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Register of Critical Habitat pursuant to section 207A of the Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
The identification of critical habitat for the Register of Critical Habitat, including
location and extent information, is a matter of ecological judgement, and is based on
the most up-to-date scientific information available to the Threatened Species
Scientific Committee and the Minister for the Environment and Heritage at the time
the habitat was being considered. As new or additional information becomes
available, critical habitat identified on the Register may be amended.
Register of Critical Habitat
Diomedea exulans (Wandering Albatross) –
Macquarie Island
Thalassarche cauta (Shy Albatross) –
Albatross Island, The Mewstone, Pedra
Thalassarche chrysostoma (Grey-headed
Albatross) Macquarie Island
01 JUL 2002
See Attachment A
01 JUL 2002
See Attachment B
01 JUL 2002
See Attachment C
Attachment A
Diomedea exulans (Wandering Albatross) – Macquarie Island
Listed Critical
Date Effective:
Location and
Reasons for
Diomedea exulans (Wandering Albatross) – Macquarie Island
01 July 2002
Macquarie Island: About 13,000 ha, comprising all islands and
rocks above mean high water level, lying within the area bounded
by parallels 54°27' S and 54°49' S latitude and meridians 158°45'
E and 158°59' E longitude.
Criteria (a). Whether the habitat is used during periods of
stress. Examples of period of stress: Flood, drought or fire.
Criteria (b). Whether the habitat is used to meet essential life
cycle requirements. Examples: Foraging, breeding, nesting,
roosting, social behaviour patterns or seed dispersal
All albatrosses spend more than 95% of their time traversing the
world’s oceans in search of prey, and usually only return to land
to breed. For southern hemisphere species, nesting typically
occurs on small islands scattered throughout the Southern
Ocean. Five species of albatross breed within Australian waters,
three of which are listed as threatened under the EPBC Act:
 Shy Albatross
 Wandering Albatross
 Grey-headed Albatross
There are four major breeding locations under Australian
jurisdiction where these albatross species breed. These are:
 Macquarie Island
 Albatross Island
 Pedra Branca, and
 The Mewstone
These remote islands constitute the only suitable breeding habitat
under Australian jurisdiction and should be regarded as habitat
that is critical to the survival of the three albatross species in
Australian waters.
Criteria (c). The extent to which the habitat is used by
important populations. NB: An important population is one
that is necessary for a species’ long-term survival and
recovery. This may include populations that are: key source
populations either for breeding or dispersal, populations that
are necessary for maintaining genetic diversity, and/or
populations that are near the limit of the species range.
Because there are so few populations for these species in
Australia, all populations are important.
Shy Albatrosses breed only within Australia, and hence the
breeding habitats of this species (Albatross Island, Pedra Branca
and The Mewstone) comprise its entire breeding range. Each of
these populations appears to be genetically distinct.
Macquarie Island hosts the other two species of albatrosses. All
of these populations are very small and are critical for maintaining
the genetic diversity necessary to ensure the viability of these
species. Although these populations are likely to be genetically
distinct (based on data from other populations which have been
studied), no data currently exist regarding the genetic
distinctiveness of these populations.
Criteria (d). Whether the habitat is necessary to maintain
genetic diversity and long-term evolutionary development.
If these island habitats were lost, it is unlikely that the species
which use them would persist. Albatrosses are extremely sitefaithful and the populations currently breeding on these islands
are unlikely to breed elsewhere.
Criteria (e). Whether the habitat is necessary for use as
corridors to allow the species to more freely between sites
used to meet essential life cycle requirements.
Criteria (f). Whether the habitat is necessary to ensure the
long-term future of the species or ecological community
through reintroduction of re-colonisation.
Shy albatrosses occupy most of the land area of the islands on
which they breed.
Wandering and Grey-headed Albatrosses do not breed on all
parts of Macquarie Island, but the entire island is critical to
providing isolation for each population and protection from the
impact of disturbance. Some of these populations are also
recovering from past declines and hence expanding, hence the
whole island is considered critical to their survival and future
Macquarie Island is also subject to feral animal control, with an
intensive control campaign focussed on the eradication of feral
cats from the island.
