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ENGR201 Circuits Lab Name: _________________________ Potentiometers, LEDs and Comparators Fall 2001 OBJECTIVES: To learn how to use a poteniometer to create a variable reference voltage. To learn how to use an LED as an indicator. To learn the operation of the LM311 I.C. voltage comparator. PART I - POTENTIOMETER A potentiometer (pot) is a variable resistance. Typically, the device has three terminals (see figures below), and the resistance between the outer two terminals is fixed. As the pot is adjusted, the resistance between the inner terminal and either outer terminal varies. Figure 1 - Physical and Schematic Representation of a Potentiometer A B C A B A C RAB RBC B RPOT RPOT = RAB + RBC C 0 RAB RPOT RPOT RAB 0 ENGR201 Lab: Potentiometers, LEDs and Comparators A 12V Page: 2 1. For the circuit shown RAC = 10 k, what should be the value of RBC in order to make the voltage reference, VREF = 2V? B + C 12V 2. Connect the circuit, adjust the pot until VREF = 2V, disconnect the pot and measure RBC and RPOT and compare your results to the predicted value of RBC in step #1. VREF - A 3. Calculate the values of RBC needed to make VREF = +2V, 0V, and -2V. B + - 4. Connect the circuit and verify that you can adjust VREF to the three values in step #1. + VREF - C + -12V A B Vs + C VREF - RL 5. If the pot is connected to a load resistor RL as shown, what should the size of RL be compared to the size of RBC so that the value of VREF is not affected significantly? Explain. 1. RBC = _______________ (calculated) 2. RBC = _______________ (measured) 3. [RBC]+2 V = _____________ [RBC]0 V = _____________ [RBC]-2 V = _____________ 5. __________________________________________________________________ ENGR201 Lab: Potentiometers, LEDs and Comparators Page: 3 PART II - LEDS A light emitting diode (LED) dissipates power in the form of light whenever current passes from anode to cathode (see figure below). If an attempt is made to make current flow from cathode to anode, the LED acts like an open circuit. Figure 2 - LED Operation Anode Cathode LED emits light Anode Cathode LED is Dark, I = 0 Typically, LED current should be about 20mA for proper brightness. Current levels significantly greater than 20mA may damage the diode. Therefore, a limiting resistor is used to limit LED current. I Assuming that the voltage across the LED is zero when the LED is on, calculate an appropriate value for Rlimit. Connect the circuit and verify the LED illuminates. Measure and record the value VLED. Rlimit 12V + VLED - Rlimit 12 V/20mA = _______________ VLED = _______________ ENGR201 Lab: Potentiometers, LEDs and Comparators Page: 4 PART III - COMPARATORS An LM311 voltage comparator can be thought of as a voltage-sensitive switch. Whenever (V2 – V3) = v < 0V (V2 < V3) then the switch is closed (the LED will illuminate in the circuit below). However, if v > 0V (V2 > V3) then the switch is open (the LED will be off). (Note: V2 = 12*2.2/49.2 0.5V) 470 47k 8 2 12V + V2 - + + v 2.2k 7 LM311 - 1 3 10k pot 8 - + V3 - 4 5 8-pin Mini DIP pin assignments 1 4 1. Connect the circuit shown and adjust the pot until the LED is off. 2. Re-adjust the pot until the LED comes on. Measure and record the value of V3 that causes the LED to illuminate and compare this to the measured value of V2. 3. Re-adjust the pot until the LED goes off. Measure and record the value of V3 . 4. Is the value of V3 that causes the switch to close the same value as the one that causes it to open? Is this a good thing? Explain. ENGR201 Lab: Potentiometers, LEDs and Comparators Page: 5 PART IV – A LIGHT SENSITIVE SWITCH A photocell (photoresistor) is a resistor that is sensitive to the amount of light it receives. The dark resistance may be several hundred k, while the light resistance is a few k or lower. This sensitivity to light makes a photocell ideal for many practical applications, including a photosensitive switch. 1. Measure the light and dark resistance of the photocell provided. 2. Modify the circuit from Part III to use the photocell so that the LED will illuminate in dark conditions and turn off when the photocell is exposed to light. 3. Show any calculations used to select component values. (Hint: replace the 47k / 2.2k resistor combination with a photocell and an appropriate resistor value.) ENGR201 Lab: Potentiometers, LEDs and Comparators Photo Cell Page: 6