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Mitosis & Meiosis Test Review
1. This is the generic term for both sperm and eggs. Hint: it starts w/ a G. (gametes)
2. What must happen to a cell’s DNA before it divides? (replication)
3. This is a segment of DNA that codes for an expressed trait. (gene)
4. An average human somatic cell has how many chromosomes? (46)
5. This term refers to a cell which contains 2 copies of each chromosome. (diploid)
6. This term refers to a cell that contains only one copy of each chromosome. (haploid)
7. In humans the 23rd pair of chromosomes are referred to as what? (sex chromosomes)
8. Give an example of a disorder that could be considered a trisomy. (Down syndrome)
9. What part of the cell cycle do cells spend the vast majority of their time in? (interphase)
10. What are the three phases of interphase and what is the cell doing in each? (G1, S, G2)
11. What is the process by which a cell divides its nucleus in two? (mitosis)
12. In humans, at the beginning of mitosis you start off with one cell with 46 chromosomes and end up with
___ cells with ___ chromosomes. (2, 46)
13. During what phase does crossing-over take place? (prophase I)
14. Genes are exchanged between homologous chromosomes during: (crossing-over)
15. The random distribution of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is called: (independent
16. Homologous pairs of chromosomes move to opposite poles during: (anaphase I)
17. After meiosis, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have in humans. (23)
18. The exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes is called: (crossing-over)
19. The product of mitosis is a cell which is genetically ____ to the parent cell (identical)
20. This is the phase of meiosis at which the cells become haploid. (Anaphase I)
21. For an ape, 2N = 42. If one cell undergoes meiosis the ape will end up with __ cells with ____
chromosomes each. (4, 21)
22. Separation of homologues occurs during which phase of meiosis? (anaphase I)
23. Which of the diagrams depicts a cell at the beginning of mitosis? (D)
24. Which of the diagrams above depicts a cell at the end of meiosis I? (E)
25. Which of the diagrams above depicts a cell at the end of meiosis II? (A)
26. Which of the diagrams above depicts a cell at the end of mitosis? (B)
27. What 2 processes are responsible for the genetic diversity of gametes? (independent assortment,
28. The stage of meiosis during which homologues line up along the equator of the cell is called ___?
(metaphase I)
29. The cells resulting from meiosis in either males or females are called __. (gametes)
30. The four haploid cells formed in the male at the end of meiosis II develop a tail and are called ___.
31. The process in which sperm and egg cells join is called ___. (fertilization)