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What Are Some Landforms?
Science Words
Landform [LAND•fawrm] part of Earth’s surface that has a certain shape and is
formed naturally.
Valley [VAL•ee] low land between mountains or
Valley begins with v. A valley is shaped like a v.
Canyon [KAN•yuhn] a valley with steep sides
Mountain [MOWNT•uhn] landform that is much
higher than the surrounding land.
Hill is landform that like a mountain but smaller than it.
plain [PLAYN] flat land that spreads out over a long distance
plain is plain land.
plateau [pla•TOH] flat land that spreads out over a long distance and is higher
than the land around it
Plateau and plain begin with the same sounds.
A plateau is a high plain.
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Choose the best answer:
1-Many shapes on Earth’s surface formed naturally. What is the name for a part
of Earth’s surface with a certain shape?
2-Which landform is a low area made by moving water or ice?
a hill
a mountain
a plateau
a valley
3-Which of these is a landform?
a cloud
a hill
a house
an ocean
4-What does this picture represent?
a hill
a mountain
a plateau
a valley
5-How are mountains, plains, and valleys alike?
They are all flat.
They are all covered with rocks.
They are all landforms.
They are eroded
Write the name of each landform:
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How Does Earth’s Surface Change Slowly?
Science Words
weathering [WETH•er•ing] the breaking down of rock into smaller pieces
Weathering may be caused by changes in weather, such as freezing and thawing
over and over again.
Weathering takes place over a long period of time.
Weathering has changed the shape of these rocks.
Erosion [uh•ROH•zhuhn] when soil, rock, or sand are moved
Glacier [GLAY•sher] a large, thick sheet of moving ice
Glaciers can cause erosion.
Glaciers cut paths through the ground.
As a glacier moves, it may pick up pieces of rock, sand, and soil.
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Choose the best answer:
1-Which of these is the name for the breaking down of rock into smaller
2-Which of these causes of erosion brings sand to a desert?
3-What is weathering?
the changing of soil into a layer of rock
the moving of soil from one place to another
the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces
the cracking apart of rocks with freezing water
4-What happens when wind or water moves rocks and soil
5-A big block of ice is
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How Does Earth’s Surface Change Quickly?
Science Words
Earthquake [ERTH•kwayk] a shaking
of Earth’s surface that can cause land to rise and fall
Volcano [vahl•KAY•noh] a mountain made
of cooled lava, ash, or other materials from
Melted rock that is underground is called
If magma reaches an opening, it may
explode onto Earth’s surface.
Melted rock on Earth’s surface is called lava.
Flood [FLUHD] a change that happens when
streams, rivers, or lakes get too full and overflow
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Choose the best answer:
1-Ann’s little brother asks her what a flood is. Which of the following should
Ann tell her brother?
A flood is a kind of change that happens slowly in the ocean.
A flood is what happens when many rocks tumble down a hill.
A flood is what happens when soil gets carried from a farm field to the ocean.
A flood is a kind of change that happens when the water in a river gets too high.
2-Amir sees this picture in a book.
Which of the following causes this kind of change?
an earthquake
a flood
a landslide
a thunderstorm
3-Sometimes, places on Earth shake so much that parts of the land rise and
fall. Which of the following is the name for this shaking?
4-This picture shows what can happen to trees and houses
when too much rain falls. What does this picture represent?
an earthquake
a flood
a landslide
a thunderstorm
5-What does this picture represent?
an earthquake
a flood
a landslide
a volcano
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6-which of these does not come out of an erupting volcano?
a. gases
b. ice
7-What is magma?
a. hot gases
b. melted rock
c.hard rocks metals
Complete the following:
1-A mountain that forms as lava flows through a crack into the Earth’s surface is
2-The shaking of the Earth’s surface caused by movement of rock in the crust is
3-A huge moving mass of ice is
4. The highest landform
5-A natural shape on Earth’s surface
6-Melted rock that is underground is called
7-Melted rock on Earth’s surface is called