Ermine Haidarum subspecies - Registre public des espèces en péril
... separation considerably more ancient than the last glaciation, but precise dating is not possible with current understanding of mutation rates. Once recent genetic data is fully considered, the Southeast Alaska population of the QCI lineage may, or may not, prove to be M. e. haidarum. In any case, t ...
... separation considerably more ancient than the last glaciation, but precise dating is not possible with current understanding of mutation rates. Once recent genetic data is fully considered, the Southeast Alaska population of the QCI lineage may, or may not, prove to be M. e. haidarum. In any case, t ...
Movements and hunting activity of house cats (Felis catus) living
... stoats. Predation appeared to be opportunistic and seasonal, with cats switching prey when availability changed. The mean number of prey items retrieved per cat per year was 11.5 ± 3.0 (5E). The number and type of prey retrieved was not significantly influenced by whether a cat was wearing a collar ...
... stoats. Predation appeared to be opportunistic and seasonal, with cats switching prey when availability changed. The mean number of prey items retrieved per cat per year was 11.5 ± 3.0 (5E). The number and type of prey retrieved was not significantly influenced by whether a cat was wearing a collar ...
Rangifer tarandus caribou By: Jennifer Renton
... al. 2007). Studies of this population have contributed greatly to how we understand woodland caribou and their interactions with predators (Bergerud et al. 1974; 2007). Additionally, this population has also become an economic driver in the small town of Terrace Bay in northern Ontario, with several ...
... al. 2007). Studies of this population have contributed greatly to how we understand woodland caribou and their interactions with predators (Bergerud et al. 1974; 2007). Additionally, this population has also become an economic driver in the small town of Terrace Bay in northern Ontario, with several ...
The Story of Noss National Nature Reserve
... There are conflicting reports of the number of pairs present at the end of the last century, with two references to about 50 pairs, but one of some 300 birds. Subsequent population estimates to the 1970s ranged from 17-60 pairs but did not perhaps suggest any significant population change. Since 197 ...
... There are conflicting reports of the number of pairs present at the end of the last century, with two references to about 50 pairs, but one of some 300 birds. Subsequent population estimates to the 1970s ranged from 17-60 pairs but did not perhaps suggest any significant population change. Since 197 ...
A Biophysical Profile of the Tristan da Cunha Archipelago
... Endangered, with the main threats being predation of its chicks by introduced mice on Gough Island, and low adult survival due to incidental mortality in long-line fisheries. ...
... Endangered, with the main threats being predation of its chicks by introduced mice on Gough Island, and low adult survival due to incidental mortality in long-line fisheries. ...
Feral goat management
... Australia, despite decades of control effort. Eradication from island habitats, however, has been successfully achieved in Australia (Daly and Goriup, 1987; Allen and Lee, 1995) and New Zealand (Parkes, 1990), and should be considered an option to protect native species and ecological communities on ...
... Australia, despite decades of control effort. Eradication from island habitats, however, has been successfully achieved in Australia (Daly and Goriup, 1987; Allen and Lee, 1995) and New Zealand (Parkes, 1990), and should be considered an option to protect native species and ecological communities on ...
Feral Swine Impacts on Agriculture and the Environment
... predators of marine turtle nests by excavating and feeding on the eggs (Stancyk, 1982; Lewis et al., 1996). Feral swine seriously threaten the nesting success of several threatened and endangered marine turtles including: the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) (federal; threatened); green (Chelonia mydas) ...
... predators of marine turtle nests by excavating and feeding on the eggs (Stancyk, 1982; Lewis et al., 1996). Feral swine seriously threaten the nesting success of several threatened and endangered marine turtles including: the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) (federal; threatened); green (Chelonia mydas) ...
Feral Swine Impacts on Agriculture and the Environment
... predators of marine turtle nests by excavating and feeding on the eggs (Stancyk, 1982; Lewis et al., 1996). Feral swine seriously threaten the nesting success of several threatened and endangered marine turtles including: the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) (federal; threatened); green (Chelonia mydas) ...
... predators of marine turtle nests by excavating and feeding on the eggs (Stancyk, 1982; Lewis et al., 1996). Feral swine seriously threaten the nesting success of several threatened and endangered marine turtles including: the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) (federal; threatened); green (Chelonia mydas) ...
Download dissertation
... process may be substantially influenced by rodents (Mendoza and Dirzo 2007). In the Pacific, invasive non-native animals such as pigs (Sus scrofa), rats, and mice (Mus musculus) can have pronounced effects on the flora and fauna of insular ecosystems (Williams et al. 2000; McConkey et al. 2003; Bie ...
... process may be substantially influenced by rodents (Mendoza and Dirzo 2007). In the Pacific, invasive non-native animals such as pigs (Sus scrofa), rats, and mice (Mus musculus) can have pronounced effects on the flora and fauna of insular ecosystems (Williams et al. 2000; McConkey et al. 2003; Bie ...
