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14.1 Revolutions in Russia
Guiding Question: What was the greatest contributing factor to the Rise of Communism in Russia
1. In 1881 why were revolutionaries
Autocracy- a form of government in which
the leader has total power
2. List two ways how Czar Alexander III use
his autocratic rule:
3. How did Alexander III establish a uniform
Russian culture?
Pogroms- organized violence against Jews in
which Russian citizens looted and
destroyed Jewish homes, stores and
4. How did Nicholas II finance the
industrialization of Russia?
5. Describe the Trans-Siberian Railroad:
6. Why did industrialization in Russia lead to
7. What did Marxist revolutionaries believe
would be the outcome of industrial class
workers overthrow of the czar?
Proletariat- workers
8. How do the Menshevik and Bolshevik ideals
9. Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks and
why did he flee to Western Europe?
10, Predict how the Russian losses in the
Russo-Japanese war would encourage
revolutions in Russia
11. Why did Russian workers and families
approach the czar’s winter palace on
January 22, 1905?
12. What was the czar’s response and what
did this event become known as?
Duma- Russia’s first parliament
13. How did the leaders of the Duma want
the government to be run and what was the
czar’s response?
14. How did WWI reveal the czar’s
15. How did Rasputin impact Russia?
16. What was life like in Russia in 1916?
17. Who led the riots in March 1917 and what
were their reasons?
18. What was the outcome of the March
Provisional Government- temporary
government established by the Duma after
the czar was forced to step down
19. Who was the leader of the Provisional
government and how did decision to
continue fighting WWI cost him?
20. What are Soviets?
21. Why did Germany support Lenin’s return
to Russia?
22. Why do you think people would support
Lenin’s slogan of “Peace, Land, and
23. How was the Bolshevik Revolution
different from the March Revolution?
24. What are three things Lenin did once the
Bolsheviks were in power?
25. Why were the Russian people upset with
the Bolsheviks?
26. What groups made up the White Army
and what was the one thing they had in
27. How was the Russian Revolution more like
the French Revolution than the American
28. What were the key components of the
29. Why was Russia’s name changed to the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?
30. How did the Communist party not truly
create Marx’s vision of communism?
31. Describe Stalin’s rise to power:
Summary (answer the guiding question):