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A drug with powerful, but short-lived, effects. Cocaine temporarily speeds up the
processes of your mind and body. Smoked freebase or crack are absorbed more
quickly and tend to be much stronger and more addictive than snorted powder
cocaine. All forms of cocaine prepared for injection are very addictive.
 makes users feel on top of the world
 act like ‘amphetamine’ but stronger and doesn't last as long
 can raise the body’s temperature, make the heart beat faster and stave off feelings
of hunger
 snorted coke takes a while to peak and the effects last for around 20-30 minutes
‘Crack’ is a form of cocaine made into small lumps or rocks which make a cracking
noise when burnt. It's powerful but with short-lived effects, usually smoked in a pipe,
plastic bottle or in foil. You can easily smoke ‘crack’ in this way. Both powder and
crack cocaine can be prepared to make a solution for injecting.
 makes users feel on top of the world
 acts like ‘amphetamine’ but stronger and doesn't last as long
 can raise the body’s temperature, make the heart beat faster and stave off feelings
of hunger
 the effects are virtually immediate, peaking for about 2 minutes and lasting for
only about 10 minutes
This is often called the original designer drug because of its synonymous relationship
with rave culture in the early 90s. Clubbers took ecstasy to stay awake and dance for
hours. The effects take about half an hour to kick in and tend to last between 3 to 6
hours, followed by a gradual comedown.
 gives people an energy buzz that makes them feel alert and alive
 users feel in tune with their surroundings – sounds and colours are more intense
 users often feel great love for the people they're with and the strangers around
them - lots of people feel chatty on E (these chats don't always make sense to
people who aren't on an E)
Heroin is a natural substance extracted from the opium poppy and is a very strong
painkiller. It can be smoked, dissolved in water and injected or, if high purity, it can
be snorted. ‘Street’ heroin ('brown') is sometimes used by clubbers as a chill out
after a night out. Brown is still heroin but some people mistakenly think it's not as
slows down body functioning and substantially reduces physical and
psychological pain
most users get a rush or buzz a few minutes after taking it
a small dose gives the user a feeling of warmth and well-being
bigger doses can make the user sleepy and very relaxed
first dose can cause dizziness/vomiting
LSD or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is a drug originally derived from ergot, a fungus
found growing wild on rye and other grasses. It’s commonly called acid. The
experience users have is known as a trip and these can be good or bad. A good trip
can be a lot of fun. A bad trip is your worst nightmare come to life.
 a ‘trip’ can appear to involve a speeding up and slowing down of time and
 colour, sound and objects can get distorted and users can experience double vision
 trips can heighten the mood you’re already in
 there is no evidence LSD is addictive
Magic Mushrooms
Magic mushrooms are mushrooms which grow in the wild that produce similar
effects to LSD when you eat them. There are two main types and they are both very
different. The most common form is a species called psilocybe, the other more
potent variety is amanita muscaria. There are also deadly poisonous forms.
 effects
can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours to happen. The strongest part of
the trip takes 4-10 hours and the after-effects usually last a further 2-6 hours
 can distort colour, sound and objects
 can speed up/slow down your sense of time and movement. You may feel like
you're dreaming when you're awake.
 users can feel more emotional
‘Speed’ is the street name for a range of amphetamines, that people take to keep
them awake and alert. The effects kick in within half an hour of ingesting it by
mouth. If you inject it you’ll experience the effects quicker and these effects can last
for up to six hours. The high is generally followed by a long slow comedown.
 makes people feel wide awake, excited and chatty
 clubbers take it because it gives them the energy
to dance for hours without
getting tired
 amphetamines were once the main ingredient in diet pills because they stop
people feeling hungry
Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in Britain. Made from parts of the
cannabis plant, it’s a naturally occurring drug. It can cause a chilled out feeling and
users may also see reality in a distorted way. The active compound in cannabis is
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
 some
people may feel chilled out, relaxed and happy, while others have one puff
and feel sick
 others get the giggles and may become talkative
 hunger pangs are common and are known as 'getting the munchies'
 users may become more aware of their senses or feel time is slowing down
 Can experience hallucinations
Gammahydroxybutrate (GHB) and GBL (gammabutyrolactone) are closely related,
dangerous drugs with anaesthetic effects. GBL converts to GHB shortly after entering
the body. Both can kill you and are particularly dangerous when used with alcohol
and other “slowing-down” substances.
 GHB and GBL produce essentially the same effects - they both produce a feeling of
euphoria and can reduce your inhibitions and make you feel sleepy
 repeated use of GHB is known to cause dependence in some people and this is
likely to be true for GBL as well
Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are a drug which mimic the effect of testosterone by increasing cell
activity thus building up muscle tissue. They're meant to be used to treat anaemia
and muscle weakness after surgery. Not to be confused with other kinds of steroids
such as corticosteroids - that is a different drug often used to treat asthma and
 sports enthusiasts claim steroids make them able to train harder
 if taken during a strict exercise regime, they can help build muscle mass
 they can also help users recover from strenuous exercise faster
 users can become psychologically dependent - after stopping, withdrawal
symptoms can include headaches, lethargy and depression.
