformation, and what principal decisions and changes were instituted by the
Council of Trent?
7. Read Individuals and Society (p.481) and Listening to the Past (p. 486 to 487) answer the
ALL the questions for analysis at end of each section.
8. Completely define the Key Terms on page 484.
Note: You may be tested on the map, the assigned reading and chapters on the
first week of school.
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Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
Unit 1 Exam (2 parts)
Part I: Multiple Choice
Part II: Essay (see seminar prompts below)
Essay: Your instructor may select any one of the following prompts for the in class timed
essay exam question. During the first part of September, you may want to select one of the
following topics to present to the class. Each student is required to conduct one seminar a
semester. You must supply each student with a copy of your outline with a list of sources.
(See attached rubrics for requirements)
1. Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period, referring to
specific works and artists.
2. To what extent and in what ways may the Renaissance be regarded as a turning point in
Western intellectual and cultural tradition?
3. “The Reformation was a rejection of the secular spirit of the Italian Renaissance.” Defend or
refute this statement using specific examples from 16 th century Europe.
4. Compare and contrast the Lutheran Reformation and the Catholic Reformation of the 16 th
century regarding the reform of both religious doctrines and religious practices.
5. Describe and analyze the ways in which sixteenth-century Roman Catholics defended their
faith against the Protestant Reformation.
Note: September seminar presentations will be graded more leniently.
Also, seminar handouts are meant only to be helpful study guides for the essay questions.
You are responsible to make sure that you understand and are able to answer the questions
correctly. Please, make sure to make corrections and to add any other information you feel
is important to the seminar outlines.
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Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
Seminar Presentations Requirements and Grading Standards
Assignment: Each student will be required to do a seminar for each semester of AP European
History. The seminar requires each student to turn in an outline and present a 15 - 20 minute
demonstration in class. This assignment is worth 100 points and is a major part of your
participation grade (10% of semester grade).
Outline: The outline must be replicated for each person in the class. Your outline (about 3 to 4
pages) must contain:
Thesis paragraph that answers the prompt
Outline of three to five main points (clearly show the main points/answers to the prompt)
Conclusion paragraph that provides the historical significance of your topic.
Works cited page (least three sources)
Power point print out (6 per page, black and white)
Presentation: Your presentation should be 15 - 20 minutes in length and thoroughly cover your
topic for the class. DO NOT READ YOUR OUTLINE. You are required to use power point,
video clips, slides, music, art or any other visual aide that would enhance your presentation. Be
prepared to answer questions from both the instructor and students. DO NOT be absent on your
assigned day.
Grading Rubric:
Seminar Topic _______________________________________________________________
Presentation Date: ______________________________
Not Yet There
(45 points)
Organization and
knowledge of the topic –
did not just read the
outline (20 points)
Creativity (attention getter
and short activity):
(25 points)
On time & adequately
answered all questions
(10 points)
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Total Score: ________ / 100
Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
September Seminars
Sign up with the instructor early in September. Seminars will begin on September 15 and
will continue throughout the year. Because the seminar is crucial to our study of the
topic, you will not be able to reschedule you presentation. Students who would like to
volunteer in September to do a seminar will be graded more leniently.
Summer Assignment Study Guide (Completely identify each one – due the first day
of school)
1. Martin Luther
2. Ninety Five Theses
3. indulgence
4. investiture
5. pluralism
6. Protestant Reformation in Germany
7. Catholic Reformation
8. Index
9. Bubonic plague – symptoms, causes
10. Political and economic effects of the black death
11. The spread of literacy was a response to…
12. Joan of Arc
13. Humanism
14. Florence
15. Italian popolo
16. oligarchies
17. Jan Hus
18. Consequences of the Hundred Years’ War
19. flagellant
20. Babylonian Captivity
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Chapter 13: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
21. The absence of the papacy from Rome resulted in:
22. John Wycliffe
23. Avignon Papacy
24. The direct cause of the Hundred Years’ War between England and France was
25. The rebellions that swept across Europe in the late 14 th and early 15 th centuries involved
26. During the Hundred Years’ War, the English kings were supported by some French barons
because …
27. Italian balance of power diplomacy
28. Italian unification was achieved in
29. Charles V
30. Conciliar movement
31. Pope Paul III and IV and the Council of Trent
32. Loyola
33. Christine of Pisan
34. signori
35. The spread of literacy was brought about by
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