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1. Cocaine
2. Crack
3. Ecstasy
4. Heroin
5. LSD
6. Magic Mushrooms
7. Speed
8. Cannabis
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9. GBL & GBH
10. Anabolic Steroids
11. Tranquilisers
12. Ketamine
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13. Methadrone
14. PMA
15. Solvents
16. Legal Highs
1. Cocaine
Cocaine is a stimulant with powerful,
but short-lived, effects. Stimulants
temporarily speed up the processes of
your mind and body. Smoked freebase
or crack are absorbed more quickly
and tend to be much stronger and
more addictive than snorted powder
cocaine. All forms of cocaine prepared
for injection are very addictive.
3. Ecstasy
This is often called the original
designer drug because of its
synonymous relationship with rave
culture in the early 90s. Clubbers took
ecstasy to stay awake and dance for
hours. The effects take about half an
hour to kick in and tend to last
between 3 to 6 hours, followed by a
gradual comedown.
2. Crack
‘Crack’ is a form of cocaine made into
small lumps or rocks which make a
cracking noise when burnt. It's a
powerful stimulant with short-lived
effects, usually smoked in a pipe,
plastic bottle or in foil. You can easily
smoke ‘crack’ in this way. Both powder
and crack cocaine can be prepared to
make a solution for injecting.
4. Heroin
Heroin is a natural opiate extracted
from the opium poppy and is a very
strong painkiller. It can be smoked,
dissolved in water and injected or, if
high purity, it can be snorted. ‘Street’
heroin ('brown') is sometimes used by
clubbers as a chill out after a night out.
Brown is still heroin but some people
mistakenly think it's not as addictive.
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5. LSD
LSD or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is a
hallucinogenic drug originally derived
from ergot, a fungus found growing
wild on rye and other grasses. It’s
commonly called acid. The experience
is known as a trip and these can be
good or bad. A good trip can be a lot
of fun. A bad trip is your worst
nightmare come to life.
7. Speed
‘Speed’ is the street name for a range
of amphetamines, stimulants that
people take to keep them awake and
alert. The effects kick in within half an
hour of ingesting it by mouth. If you
inject it you’ll experience the effects
quicker and these effects can last for
up to six hours. The high is generally
followed by a long slow comedown.
9. GHB and GBL
Gammahydroxybutrate (GHB) and
GBL (gammabutyrolactone) are
closely related, dangerous drugs with
sedative and anaesthetic effects. GBL
converts to GHB shortly after entering
the body. Both can kill you and are
particularly dangerous when used with
alcohol and other depressant or
sedative substances.
Tranquillisers are manufactured drugs
produced to treat anxiety, depression
and insomnia. Prescribed by a doctor,
they're designed to reduce anxiety and
promote calmness, relaxation and
sleep. There are hundreds of different
tranquillisers around but most common
are the Benzodiazepines.
6. Magic Mushrooms
Magic mushrooms are mushrooms
which grow in the wild that produce
similar effects to LSD when you eat
them. There are two main types and
they are both very different. The most
common form is a species called
psilocybe, the other more potent
variety is amanita muscaria. There are
also deadly poisonous forms.
8. Cannabis
Cannabis is the most widely used
illegal drug in Britain. Made from parts
of the cannabis plant, it’s a naturally
occurring drug. It is a mild sedative
(often causing a chilled out feeling)
and it’s also a mild hallucinogen (you
may see reality in a distorted way).
The active compound in cannabis is
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
10.Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are similar to and
include the male hormone
testosterone. They're meant to be
used to treat anaemia and muscle
weakness after surgery. Not to be
confused with other kinds of steroids
such as corticosteroids - that is a
different drug often used to treat
asthma and eczema.
Ketamine is a short-acting but powerful
general anaesthetic which has been
used for operating on humans and
animals. It has powerful
hallucinogenic qualities (with a
distortion of objects and reality).
Ketamine first appeared on the streets
in the States in the 70s.
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Methadone is one of a number of
synthetic opiates (also called opioids)
that are manufactured for medical use
and have similar effects to heroin.
Methadone and Subutex
(Buprenorphine) are used as opiate
substitutes for heroin in the treatment
of heroin addiction.
Solvents cover a huge number of
substances including gas lighter refills,
aerosols containing hairspray,
deodorants and air fresheners, glue,
paints, cleaning fluids, surgical spirit
and petroleum products. When
inhaled, solvents have a similar effect
to alcohol. They make people feel
uninhibited, euphoric and dizzy.
