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Kingdoms Study Guide
Use pages 58-103
1. Which kingdom lived on the island of Crete?
2. What was the Minoan capital city?
3. According to legend, what king owned a Minotaur that was kept in a
4. Which kingdom was located in present-day Lebanon?
5. What were the most important city-states of the Phoenicians?
6. Who adopted the Phoenician alphabet and changed the form of some of the
7. Which book is considered the Hebrew Bible?
8. Who was the “father” of the Hebrews?
9. What is monotheism?
10. Who led the Hebrews out of slavery?
11. What religion did the Hebrews follow?
12. What was the Hebrew kingdom from 1020 to 922BC?
13. When the Hebrew kingdom divided, what was the kingdom in the south
known as?
14. What was a tribute?
15. What Asiatic invaders ruled Egypt from 1640-1570 BC?
16. Which Egyptian pharaoh negotiated with the Hittite king in 1285BC?
17. Which kingdom lay South of Egypt between the first cataract of the Nile and
where the Nile divided into the Blue and the White Nile?
18. Which Kushite king defeated the Libyan dynasty in 751 BC?
19. What city did Assyrian king, Sennacherib, burn down?
20. Where did king Sennacherib establish the Assyrian capital that became home
to the first library?
21. What two groups of people burned down Nineveh?
22. What ancient wonder of the world did Nebuchadnezzar create in Babylon?
23. What Persian king governed with kindness and allowed the Jews to return to
their homeland?
24. What was a satrap?
25. What system of roads did Darius build from Susa to Anatolia?
26. Who was Zoroaster?
27. How do you think Cyrus and Sennacherib’s contrasting ruling styles affect
the way their people viewed them? (3 pts)