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World History and Geography
Winning the War and Making the Peace
Guided Reading Questions
Chapter 27: Sections 4 and 5
Reading: p.705-713
Discussion Questions
Winning the War
1. How was WWI a Total War? Please explain TWO Examples.
2. Why did Russia withdraw from WWI in 1918? What was the Treaty of BrestLitovsk?
3. Who became the leader of Russia as a result of their civil war?
4. Describe THREE reasons why the United States entered WWI in 1917.
5. How was the United States able to “turn the tide” and push the Allies to victory?
6. What finally led to the defeat of the Central Powers during WWI?
Making the Peace
7. Who were the “Big Three?”
8. What was the Treaty of Versailles?
9. What new countries were formed after WWI? (refer to map)
10. What countries lost territory as a result of WWI? Who lost the most territory?
“The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the
responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to
which Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been
subjected as a consequence of the war imposed on them by the aggression of
Germany and her Allies”
Use the above passage to answer #11
11. What did Germany have to declare as a result of the Treaty of Versailles? Was
this true? Please explain.
12. Explain the major provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. (War Guilt Clause,
Reparations, German Military)
13. How did the Treaty of Versailles fail to create lasting peace in Europe?
14. What was the Mandate System? Did this create lasting peace in Europe? Please
15. At the time, WWI was believed to be “The war to end all wars.” Later on, the
Treaty of Versailles was labeled “The biggest blunder in world history.” Why is
this undoubtedly true?