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Music Appreciation 202
20th Century Music - Study Aid
20th Century Music (1900-2000)
1. MODERNISM - "assumptions" of music are challenged and/or
taken to extremes; can involve complex rhythms.
melodies and harmonies; "the wierder, the better"
BALLET (for a dance)
IGOR STRAVINSKY Part 1 from Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) (1913)
• Primitivism - recalling prehistoric power of rhythm and form
• From ballet based on story of ancient ritual sacrifice of a maiden
• Lots of rhythmic complexity - including SYNCOPATION and complex tone
colors (unusual combinations of instruments)
ARNOLD SCHOENBERG Mondestrunken (Moondrunk) from Pierrot Lunaire
(Moonstruck Pierrot) (1912)
• Super-complex harmonies with lots of dissonance called atonality
• Example of weird instrumental effects and scary-sounding half-sung/halfspoken vocal sound called sprechstimme (song-speech)
• Example of Expressionism - movement in arts seeking to express innermost
extreme feelings
2. NEO-CLASSICISM (includes neo-romanticism, neobaroquism, neo-renaissancism, and neomedievalism) - a reaction against the wierdness of
Modernism; a return to the past in thematic material
and formal structures
BELA BARTOK Second Movement: Game of Pairs from Concerto for Orchestra
• A B A' form - used Classical forms such as sonata and rondo in an established
form such as Concerto
• Used traditional melodic shapes
*ELLEN TAFFE ZWILICH First Movement from Concerto Grosso 1985 (1985)
• Uses instruments from the past - (harpsichord)
• Modelled after concerto grosso of Handel and Bach
• Example of Neo-Classicism (although it goes back to Baroque music)
(like a) CONCERTO(for orchestra)
BENJAMIN BRITTEN Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Op. 34(1946)
• Theme and Variations Form
• Theme is borrowed from the 17th-century Baroque composer Henry Purcell
3. MINIMALISM - a movement in music also reacting against the
complexities of Modernism; composers use simple
melodic and harmonic ideas and repeat them over and
over with very gradual changes
PHILIP GLASS Knee Play 1, from Einstein on the Beach (1976)
4. Popular Music-inspired, Folk-music-inspired, Jazz-inspired
Musics - composers look to popular, folk, and jazz
music for inspiration and musical material
BALLET (from a dance)
AARON COPLAND Section 7 from Appalachian Spring : Theme and Variations on
Simple Gifts (1943-44)
• Theme is based on early American Shaker folk hymn called Simple Gifts
WILLIAM GRANT STILL Third Movement from Afro-American Symphony (1931)
• Inspired by African-American spirituals and Jazz music
* New piece which haven't been covered yet in course
Important Terms and Concepts