NOBANIS –Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet Neovison vison
... particular prevention actions should take place regarding the problems of (invasive) species and their massive distribution. The plan is to make farming conditions very strict (in existing farms) where new species could be brought into the country only for breeding activities. A recent Danish govern ...
... particular prevention actions should take place regarding the problems of (invasive) species and their massive distribution. The plan is to make farming conditions very strict (in existing farms) where new species could be brought into the country only for breeding activities. A recent Danish govern ...
The Outdoor Cat: Science and Policy from a Global Perspective
... Attention also focused on cats in the 1970’s in connection with the protection of threatened and endangered species. Cats had been widely introduced in the past onto many islands where rare and This literature review is intended to be a neutral synopsis of available information and does not reflect ...
... Attention also focused on cats in the 1970’s in connection with the protection of threatened and endangered species. Cats had been widely introduced in the past onto many islands where rare and This literature review is intended to be a neutral synopsis of available information and does not reflect ...
The impacts of an introduced mammalian predator (Mus musculus
... (Davies et al. 2006). The cultural evolution of humans has seen habitat destruction and pollution reach unprecedented levels. The dispersal of humans across the globe has resulted in the movement of organisms to areas where they would not otherwise have been present (Vitousek et al. 1997a). These or ...
... (Davies et al. 2006). The cultural evolution of humans has seen habitat destruction and pollution reach unprecedented levels. The dispersal of humans across the globe has resulted in the movement of organisms to areas where they would not otherwise have been present (Vitousek et al. 1997a). These or ...
A systematic review of the impacts of feral, stray and companion
... Human habitation is strongly linked to the decline of many species not adapted to urban environments (Radeloff et al. 2005). Alongside fundamental changes in habitat, and inability to adapt, myriad anthropogenic factors place significant pressure on natural or native populations of animals within th ...
... Human habitation is strongly linked to the decline of many species not adapted to urban environments (Radeloff et al. 2005). Alongside fundamental changes in habitat, and inability to adapt, myriad anthropogenic factors place significant pressure on natural or native populations of animals within th ...
Feral cat control research: Western Shield review
... Predation by Feral Cats (TAP) identifies these control techniques at the time as generally expensive, labour intensive and requiring continual application to be effective at controlling feral cats even over small areas (Environment Australia 1999). These existing methods, in their current form, are ...
... Predation by Feral Cats (TAP) identifies these control techniques at the time as generally expensive, labour intensive and requiring continual application to be effective at controlling feral cats even over small areas (Environment Australia 1999). These existing methods, in their current form, are ...
Feral cat control research: Western Shield review
... Predation by Feral Cats (TAP) identifies these control techniques at the time as generally expensive, labour intensive and requiring continual application to be effective at controlling feral cats even over small areas (Environment Australia 1999). These existing methods, in their current form, are ...
... Predation by Feral Cats (TAP) identifies these control techniques at the time as generally expensive, labour intensive and requiring continual application to be effective at controlling feral cats even over small areas (Environment Australia 1999). These existing methods, in their current form, are ...
Interactions between feral cats, foxes, native carnivores, and rabbits
... that a decline in rabbit abundance leads to an increased rate of predation on native species. It appears that in systems where rabbits are not the staple prey item, changes in rabbit abundance have little impact on populations of feral cats or foxes. Little quantitative information is available on t ...
... that a decline in rabbit abundance leads to an increased rate of predation on native species. It appears that in systems where rabbits are not the staple prey item, changes in rabbit abundance have little impact on populations of feral cats or foxes. Little quantitative information is available on t ...
reducing feral cat threats to native wildlife
... Figure 3.1. Location of feral cats sampled for diet analyses from Kīlauea and Mauna Loa in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, 2000–2005. ............................................................ 6 Figure 3.2. The remains of an `Ua`u (Hawaiian Petrel; Pterodroma sandwichensis) recovered from the dig ...
... Figure 3.1. Location of feral cats sampled for diet analyses from Kīlauea and Mauna Loa in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, 2000–2005. ............................................................ 6 Figure 3.2. The remains of an `Ua`u (Hawaiian Petrel; Pterodroma sandwichensis) recovered from the dig ...
Birds of the Chatham Islands
... human colonisation over the last 500 years. About 14 species are believed to have become extinct following Moriori colonisation (Appendix 1), and are now known only from their bones found in middens and natural accumulation sites. Some of these extinct species are yet to be formally described, inclu ...
... human colonisation over the last 500 years. About 14 species are believed to have become extinct following Moriori colonisation (Appendix 1), and are now known only from their bones found in middens and natural accumulation sites. Some of these extinct species are yet to be formally described, inclu ...
