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US History
Ch. 12 Sec 1-3
Week 8 Reading Guide
Ch. 12 Sec 1
The Road to War
As you read the section answer the following questions.
1. Which event sparked World War? ______________________________________________________________
2. Describe the first few years of World War I. ______________________________________________________
3. Which country actively encouraged anti-German feeling in the United States? ___________________________
4. What were the four underlying causes of World War I? Briefly explain each. ___________________________
5. What was the Schlieffen Plan? How did it impact the war? _________________________________________
6. How was the generals’ inexperience with the killing power of modern weapons lead to greater numbers of
dead? ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Why did most Americans oppose the Central Powers? ______________________________________________
8. Preparedness advocates argued that the United States should be doing what? ____________________________
9. The United States broke off diplomatic relations with Germany after what event? ________________________
10. How did militarism help start the Great War? ________________________________________________
11. Which of the Allies began mobilization first? ________________________________________________
12. Which of the Central Powers was led by an autocrat? __________________________________________
13. What tactics did the two armies use to try to break the stalemate? _____________________________
Key Terms
Central Powers
Ch. 12 Sec 2
The United States Declares War
As you read Section 2, complete each of the following sentences in the space provided.
1. German submarine warfare pushed the United States toward war because___________________________
2. Americans received a pro-Allied version of war events in Europe because__________________________
3. President Wilson began to support the idea of war preparedness because___________________________
4. In February 1917, Wilson broke off diplomatic relations with Germany because _____________________
5. The Zimmermann note pushed the United States closer to war because_____________________________
6. The Russian Revolution pushed the United States closer to war because___________________________
7. On March 20,1917, Wilson's Cabinet voted unanimously for war because___________________________
As you read the section answer the following questions.
1. What was the major factor in the decision of the United States’ to enter World War I? __________________
2. What was the Sussex pledge? ______________________________________________________________
3. What did Russia do after Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917? _________________________
4. How did the German U-boat change the rules of naval warfare? ___________________________________
5. What did most Americans think about German submarine warfare? ________________________________
6. German submarines aimed to attack ships that were carrying what? ________________________________
7. How did the Russian Revolution change Americans view of the war? ______________________________
8. What event caused Wilson to urge Congress to declare war on Germany? ___________________________
Key Terms
Zimmerman Note
Russian Revolution
Ch. 12 Sec 3
Americans on the European Front
As you read the section, answer the questions on the lines provided.
1. Describe the convoy system. What was its purpose? ___________________________________________
2. What was the role of African Americans in the military during World War I? ________________________
3. Describe the Selective Service Act. _________________________________________________________
4. Why did Congress pass the Selective Service Act? _____________________________________________
5. How did Americans respond to the Selective Service Act? _______________________________________
6. At Château-Thierry, American Marines achieved what strategic victory? ____________________________
7. How did Germany weakening military strength affect the Allies end of war objectives? ________________
8. What divisions existed among Allied troops in Europe? _________________________________________
9. How did Lenin’s takeover of Russia affect Germany’s war strategy? _______________________________
10. What was the effect of Russia’s exit from the war? _____________________________________________
11. How did American forces turn the tide of the war? _____________________________________________
12. How did illness add to the death toll in the final months of the war? ________________________________
13. What was the cost in World War I in terms of lives? ____________________________________________
Key Terms