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Communicable Diseases Review Packet
Name: _____________________ Date:_________ PD.________
Directions: Use your PowerPoint and your textbook to answer the following questions.
1. Susceptible2. Relapsing3. Monogamous4. Abstinence5. Remission6. Outbreak7. Lymphocytes8. T-Cells9. B- Cells10. Antibodies11. Pathogens12. Immunity13. Vaccine14. Kaposi’s sarcoma
15. AIDS Dementia Complex16. HIV Wasting Syndrome17. Opportunistic Infections-
18. List the 4 parts the immune system is made up of.
19. What 4 things on our skin kill pathogens?
20. We have ________ lymphocytes per cubic millimeter of blood.
21. Our ________ Cells produce our antibodies that fight pathogens.
22. Antibodies are special ____________ that fight off pathogens
23. Receiving antibodies from another persons blood stream is called ____________ immunity.
24. ___________________ is the study of the spread of disease.
25. ____________ are the smallest known pathogen.
26. List the 6 ways pathogens are spread.
27. What are the four causative factors of disease.
28. Your first line of defense is made up of your _______, ________, __________,
29. Your Second line of defense is made up of your _______________, & _________________.
30. ____________ immunity is given to you at birth from your mother but it is only
31. HIV attacks your ________ cells.
32. People do NOT die from HIV or AIDS they die from _______________ ________________.
33. List the ONLY four fluids that can transmit HIV.
34. What two fluids contain HIV but do NOT have the ability to transmit?
35. _________ was the first documented case of HIV in the US.
36. How long does it take for HIV antibodies to show up in the bloodstream?
__________________ this is called the _____________ period.
37. It is possible to not show any signs of HIV for up to ________ years.
38. What is the name of the first test people take to find out if they have HIV?_____________
39. The ___________ ___________ test is given only after 2 _________ Elisa tests.
40. _____________________ drugs are the specific drugs used to treat HIV.
41. Explain what TWO things these drugs do to the immune system that helps people live
longer with HIV.
42. ____________ is the most common bacterial infection and ____________ is the most
common viral infection.
43. Chlamydia causes inflammation of the ______________________.
44. _________ is a serious infection of the reproductive organs.
45. Explain ectopic pregnancy46. ______________ infects the linings of the genitals and the ____________ ___________.
47. ______________ treat bacterial infections.
48. A skin rash, tiredness, headache, swollen glands are a few symptoms of the _________
stage of syphilis.
49. _________________ drugs treat the symptoms only of herpes I & II.
50. A strand of HPV can cause __________ cancer in woman.
51. Early symptoms of Hepatitis look like the ______________.
52. Pediculosis is an infestation of ___________ __________.
53. What is the best way to REDUCE your chance of contracting an STI if you are sexually
54. T/F The birth control pill will protect you against STI’s?
55. __________________ causes a genital infection.