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Name:________________________________________ Date: ________________ Period:__________
What is an “endemic”?
 Prefix “en-” means __in_______
 Root “demos” means __people_________ or __population______
 So, an endemic is an __illness____________ that is present in a
__community____________ at all times but in ___low______
What is an “epidemic”?
 Prefix “epi-” means __upon___________
 Root “demos” means _people_____ or _population__________
 So, an epidemic is when more than the __expected___________
_number___________ of cases of diseases occur in a
____community______ or ____region__________ during a
period of time; when disease spreads __rapidly______ and
extensively, is a _sudden___________, ____severe_______
What is a “pandemic”?
 Prefix “pan-” means __all__________
 Root “demos” means _people_______ or __population_________
 So, a pandemic is an __epidemic______________ that becomes
very __widespread______________ and affects a whole region, a
___continent________________, or the __world_____________
Why do epidemiologists diseases?
In order to determine the __frequency_____ and __distribution_____ of
disease and __measure_________ the risks to __others_____. These are
public health officials who gather information to establish the
_expected_________ and __alert________ society when disease is taking
an __unexpected_________ course. They also study the causal
relationships between diseases.
Decide if each is true or false. Put __F___a) The 1918 Spanish flu and the Black Plague are extreme examples
a “T” for true and an “F” for false. of epidemics. (should be pandemics)
__T___b) A pandemic doesn't necessarily mean millions of deathsit means a geographically widespread epidemic.
__T___c) An influenza pandemic occurs when: A new subtype of virus
arises. This means humans have little or no immunity to it; therefore,
everyone is at risk.
__F____d) An epidemic is usually worldwide. (a pandemic = worldwide)
__F____e) There are 30 cases of the common cold found at McDougle
Middle School (slightly less than last year). This would be considered an
epidemic. (this would be considered nothing, especially since it is less
than average)
__T____f) Just like the 1918 Spanish Influenza, a pandemic can occur in
waves, and all parts of the world may not be affected at the same exact
Currently, how is the Avian Flu
transmitted to humans?
_Close_____ _contact_________ with __infected______________ birds
is the principal source of H5N1 human infections; currently only transmits
from _bird______ to ___human__________, and has not figured out how
to transmit __human______ to __human_______; spread to other
countries through spring ___migration_______________ patterns
Give an example of an epidemic.
In Haiti, there is a large outbreak of Cholera (bacterial disease that
causes dehydration). After the 2010 earthquake, in little over two
years, as of August 2013, it has killed at least 8,231 Haitians and
hospitalized hundreds of thousands more while spreading to
neighboring countries including the Dominican Republic and Cuba.
Since the outbreak began in October 2010, more than 6% of Haitians
have had the disease.
Give an example of a pandemic.
The 1918 Spanish Influenza – infected 500 million people worldwide
and killed around 50 million. In Wave 2, it was extremely prevalent in
North America, Africa, and Europe.
Give an example of something that is
not considered an epidemic or a
A single case of pneumonia was diagnosed in a community.
Why are some reasons that a virus Virus particles do not _grow________ once they have formed; they do not
take in any ___energy____________; viruses are able to
is not a living thing?
_reproduce______ only by “__taking___ _over__” a cell and using that
cell to make new viruses; viruses usually contain nothing more than their
_genetic______ __material____ and a protective outer _protein________
Why do viruses need a host cell to
reproduce? (E148)
Viruses __cannot_______ __reproduce__________ by themselves.
Viruses have to use ____materials_____ within ___living___ cells to
make __copies_______ of themselves. The viral DNA uses the host cell's
___machinery______ to break down the host cell's __DNA___ and
produce the parts of new viruses.
Decide if the following is a
characteristic of Bacteria (B),
Fungi (F), or Parasite (P).
__B____a) can live in a variety of places (with oxygen, without oxygen,
extreme hot, extreme cold)
___F___b) are eukaryotic, nonphotosynthetic organisms, spore-producing,
and most are multicellular
___P___c) an organism that feed on another individual, known as the host.
They either live on or in their host’s body
__B___d) reproduce through binary fission, a form of asexual reproduction
__F____e) can reproduce both sexually and asexually
__F____f) an example of a disease caused by this microbe is athlete's foot
__P____g) an example of this microbe is a tapeworm that live in the small
intestine of their host and absorb nutrients directly through their skin
__B____h) may help (such as decomposition) or harm (such as poisoning
the body) other organisms
___F____i) causes mold to grow on bread, and, therefore, this microbe can
compete with humans for nutrients (from our food sources)
They ___grow______ and ______divide___________ extremely rapidly.
What allow bacteria to adapt
quickly to environmental changes? This causes bacterial populations to double quickly under optimal
Why do you have to get a flu
vaccine annually? (Instead of just
once in a lifetime)
Viruses are constantly changing and ___mutating__________ (meaning
they can evolve). These changes can happen ___slowly_______ over time
or suddenly.
What is the difference between
antibiotics and vaccines?
Antibiotics and vaccines are both used to fight germs but they work in
different ways. While __vaccines______________ are used to prevent
disease, __antibiotics______________ are used to treat diseases that have
already occurred. In addition, antibiotics do not work on _viral_________
illnesses such as common cold or flu.
Short Answer: Explain this
Antibiotic resistance is:
is a worldwide public health problem that continues to grow. It occurs
when strains of bacteria in the human body become resistant to
antibiotics due to improper use and abuse of antibiotics. (occurs when
an antibiotic has lost its ability to effectively control or kill bacterial
at is
Why is antibiotic resistance happening?
The improper use and abuse of antibiotics has led to the development
of antibiotic resistance. The most common misuse and abuse of
antibiotics are:
e? Why is this resistance
y is
al concern?
 Physicians prescribing antibiotics for viral infections
 Not finishing the full dosage of the antibiotic. When an
antibiotic prescription is not finished (even leaving one or two
pills), it leaves some bacteria alive and "resistant" to future
antibiotic treatment.
Why is this now a global concern?
Almost every type of bacteria has become stronger and less responsive
to antibiotic treatment when it is really needed. These antibioticresistant bacteria can quickly spread to family members, schoolmates,
and co-workers - threatening the community with a new strain of
infectious disease that is more difficult to cure and more expensive to
In the first blank, tell which microbe
causes these diseases (virus, bacteria,
fungus, or parasite). In the second
blank, give a brief description of the
a) Blastomycosis: _fungi_______; ___caused by a fungus that lives in
moist soil and people that engage in activities that expose them to
wooded areas are at highest risk
b) Malaria: _parasite____________; __caused by a parasite that
commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans
(found most typically in Sub-Saharan Africa).
c) Pneumonia: __bacteria___________; __an infection of the lungs that
is treated with antibiotics and ventilation (oxygen supplement)
d) Common Cold: ___virus__________; ___a virus that spreads
through tiny, air droplets that are released when the sick person
sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose.
Resources to study from:
(1) “What Should We Call This?” Sheet (2) “Assessing Bird Flu” Sheet
(3) Spanish Influenza 1918-1919 Packet (4) The Epidemiological Triangle
packet (5) Textbook (6) Links/Resources on Teacher's Website