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Circulatory System
Circulatory System Directs blood _______________ to the
rest of the body; and back again
3 Types of Blood Vessels
Arteries  carry blood _____________________
Veins carry blood ____________________
Capillaries  allow for the ________________ with tissue
 Arteries have very _______________ and are lined with
_______________________ cells
 Middle wall of the artery is composed of ___________ and
 Outer wall is made from _______________________
 Arterioles are __________________ that transport blood
by _____________________________ the blood
 The more arterioles that are constricting, the _________ the
blood pressure
 Take blood from the tissue ______________________
 Small veins (called _______) drain blood from the _______
 Veins often have valves that open and close; allows blood
to _________________________
 Arteries dump blood _____________________
 Capillaries are ___________________________ tubes that
connect to muscles.
 Located ________________________; when cut you bleed
 Primary role of capillaries is to _____________________
__________________to tissue; take waste away from tissue
The Heart
 Size of your __________
 Major portion of the heart is called the ___________; made
from ______________________
 Pericardium ______________________ that surrounds
the heart
 Inner surface of the heart consists of __________________
 Right and left sides of the heart are separated ___________
 2 upper compartments are called __________
 2 lower compartments are called ______________
 Blood moving from atria to ventricles must move through
 AV valve on the right side is called the ______________
(has 3 flaps)
 AV valve on the left side is called the ________________
(has 2 flaps)
 __________________________ valve directs blood from
 ________________________________ directs blood from
_______________________ to body
Path of Blood Through the Heart
1. Superior and ___________________________________
2. Right Atrium ____________________________________
3. Right Ventricle ________________________________
4. Pulmonary ___________________________
5. Pulmonary veins carry __________________________
6. Left atrium ___________________________________
7. Left ventricle _______________________________
8. Aorta takes ___________________________________
Oxygenated and _______________________________
Average heart beat ______________________
1. _______________ at the same time
2. __________________ at the same time
3. All __________________________
Systole  ______________________________
Diastole  _____________________________
Normal Heart rate is anywhere between ___________________
The Lub-Dub of the Heart
Lub ___________________________________
Dub  ________________________________
Surge of blood as ________________________ causes the walls
of the _______________________
The stretching of the ________________________
Conduction of the Heartbeat
Nodal Tissue  Tissue that has both _________________
_______________. It conducts _____________________
Sinoatrial Node  Found in the ____________________
_________________. SA node __________________by
sending out an ____________________ that causes the
_________________. Called the ___________ of the heart
Atrioventricular Node found in the_______________
________________. When ________________ reaches
AV node, __________________________________
How Does the AV Node Tell the Ventricles to Contract?
Message is conducted from _______________________
Recording the Heart’s Beat
When the heart beats, there are __________________
Electrocardiagram (EKG)
P Wave  Represents the _____________________
QRS Wave  large ____________________________
T Wave  shows ______________________________
Nervous System Control of Heartbeat
Heart rate is controlled by the ______________________
MO regulates the ______________________, which has __
1. Sympathetic Nervous System --> ______________
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System  ____________
Blood Pressure
BP is a measure of blood __________________________
Systolic  Pressure during _______________________
Diastolic -> pressure during _______________________
Blood pressure ____________ as you move away from the
Sphygmomanometer measures ______________________
When cuff is tightened, it ___________________________
Systolic pressure is determined as pressure that is released
from cuff; _____________________________________
Diastolic pressure is measured when ________________
Circulatory Disorders
Hypertension ______________________ due to stress,
vessel constriction
Women: _______
Men __________
Atherosclerosis  _____________________ in the
arteries; interferes with blood flow
Stroke -> ____________________________________; no
oxygen, part of the brain dies
Heart Attack  ________________________________
____________________; no oxygen to the heart; part of
the heart dies
Varicose Veins  ______________________________.
Varicose veins in ____________________________
Your Heart & Medicine
Clearing Clogged Arteries
Angioplasty  _________________________ and run to
the heart; ______________________________________
Coronary Bypass  ___________________________
____________________then used to _________________
Dissolving Blood Clots
The drugs ___________________________________
contain __________________ (found naturally in blood),
which _____________________. Usually given _______
People with symptoms of ______________________ are
usually given ______________, which ______________
______________, lowering the ______________________
Functions of Blood
1. Transport of __________________________
2. Regulate _______________________
3. ________________________
4. Fighting _______________________
2 Parts to Blood
Lower (dense) Layer  ______________________________
Upper Layer  _______________________________ (____ of
total blood)
Red Blood Cells  ___________________________________
Respiratory __________________________________
Each RBC contains _______________________________
Each hemoglobin molecule contains _______________ called
Each heme group carries ______________________________
Each _________ of blood carries ___________ of oxygen
Life Cycle of RBC’s
All RBC’s are made in ___________________________
As they mature, RBC’s _______________________________
After______ days, they are ____________________________
 Insufficient _____________________________________
 Individuals suffering from anemia often _______________
 Pernicious anemia  digestive tract can’t ______________
White Blood Cells
Nucleated cells that ____________________
Not as ________________________
Made by ______________________
Found in ______________________________
May live for _________________
Types of WBC’s
Granular leukocytes  contain large number of _____________
Agranular leukocytes  contain _________________________
Granular Leukocytes
Neutrophils  most _________________; first cells to
Eosinophils  Not much is known; tend to _______________
Basophils  Release _____________________________
Histamines ________________________________________
Agranular Leukocytes
Monocytes  largest of ________________________
Form _____________________________________ in the body
Also stimulates _________________________________
B-Lymphocytes  produce antibodies ____________________
T-Lymphocytes Kill any cell that ______________________
Blood Clotting and Platelets
Platelets  also known as __________________________
Made from _______________________________
Plug the blood vessels after an _________________________
After a cut
1. Platelets ___________________________
2. Platelets also release __________________, which is
converted to __________________
3. Thrombin activates a ______________________________
4. Fibrin wraps around the platelets at the site, ____________
5. After the vessel is repaired, Fibrin is __________________