Criteria (g). Any other way in which habitat may be critical to
the survival of a listed threatened species or a listed
threatened ecological community.
Environment Australia (2001f) Recovery Plan for Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels
Environment Australia (2002) Map of Habitat Critical to the survival of Wandering
Albatross, Grey-headed Albatross and Shy Albatross
Attachment B
Thalassarche cauta (Shy Albatross) – Albatross Island, The Mewstone,
Pedra Branca
Listed Critical
Thalassarche cauta (Shy Albatross) – Albatross Island, The
Mewstone, Pedra Branca
Date Effective:
Location and
01 July 2002
Albatross Island: About 33ha, comprising all islands and rocks
above mean high water level, lying within the area bounded by
parallels 40°21' S and 40°24' S latitude and meridians 144°38' E
and 144°40' E longitude.
The Mewstone: About 13ha, comprising all islands and rocks
above mean high water level, lying within the area bounded by
parallels 43°43' S and 43°45' S latitude and meridians 146°21' E
and 146°23' E longitude.
Reasons for
Pedra Branca: About 2.5 ha, comprising all islands and rocks
above mean high water level, lying within the area bounded by
parallels 43°51'S and 43°52' S latitude and meridians 146°57' E
and 146°59' E longitude.
Criteria (a). Whether the habitat is used during periods of
stress. Examples of period of stress: Flood, drought or fire.
Criteria (b). Whether the habitat is used to meet essential life
cycle requirements. Examples: Foraging, breeding, nesting,
roosting, social behaviour patterns or seed dispersal
All albatrosses spend more than 95% of their time traversing the
world’s oceans in search of prey, and usually only return to land
to breed. For southern hemisphere species, nesting typically
occurs on small islands scattered throughout the Southern
Ocean. Five species of albatross breed within Australian waters,
three of which are listed as threatened under the EPBC Act:
 Shy Albatross
 Wandering Albatross
 Grey-headed Albatross.
There are four major breeding locations under Australian
jurisdiction where these albatross species breed. These are:
 Macquarie Island
 Albatross Island
 Pedra Branca, and
 The Mewstone
These remote islands constitute the only suitable breeding habitat
under Australian jurisdiction and should be regarded as habitat
that is critical to the survival of the three albatross species in
Australian waters.
Criteria (c). The extent to which the habitat is used by
important populations. NB: An important population is one
that is necessary for a species’ long-term survival and
recovery. This may include populations that are: key source
populations either for breeding or dispersal, populations that
are necessary for maintaining genetic diversity, and/or
populations that are near the limit of the species range.
Because there are so few populations for these species in
Australia, all populations are important.
Shy Albatrosses breed only within Australia, and hence the
breeding habitats of this species (Albatross Island, Pedra Branca
and The Mewstone) comprise its entire breeding range. Each of
these populations appears to be genetically distinct.
Macquarie Island hosts the other two species of albatrosses. All
of these populations are very small and are critical for maintaining
the genetic diversity necessary to ensure the viability of these
species. Although these populations are likely to be genetically
distinct (based on data from other populations which have been
studied), no data currently exist regarding the genetic
distinctiveness of these populations.
Criteria (d). Whether the habitat is necessary to maintain
genetic diversity and long-term evolutionary development
If these island habitats were lost, it is unlikely that the species
which use them would persist. Albatrosses are extremely sitefaithful and the populations currently breeding on these islands
are unlikely to breed elsewhere.
Criteria (e). Whether the habitat is necessary for use as
corridors to allow the species to move freely between sites
used to meet essential life cycle requirements.
Criteria (f). Whether the habitat is necessary to ensure the
long-term future of the species or ecological community
through reintroduction or re-colonisation.
Shy albatrosses occupy most of the land area of the islands on
which they breed.
Wandering and Grey-headed Albatrosses do not breed on all
parts of Macquarie Island, but the entire island is critical to
providing isolation for each population and protection from the
impact of disturbance. Some of these populations are also
recovering from past declines and hence expanding, hence the
whole island is considered critical to their survival and future
Macquarie Island is also subject to feral animal control, with an
intensive control campaign focussed on the eradiation of feral
cats from the island.