Breeding and population ecology of sooty terns on Ascension Island
... for assistance with ringing, and Mark Cutts and Tony Tindale for photographs. For commitment to ringing activities I am especially thankful to the ringing team led by Colin Wearn and ably supported by Roger Dickey. I am thankful to Dr Gale for ringing a cohort of 200 sooty tern chicks in 1975 and t ...
... for assistance with ringing, and Mark Cutts and Tony Tindale for photographs. For commitment to ringing activities I am especially thankful to the ringing team led by Colin Wearn and ably supported by Roger Dickey. I am thankful to Dr Gale for ringing a cohort of 200 sooty tern chicks in 1975 and t ...
The Zoogeography of Mammalian Basal Metabolic Rate
... Schmidt-Nielsen 1976; Lovegrove 1986; Lovegrove et al. 1991). Generally, abiotic associations are less common than biotic explanations, perhaps because early studies emphasized the lack of correlation with broad-scale geographic influences such as latitudinal temperature gradients (Scholander et al. ...
... Schmidt-Nielsen 1976; Lovegrove 1986; Lovegrove et al. 1991). Generally, abiotic associations are less common than biotic explanations, perhaps because early studies emphasized the lack of correlation with broad-scale geographic influences such as latitudinal temperature gradients (Scholander et al. ...
. American Mink, Neovison vison Overview Overview table Invasion
... is often a white patch on the chin but this species generally lacks the white upper lip shown by the European mink M. lutreola. It is a generalist and opportunist predator with a variable diet that includes aquatic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial prey. ...
... is often a white patch on the chin but this species generally lacks the white upper lip shown by the European mink M. lutreola. It is a generalist and opportunist predator with a variable diet that includes aquatic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial prey. ...
Sage-Grouse and Indirect Interactions: Potential Implications of
... effect of coyotes on jackrabbit populations, depressing coyote population densities by 50% resultedin an increasein the population density of jackrabbits (Henke and Bryant 1999). The interpretationthat predation by coyotes limits prey abundance is strengthened by evidence that most jackrabbit mortal ...
... effect of coyotes on jackrabbit populations, depressing coyote population densities by 50% resultedin an increasein the population density of jackrabbits (Henke and Bryant 1999). The interpretationthat predation by coyotes limits prey abundance is strengthened by evidence that most jackrabbit mortal ...
Draft Tasmanian Cat Management Plan for Public Comment
... The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE), has primary responsibility for administration of the legislation, but the legislation also provides for the involvement of Local Government through the appointment of authorised officers (under this Act or under the Dog Con ...
... The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE), has primary responsibility for administration of the legislation, but the legislation also provides for the involvement of Local Government through the appointment of authorised officers (under this Act or under the Dog Con ...
Non-lethal effects of predation in birds
... foraging opportunities, allowing use of a greater range of habitats and ability to forage on different prey, with knock-on effects on predators then obliged to hunt an alternative, more vulnerable prey species. Thirdly, because birds must incubate their eggs and brood their pre-fledging young, they ...
... foraging opportunities, allowing use of a greater range of habitats and ability to forage on different prey, with knock-on effects on predators then obliged to hunt an alternative, more vulnerable prey species. Thirdly, because birds must incubate their eggs and brood their pre-fledging young, they ...
Habitat use by three rat species (Rattus spp.) on an island without
... Traps were checked every morning and all rats removed. Rats in podocarp-broadleaf forest on Grid L were killed with an overdose of Halothane®. Rats caught in the shrubland on Grid L were anesthetised with Halothane®, identified to species, sexed, weighed, and ear-tagged for individual identification ...
... Traps were checked every morning and all rats removed. Rats in podocarp-broadleaf forest on Grid L were killed with an overdose of Halothane®. Rats caught in the shrubland on Grid L were anesthetised with Halothane®, identified to species, sexed, weighed, and ear-tagged for individual identification ...
Introduced mammals on seabird breeding islands

Seabirds include some of the most threatened taxa anywhere in the world. For example, of extant albatross species, 82% are listed as threatened, endangered, or critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The two leading threats to seabirds are accidental bycatch by commercial fishing operations and introduced mammals on their breeding islands. Mammals are typically brought to remote islands by humans either accidentally as stowaways on ships, or deliberately for hunting, ranching, or biological control of previously introduced species. Introduced mammals have a multitude of negative effects on seabirds including direct and indirect effects. Direct effects include predation and disruption of breeding activities, and indirect effects include habitat transformation due to overgrazing and major shifts in nutrient cycling due to a halting of nutrient subsidies from seabird excrement. There are other invasive species on islands that wreak havoc on native bird populations (e.g. brown snakes on Guam), but mammals are by far the most commonly introduced species to islands and the most detrimental to breeding seabirds. Despite efforts to remove introduced mammals from these remote islands, invasive mammals are still present on roughly 80% of islands worldwide.