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Physics Pre-AP – Waves Part I
7-64) A sound source of high frequency emits a high (a) speed (b) amplitude (c) pitch (d) all of these (e) none of these
7-65) Double the frequency of a sound and you halve its (a) wavelength (b) speed (c) amplitude (d) all of these (e) none of these
7-66) Double the frequency of sound and you also double its (a) wavelength (b) speed (c) amplitude (d) all of these (e) none of these
7-69) A sound wave is a (a) longitudinal wave (b) transverse wave (c) standing wave (d) shock wave (e) none of these
7-73) Sound waves cannot travel in (a) air (b) water (c) steel (d) a vacuum (e) sound can travel in all of these
7-74) The speed of a sound wave in air depends on (a) its frequency (b) its wavelength (c) the air temperature (d) all of these (e)
none of these
7-75) Sound travels faster in air if the air is (a) warm (b) cold (c) neither warm nor cold
7-91) Caruso is said to have made a crystal chandelier shatter with his voice. This is a demonstration of (a) an echo (b) sound
refraction (c) beats (d) resonance (e) interference
7-108) Beats are produced when two tuning forks, one of frequency 240 hertz and the other of frequency 246 hertz are sounded
together. The frequency of the beats is (a) 6 hertz (b) 12 hertz (c) 240 hertz (d) 245 hertz (e) none of these
7-117) A piano tuner knows that a key on the piano is tuned to the frequency of his tuning fork when he strikes them at the
same time and the number of beats he hears each second is (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 4
7-118) The pitch of a musical sound depends on the sound wave's (a) wavelength (b) frequency (c) speed (d) amplitude (e) all of
7-121) The loudness of a musical sound is a measure of the sound wave's (a) wavelength (b) frequency (c) speed (d) amplitude (e) all
of these
7-127) The fundamental frequency of a violin string is 440 hertz. The frequency of its second harmonic is (a) 220 hertz (b) 440 hertz
(c) 880 hertz (d) none of these
7-132) All other things being the same, strings that have more mass than other strings will produce (a) higher frequency notes (b)
lower frequency notes (c) the same frequency notes
7-134) Compared to a sound of 40 decibels, a sound of 50 decibels is (a) 10 times as intense (b) 100 times as intense (c) 1000 times
as intense (d) 10 000 times as intense (e) more than 10 000 times as intense
7-135) Compared to a sound of 30 decibels, a sound of 60 decibels is (a) twice as intense (b) 10 times as intense (c) 100 times as
intense (d) 1000 times as intense (e) 10 000 times as intense
7-139) A string vibrating at its third harmonic frequency has a node at each end and, between these, (a) no additional nodes (b) 1
additional node (c) 2 additional nodes (d) 3 additional nodes (e) 4 additional nodes
Study your terminology!!! Know your Equations!!!
Physics Pre-AP – Waves Part II
Properties of Light
8-127) Most of the electromagnetic spectrum consists of visible light (a) True (b) False
8-131) Electromagnetic waves (a) can travel through a vacuum (b) need a medium to travel through
8-132) The main difference between a radio wave and a light wave is its (a) speed (b) wavelength (c) frequency (d) all of these (e)
two of these
8-133) Which of these electromagnetic waves has the shortest wavelength? (a) radio waves (b) infrared waves (c) X-rays (d)
ultraviolet waves (e) light waves
8-134) Compared to ultraviolet waves, the wavelength of infrared waves is (a) shorter (b) longer (c) the same
8-135) Compared to radio waves, the velocity of visible light waves in a vacuum is (a) less (b) more (c) the same
8-139) Which of the following is fundamentally different from the others? (a) sound waves (b) X-rays (c) gamma rays (d) light waves
(e) radio waves
8-145) Compared to its average speed in air, the average speed of a beam of light in glass is (a) more (b) less (c) the same
8-162) Which of the following cannot travel in a vacuum? (a) A light wave (b) A sound wave (c) A radio wave (d) all can travel in a
vacuum (e) none can travel in a vacuum
9-11) Complementary colors are two colors that (a) look good together (b) are additive primary colors (c) are subtractive primary
colors (d) produce white light when added together (e) are right for each other
9-12) The complementary color of blue is (a) red (b) green (c) yellow (d) cyan (e) magenta
9-13) Magenta light is really a mixture of (a) red and blue light (b) red and cyan light (c) red and yellow light (d) yellow and green
light (e) none of these
9-17) Different colors of light correspond to different light (a) velocities (b) intensities (c) polarities (d) frequencies (e) none of these
Reflection and Refraction
9-76) When light passes through an ordinary window pane, its angle of refraction is (a) usually less than its angle of incidence (b)
always less than its angle of incidence (c) the same as its angle of incidence (d) usually more than its angle of incidence (e) always
more than its angle of incidence
9-77) Light travels fastest in (a) warm air (b) cool air (c) a vacuum
9-83) A beam of light emerges from water into air at an angle. The beam is bent (a) towards the normal (b) away from the
normal (c) 48 degrees upward (d) 96 degrees upward (e) not at all
9-84) When a light beam emerges from water into air, the average light speed (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains the same
9-92) The critical angle for a transparent material is the angle at and beyond which all light within the material is (a)
refracted (b) reflected (c) absorbed (d) dispersed (e) diffused
9-110) A beam of light travels fastest in (a) glass (b) water (c) plastic (d) air (e) the same in each of these
Study your terminology!!! Know your Equations!!!