Tranquillisers are manufactured drugs produced to treat anxiety, depression and
insomnia. Prescribed by a doctor, they're designed to reduce anxiety and promote
calmness, relaxation and sleep.
 tranquillisers
have a sedative effect, they work by depressing the nervous system
and slowing the body down
 they relieve tension and anxiety and make the user feel calm and relaxed
 big doses can make a user forgetful and send them to sleep
 they can cause psychological and physical addiction
Ketamine is a short-acting but powerful general anaesthetic which has been used for
operating on humans and animals. It has powerful hallucinogenic qualities (with a
distortion of objects and reality). Ketamine first appeared on the streets in the States
in the 70s.
 ketamine
can cause perceptual changes or hallucinations like LSD - users can trip
for up to an hour and may feel after-effects for some hours
 can give the user a floating feeling as if the mind and body have been separated
 the drug can reduce bodily sensations
 users can become psychologically but not physically dependent on ketamine
Methadone is one of a number of synthetic opiates (also called opioids) that are
manufactured for medical use and have similar effects to heroin. Methadone and
Subutex (Buprenorphine) are used as opiate substitutes for heroin in the treatment
of heroin addiction.
 opiates
are drugs that depress the nervous system - they slow down body
functioning and reduce physical and psychological pain - the effect is usually to
give a feeling of warmth, relaxation and detachment
 can help to relieve feelings of anxiety
 see also the effects of heroin
PMA looks like and is being sold as Ecstasy. The effects are very similar to E but PMA
is much stronger and can cause a fatal rise in body temperature. The effects of PMA
take longer to happen. Some users have taken a fatal overdose by mistakenly taking
pill after pill thinking nothing is happening.
 gives people an energy buzz that makes them feel alert and alive
 users feel in tune with their surroundings – sounds and colours are more intense
 users often feel great love for the people they're with and the strangers around
 lots of people feel chatty on PMA (these chats don't always make sense to people
who aren't on the drug)
Solvents cover a huge number of substances including gas lighter refills, aerosols
containing hairspray, deodorants and air fresheners, glue, paints, cleaning fluids,
surgical spirit and petroleum products. When inhaled, solvents have a similar effect
to alcohol. They make people feel uninhibited, euphoric and dizzy.
 users say it's like being drunk with dizziness, dreaminess and the giggles
 you can hallucinate (for up to 45 mins)
 the hit is quite short so users tend to keep repeating the dose
 can give people a 'hangover' afterwards, giving them severe headaches and leaving
them tired
 can leave a red rash around the mouth
Legal Highs
The ‘legal highs’ that are available change very quickly. In Jan 2011, legal highs called
Eric 3 and Diablo were in the news. There is very little reliable information about
these drugs. Most of what we know comes from people who have used the drugs.
Some of these reports indicate that they might act as stimulants, similar to speed
 Little is known about their side effects or how safe they are to take. In many cases,
the seller will not actually know the answer to these questions.
 As they may act like stimulants, they may make you feel alert, euphoric and chatty.
But they may also cause anxiety, agitation, paranoia and psychotic states, and they
may become compulsive to use and create a state of dependence.
Nicotine is an alkaloid from the nightshade family of plants and is most commonly
found in tobacco (cigarettes). Previously used as an insecticide, it is now the
substance which makes smoking so continuous and addictive.
Nicotine can both invigorate and relax a smoker, depending on how much
and how often they smoke.
Nicotine initially causes a rapid release of adrenaline causing an increase in
heart rate and increased blood pressure.
Can decrease appetite
The type of alcohol that features in the alcoholic drinks we drink is a chemical called
ethanol. To make alcohol, you need to put grains, fruits or vegetables through a
process called fermentation. Once the alcohol is absorbed into the tissue, it affects
your mind and body. Blood alcohol concentration can rise up to 20 minutes after
having a drink.
Short-term effects include:
slurred speech
Loss of coordination
Unsteadiness when standing or walking
Impaired attention and judgement then sleepiness
Loss of inhibition
Long-term effects can include brain damage and liver failure.
It’s closely related o amphetamines, which increase brain and nervous system
activity in a similar way to cocaine and ‘speed’. Methamphetamine has stronger
effects that last longer than speed, the most common amphetamine. “Crystal Meth”
is the crystallised version of this substance and is extremely strong and addictive.
Users can feel very up, exhilarated, alert and awake.
They may also feel agitated, paranoid, confused and aggressive.
Smoking Crystal Meth, a purer form of methamphetamine, gives a very
intense 'high' similar to crack cocaine but much longer lasting - between 4
and 12 hours.
