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a. Milgram’s Experiment
d. consciousness
g. Correlation Coefficient
j. Normal Distribution
m. Psychosomatic Disorders
p. Cognitive Dissonance
s. Semantic Memory
v Visual Depth perception
z Independent Variable
xx. Frequency
b. Traits
e. absolute threshold
h. Law of Effect
k. Personality
n. Positive Reinforcement
q. Unconscious
t. Functionalism
x. Mental Illness
ss. Socialization
yy. Empiricism
c. action potential
f. Socioeconomic status
i. control group
l. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
o. Just noticeable difference
r Social Influence
u. Gestalt Psychology
y Significant Difference
tt. attribution theory
zz. Classical Conditioning
______1. In Freudian theory, ideas, thoughts and feelings of which we are not aware
______2. A representation of a distribution in which one standard deviation would
include 68% of the scores.
______3. Research that showed that 68% or subjects will conform to the requests of
someone they believe to be in authority, even it the request could potentially
do harm.
______4. Actions performed by one or more persons to change the attitudes, feeling,
and/or behavior of one or more others.
______5. A unique pattern of traits, behaviors, and thoughts that persist through life..
______6. The least amount of stimulus that can be detected 50% of the time
______7 A view that science flourishes through observation and experimentation.
______8. The idea that people perceive objects as whole, rather than as parts; the whole
is greater than the sum of the parts.
______9. Behavior that results in a form of positive reward will persist and be “learned.”
______10. The ability to see objects in three dimensions.
______11. Theory that studies how the mind uses it’s abilities to exist in the environment;
______12. A mathematical expression of a relationship
______13. Process by which a child acquires patterns characteristic of his or her society.
______14. Awareness of self and environment
______15. Complex molecule containing genetic information to make up chromosomes.
______16. The idea that the rate at which nerve impulses reach the brain determines how
low a sound is, or the pitch of the sound.
______17. The smallest increase of decrease in a stimulus that a person can detect
______18. Inconsistencies among experiences set up an unpleasant state that people try
to reduce.
______19. A nerve impulse; generated by movement of positively charged atoms.
______20. This type of memory deals with meaning.
______21. A characteristic pattern of behavior or disposition to act and feel.
______22. Condition in an experiment that serves as a contrast for the experimental
______23. The results of statistical analysis would not occur by chance.
______24. Migraines and High-Blood pressure are examples of these
______25. The presence of this increases a desired behavior.
______26. The treatment or other factor that a researcher will control or manipulate.
______27. Explanation of someone’s behavior based on their mood, disposition, or
______28. A prolonged or reoccurring problem that interferes with an individual’s
ability to function in society.
______29. A measure based on family income, parental education level, parental
occupation, and social status in the community.
______30. Pairing a CS with a US and forming an association.
Questions 31-35 are Short Answer- Define the following:
31. Id :________________________________________________________________
32. Psychoanalytic Theory:_________________________________________________
33. Ego:_______________________________________________________________
34. Central Nervous System:_______________________________________________
35. Unconscious Motivation________________________________________________