Criteria (g). Any other way in which habitat may be critical to
the survival of a listed threatened species or a listed
threatened ecological community.
Environment Australia (2001f) Recovery Plan for Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels
Environment Australia (2002) Map of Habitat Critical to the survival of Wandering
Albatross, Grey-headed Albatross and Shy Albatross
Attachment C
Thalassarche chrysostoma (Grey-headed Albatross) – Macquarie Island
Listed Critical
Thalassarche chrysostoma (Grey-headed Albatross) –
Macquarie Island
Date Effective:
Location and
01 July 2002
Macquarie Island: About 13,000 ha, comprising all islands and
rocks above mean high water level, lying within the area bounded
by parallels 54°27' S and 54°49' S latitude and meridian.
Reasons for
Criteria (a). Whether the habitat is used during periods of
stress. Examples of period of stress: Flood, drought or fire.
Criteria (b). Whether the habitat is used to meet essential life
cycle requirements. Examples: Foraging, breeding, nesting,
roosting, social behaviour patterns or seed dispersal
All albatrosses spend more than 95% of their time traversing the
world’s oceans in search of prey, and usually only return to land
to breed. For southern hemisphere species, nesting typically
occurs on small islands scattered throughout the Southern
Ocean. Five species of albatross breed within Australian waters,
three of which are listed as threatened under the EPBC Act:
 Shy Albatross
 Wandering Albatross
 Grey-headed Albatross.
There are four major breeding locations under Australian
jurisdiction where these albatross species breed. These are:
 Macquarie Island
 Albatross Island
 Pedra Branca, and
 The Mewstone
These remote islands constitute the only suitable breeding habitat
under Australian jurisdiction and should be regarded as habitat
that is critical to the survival of the three albatross species in
Australian waters.
Criteria (c). The extent to which the habitat is used by
important populations. NB: An important population is one
that is necessary for a species’ long-term survival and
recovery. This may include populations that are: key source
populations either for breeding or dispersal, populations that
are necessary for maintaining genetic diversity, and/or
populations that are near the limit of the species range.
Because there are so few populations for these species in
Australia, all populations are important.
Shy Albatrosses breed only within Australia, and hence the
breeding habitats of this species (Albatross Island, Pedra Branca
and The Mewstone) comprise its entire breeding range. Each of
these populations appears to be genetically distinct.
Macquarie Island hosts the other two species of albatrosses. All
of these populations are very small and are critical for maintaining
the genetic diversity necessary to ensure the viability of these
species. Although these populations are likely to be genetically
distinct (based on data from other populations which have been
studied), no data currently exist regarding the genetic
distinctiveness of these populations.
Criteria (d). Whether the habitat is necessary to maintain
genetic diversity and long-term evolutionary development
If these island habitats were lost, it is unlikely that the species
which use them would persist. Albatrosses are extremely sitefaithful and the populations currently breeding on these islands
are unlikely to breed elsewhere.
Criteria (e). Whether the habitat is necessary for use as
corridors to allow the species to move freely between sites
used to meet essential life cycle requirements.
Criteria (f). Whether the habitat is necessary to ensure the
long-term future of the species or ecological community
through reintroduction or re-colonisation.
Shy albatrosses occupy most of the land area of the islands on
which they breed.
Wandering and Grey-headed Albatrosses do not breed on all
parts of Macquarie Island, but the entire island is critical to
providing isolation for each population and protection from the
impact of disturbance. Some of these populations are also
recovering from past declines and hence expanding, hence the
whole island is considered critical to their survival and future
Macquarie Island is also subject to feral animal control, with an
intensive control campaign focussed on the eradiation of feral
cats from the island.
Criteria (g). Any other way in which habitat may be critical to
the survival of a listed threatened species or a listed
threatened ecological community.
Environment Australia (2001f) Recovery Plan for Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels
Environment Australia (2002) Map of Habitat Critical to the survival of Wandering
Albatross, Grey-headed Albatross and Shy Albatross