PCP, or phenylcyclohexylpiperidine, is a drug with strong distortion properties. It's
sold as a white crystalline powder which can be prepared for injection, sniffing,
smoking or swallowing. A liquid form, commonly called embalming fluid, can also be
found. PCP is frequently laced with other illicit substances (such as marijuana) and
the buyer is not made aware of its presence.
Even in low doses, PCP can lead to severe psychological trauma
Users may feel agitated and paranoid, leading to outbursts of violent behaviour
including self-mutilation
Large doses can cause respiratory arrest or kidney failure
Excessive doses can lead to convulsions and even death
It can be difficult to administer safe doses of a drug whose strength wildly
Benzodiazepines are a group of medicines that are sometimes used to treat panic
attacks, depression, insomnia, seizures, nausea, and vomiting. They can also be used
for muscle relaxation. Examples include: diazepam, lorazepam (trade name Ativan®),
chlordiazepoxide, oxazepam, temazepam, nitrazepam, flurazepam, loprazolam,
lormetazepam, clobazam and clonazepam.
Main effects are the decreasing of brain and central nervous system activity
which lower anxiety and make users sleepy and relaxed.
Much controversy on the long term effects of its use which can include
cognitive impairment and behavioural problems.
Can become severely addiction with powerful withdrawal symptoms after use.
Nitrous Oxide
More commonly known as laughing gas it is often used at parties, where it is filled
into balloons and inhaled from for entertainment. It is a non-flammable colourless
gas with a slightly sweet odour and taste. It is also used as an anaesthetic in
When inhaled it can cause euphoria and excessive laughing and giggling.
Can also sedate users and relieve pain.
Dissociation of the mind can be quite common and excessive use can cause
Morphine is an opiate drug that is used as a pain reliever. It has euphoric properties
and can be highly addictive if used recreationally. It is most commonly used for
medical purposes as a painkiller, antitussive, and for its smooth muscle constricting
Anxiety relief and pain relief are the most common effects.
Can cause drowsiness.
 In some cases, users can feel euphoria which can lead to addiction to the
Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical called trimethylxanthine. It is a drug, and
actually shares a number of traits with more notorious drugs such as
amphetamines, cocaine and heroin. In its pure form, caffeine is a white crystalline
powder that tastes very bitter. It is medically useful to increase heart rate and also
serves as a mild diuretic, increasing urine production to flush fluid out of the body.
Caffeine increases heart and central nervous system activity, and is also
known to increase blood pressure in the short term.
Can cause high blood pressure and weight loss in some cases.
DMT is the common name for the distortion drug dimethyltryptamine. DMT is found
naturally in the mammalian brain and is theorized to play an important role in
thought processing, dreaming and near-death experiences, as well as meditation and
out-of-body experiences such as astral-projection. When smoked or ingested, DMT
induces an intense psychedelic state.
Physical effects of DMT include slightly elevated blood pressure, heart rate,
pupil diameter, and rectal temperature.
Mental effects include severe hallucinations where you feel as if you have
entered into another world.
Users can lose the understanding of what is real and what is not.
Methylphenidate is a drug which increases activity in the central nervous system . It
affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and
impulse control. Methylphenidate is used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD)
and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is also used to treat
uncontrollable periods of daytime sleep (narcolepsy).
Has a notably calming effect on hyperactivity and a focusing effect on
children with little concentration.
Can cause nervousness, insomnia, loss of appetite, vomiting and dizziness.
Barbiturates are a group of drugs in the class of drugs known as hypnotics, which
generally describes their sleep-inducing and anxiety-decreasing effects. People
perceive users of this drug to be intoxicated or “too drunk”. While barbiturate abuse
may not be as talked about as some other drugs, statistics show that it is a significant
health risk.
Effects include altered level of consciousness, difficulty in thinking,
drowsiness or coma, faulty judgment and lack of coordination.
Shallow breathing, slow or slurred speech, and sluggishness can also occur.
Poppers are usually found in the form of a liquid chemical (a nitrite) sold in a small
bottle. Commonly, the chemical is alkyl nitrite. Other nitrites like amyl nitrite (and
butyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrite) have also used been used. Nitrites dilate the blood
vessels and allow more blood to get to the heart.
The key effects of poppers can include:
A short, sharp head-rush like high.
Enhanced sexual experiences.
Chemical burns to body tissues – with the development of a rash around the
nose and mouth, and/or irritation of the nose and throat.
Feelings of sickness, faintness and weakness.
Death – if swallowed; or if used by individuals with heart problems.
More commonly known as the “date-rape” drug, rohypnol is a powerful substance
which depresses the central nervous system. Victims have been incapacitated and
sexually assaulted after having their drink spiked with this drug. It can take effect as
quickly as 10 minutes after administering, and reach its peak at 8 hours where it will
leave the user unconscious.
The drug creates a sleepy, relaxed, and drunk feeling that lasts 2 to 8 hours.
Other effects may include blackouts, with a compete loss of memory.
Dizziness and disorientation, nausea, difficulty with motor movements and
speaking also occur.