2. Crack -.The Effects
 makes users feel on top of the world
 acts like the stimulant ‘amphetamine’
but stronger and doesn't last as long
 can raise the body’s temperature, make
the heart beat faster and stave off
feelings of hunger
 the effects are virtually immediate,
peaking for about 2 minutes and lasting
for only about 10 minutes
4. Heroin - The Effects
1. slows down body functioning and
substantially reduces physical and
psychological pain
2. most users get a rush or buzz a
few minutes after taking it
3. a small dose gives the user a
feeling of warmth and well-being
4. bigger doses can make the user
sleepy and very relaxed
5. first dose can cause
14. PMA
PMA looks like and is being sold as
Ecstasy. The effects are very similar
to E but PMA is much stronger and
can cause a fatal rise in body
temperature. The effects of PMA take
longer to happen. Some users have
taken a fatal overdose by mistakenly
taking pill after pill thinking nothing is
16.Legal Highs
The ‘legal highs’ that are available
change very quickly. In Jan 2011 Eric
3 and Diablo were in the news. There
is very little reliable information about
these drugs. Most of what we know
comes from people who have used the
drugs. Some of these reports indicate
that they might act as stimulants,
similar to speed (amphetamine).
1. Cocaine - The Effects
 makes users feel on top of the world
 acts like the stimulant ‘amphetamine’
but stronger and doesn't last as long
 can raise the body’s temperature, make
the heart beat faster and stave off
feelings of hunger
 snorted coke takes a while to peak and
the effects last for around 20-30 minutes
3. Ecstasy - The Effects
 gives people an energy buzz that makes
them feel alert and alive
 users feel in tune with their surroundings
– sounds and colours are more intense
 users often feel great love for the people
they're with and the strangers around
 lots of people feel chatty on E (these
chats don't always make sense to
people who aren't on an E)
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6. Magic Mushrooms - The
 effects can take between 30 minutes to
2 hours to happen. The strongest part of
the trip takes 4-10 hours and the aftereffects usually last a further 2-6 hours
 can distort colour, sound and objects
 can speed up/slow down your sense of
time and movement. You may feel like
you're dreaming when you're awake.
 users can feel more emotionally
creative or
8. Cannabis
- The
 some people may feel chilled out,
relaxed and happy, while others have
one puff and feel sick
 others get the giggles and may become
 hunger pangs are common and are
known as 'getting the munchies'
 users may become more aware of their
senses or feel time is slowing down, due
to the drug’s hallucinogenic effects
10. Anabolic Steroids - The
5. LSD - The Effects
 a ‘trip’ can appear to involve a speeding
up and slowing down of time and
 colour, sound and objects can get
distorted and users can experience
double vision
 trips can heighten the mood you’re
already in
 there is no evidence LSD is addictive
7. Speed - The Effects
 makes people feel wide awake, excited
and chatty
 clubbers take it because it gives them
the energy to dance for hours without
getting tired
 amphetamines were once the main
ingredient in diet pills because they stop
people feeling hungry
9. GHB and GBL - The Effects
 sports enthusiasts claim steroids make
them able to train harder
 if taken during a strict exercise regime,
they can help build muscle mass
 they can also help users recover from
strenuous exercise faster
 users can become psychologically
dependent - after stopping, withdrawal
symptoms can include headaches,
and depression
12. Ketamine
- The Effects
 GHB and GBL produce essentially the
same effects - they both produce a
feeling of euphoria and can reduce your
inhibitions and make you feel sleepy
 ketamine can cause perceptual changes
or hallucinations like LSD - users can
trip for up to an hour and may feel aftereffects for some hours
 can give the user a floating feeling as if
the mind and body have been separated
 the drug can reduce bodily sensations
 users can become psychologically but
not physically dependent on ketamine
 tranquillisers have a sedative effect,
they work by depressing the nervous
system and slowing the body down
 they relieve tension and anxiety and
make the user feel calm and relaxed
 big doses can make a user forgetful and
send them to sleep
 they can cause psychological and
physical addiction
 repeated use of GHB is known to cause
dependence in some people and this is
likely to be true for GBL as well
11. Tranquillisers - The Effects
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14. PMA - The Effects
13. Methadone - The Effects
 gives people an energy buzz that makes
them feel alert and alive
 users feel in tune with their surroundings
– sounds and colours are more intense
 users often feel great love for the people
they're with and the strangers around
 lots of people feel chatty on PMA (these
chats don't always make sense to
people who aren't on the drug)
 opiates are sedative drugs that depress
the nervous system - they slow down
body functioning and reduce physical
and psychological pain - the effect is
usually to give a feeling of warmth,
relaxation and detachment
16. Legal Highs - The Effects
15. Solvents - The Effects
 Little is known about their side effects or
how safe they are to take. In many
cases, the seller will not actually know
the answer to these questions.
 As they may act like stimulants, they
may make you feel alert, euphoric and
chatty. But they may also cause anxiety,
agitation, paranoia and psychotic states,
and they may become compulsive to
use and create a state of dependence.
 users say it's like being drunk with
dizziness, dreaminess and the giggles
 you can hallucinate (for up to 45 mins)
 the hit is quite short so users tend to
keep repeating the dose
 can give people a 'hangover' afterwards,
giving them severe headaches and
leaving them tired
 can leave a red rash around the mouth
Class A
Class B
Class C
 can help to relieve feelings of anxiety
 see also the effects of heroin
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