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Name: Date: American History II Chapter 12 Revision The World War I Era Identify or Define: League of Nations Versailles Treaty Reparations U-boat Zimmerman note Fourteen Points Self-determination Liberty Bonds Sussex Pledge Great Migration Selective Service Act American Expeditionary Force price controls genocide militarism armistice mobilization convoy Central Powers Allies stalemate (WWI) Sedition Act Main Ideas: 1. What country promoted anti-German propaganda in the United States? 2. What was a major factor in the U.S. entering World War I? 3. What event sparked World War I? 4. What was the purpose of the convoy system? 5. What role did the government play in the economy during the war? 6. What were the main causes of World War I? 7. How did the leaders of the troops react to the new weapons used during WWI? 8. After Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917, what did he do? 9. Why did U.S. senators oppose American entry into the League of Nations? 10. What did President Wilson convince the Allies to accept at the peace negotiations? 11. What effect did the fear of spies and sabotage have on the U.S.? 12. As Germany was weakening, what did the Allies seek from Germany? 13. How did the German U-boat change the rules of naval warfare? 14. What was the purpose of the U-boat? 15. When did the U.S. break off diplomatic relations with Germany? 16. What effect did Russia’s exit from the war have? 17. What role did most African Americans have in WWI? 18. What event caused Wilson to urge congress to declare war on Germany? 19. What were the terms Germany had to accept from the Versailles Treaty? Essay: 5 Points each 1. What role did public opinion play in the United States’s decision to enter World War I? 2. Your text states, “Waging war required many sacrifices at home.” What evidence can you cite to support this conclusion?