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Ancient Egypt
Version 2.0
The Great Pyramids
Name _______________________________________
Date ________________________ Core _______
What Are The Pyramids?
What were the two main purposes of the Egyptian Pyramids?
 The pyramids are a tomb to __________________ the body of the pharaoh for the
 The pyramids were a ____________________________ to honor the pharaoh.
What are the pyramids made out of?
The pyramids were made out of
_____ How do scientists and historians think the Ancient Egyptians moved the heavy stone
blocks and built the pyramids?
a. They think they used animals like camels and elephants to carry the stones and used
machines to lift the stones.
b. They think they used sleds, cranes, levers and rockers and ramps to build the
c. They think they used trucks to move the stones and cranes to lift the stones.
d. They think the people had to move the stones by hand and lift them into place by
hand with no tools or machines.
About how many pyramids did the Ancient Egyptians build? ______________________________
The Three Pyramids
Who did the largest pyramid on the Giza Plateau belong to?
P____________ K________
What is this pyramid like? How big is it? Describe it.
Who did the second largest pyramid on the Giza Plateau belong to?
P____________ K_________
What is this pyramid like? How is it different than the first pyramid?
Who did the third pyramid on the Giza Plateau belong to?
P___________ M_______
What is this pyramid like? How big is it? How is it different than the other two?
_____ Who did the work to build the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu?
a. The pharaoh mostly hired workers from other countries in Africa to do the work.
b. The pharaoh mostly hired foreign countries because he did not have the equipment
to build the pyramid.
c. The pharaoh required the farmers of Egypt to work on the pyramid during the flood
time of the Nile.
d. The pharaoh and his sons built the pyramid on their own as a monument.
How long did it take to finish the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu?
About ______ years.
What was put on the top of the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu?
How did the Ancient Egyptians make the sides of the pyramid smooth? Why aren’t the
pyramids smooth on the sides today?
Inside the Great Pyramid
How many rooms are there in the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu? _____________
____ Who was buried in the pyramid besides Pharaoh Khufu?
the men who built the pyramid.
his wife and children.
just the pharaoh’s wife.
no one except the pharaoh.
What is the Great Sphinx?
What is the Great Sphinx? Why was he carved/built?
Describe the legends or stories about the Sphinx that make him so mysterious.
Color the Great Sphinx to match the description of how it would have looked in ancient times.
Why Were the Pyramids Built?
Why did the Ancient Egyptians build the pyramids? What were the Ancient Egyptians beliefs
about the after-life?
What is mummification and why was it needed?
What are mastabas? How are they similar and different from pyramids?