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You must include main ideas and details in each category
Civilization/Nation/Group - Rome
Rome's economy was based on trading around the Mediterranean for valuable products.
 Commercial agriculture with trade of grain that began in Sicily
 promoted public works
 supported in creating storage facilities
 regulating important supplies
 free-farmers were allow to own land
 landowners would put together farmer workers to work with the over populating size
 many farmers went into debt because it was law farmers must have crop within 5
years of their planting
Social class in the Roman civilization was a strict based ideal, where there were
3 major groups’ patricians, plebeians, and slaves, where most laws would
usually only go to the male population.
Social Class was split into 3 major groups patricians, plebeians, and slaves.
Patricians were the head of the house basically the father; this group contained the
aristocracy of the civilization: the government with the 2 consuls and the legislative
body of the senate
Plebeians were the common folk who were usually poor. Plebeians usually work for
the patricians. Trading with the Patricians were not allowed.
Slaves were a major part of the Roman culture, slaves would do the housework such
as tutoring the children or some slaves would work in mines. Work could lead to
Slaves death
Plebeians sometimes would have kids that would have their parents sell them into
slavery for money
Merchants were on the higher end on the social class because of the strong
international trade with the other classical civilizations.
Family structure is a very strict and tight were father was the head and the women was
only in control of economic functions( farming and artisans). However if a women
was to commit a fault, the husband would have to punish where Perciles stated “
women [is] not to show more weakness . . . for the good or for the evil among men.”
This was changed when the republic occur where women was able to divorce men but
losing some part of their land
Based on heredity, property, wealth, and citizenship
Most of it was free farmers who had their own community, own beliefs
When the republic forms upper classes change
Middle class- free farmers were view on the lower side
The people of Rome was to be ruled with fairness and everyone would have a fair vote, like
democracy today.
 Legislative body,Senate and Two consuls that have the highest power
 Only if needed Legislative power could get rid of the consul if anything were to
 Roman Empire was made up of city states were people could debate for laws
 The empire would carefully create laws to keep territories together
 The laws were tried to be created to protect all types of people, even the protection of
the poor
 First early code of law, Twelve Tables, to keep the social class stable
 Rome was to rule objectively rather than on “personal whim”
Interactions in Rome were focused on trading international, but little values were influenced
from trading.
 Traded with Mediterranean and Asia
 Rome expanded South the Africa
 Even trade for the Asian goods, lead them to know nothing about the culture, and
people only the type of goods they sold
During the roman empire, there was no central religions but as the empire grew all the beliefs
were put together in Christianity.
 The religion gave the foundation to Christianity
 people were highly interested into religion to believe in higher spirituality
 Aristotle saw religion to help people have a balance in human behavior instead of
politics; politics => large ego
 Socrates questioned the ideas on the government and he believed that religion could
help improve their soul
 Pluto’s thinking was similar to Confucianism.
 “ No one religion that influenced the most, no main religion” Jessica.
 “ Sacrifices were made to maintain their god’s happiness” Kevin S.
 “ They had an open mind about other religions they accepted other religions as well.”
 No central religion
The culture in Rome dedicated their time to the arts in religion, and different philosophies.
 Aristotle collected biological data
 Romans mainly believe in ethical and political theory
 important invention – aqueducts was to have a better water supply
 religion supplied artistic ideas for decorating temples
 Roman writings were significant in enjoying the literacy of the Latin language
 By creating visuals and arts, it adds to decorate to the wealth homes. Paintings were
usually on Roman goddesses and gods, and some scholars would also create a heroic
feel for the home
 Athletic performances; chariot races, and gladiators; where most of it took place in the
Inventions like the aqueducts was used to promote a better lifestyle in the Roman Empire.
 Aqueducts to have a more efficient water supply
 Roads were created for travelers and rest stops for people traveling
 Colosseum an area for events was the highlight building of the time and still exists
 For the military, the Romans had Batista to attack from a far distance
 Romans use sundials and water clock to tell time
 Ships was an important invention for trading